PEUGEOT 3008 test drive since 2009 minivan

French duel

Peugeot 3008: diesel against a hybrid.

What is more profitable for diesel or hybrid? Is it possible to find a reasonable compromise between speed, care of ecology and economy? The motor decided to compare the advantages of a hybrid and diesel on the example of Peugeot 3008 and went to his homeland in French Alsace.
The first in a fight for the title of the cleanest car climbed Toyota Prius. I am the most economical! Thanks to the electric motor, I have low fuel consumption and I am loved by celebrity ecology! This is how the Japanese hybrid positioned himself. But diesel cars also had many adherents.
Diesel consumes quite a bit of fuel, he does not need expensive and heavy batteries. This logic was guided, for example, in Volkswagen, releasing the Polo special version with a three -cylinder diesel, which spent a little more than three liters per hundred. However, strict environmental norms gradually complicated the life of tractor engines: it is difficult to achieve good dynamics and not have harmful emissions. When it became fashionable to create environmentally friendly machines, they forgot about diesel for a while, and many European manufacturers took up gasoline hybrids. Why gasoline? For a long time they could not solve the problem of smooth launch and stopping diesel engines, there were problems with vibrations and the starter resource. Therefore, preference was given to gasoline hybrids.
But to whom, as not one of the largest manufacturers of diesel engines in Europe, Peugeot, was to take up the creation of a diesel-electrical hybrid. They took it, made and have been selling the world's first mass car with a hybrid PEUGEOT 3008 heavy fuel for almost a year now.
The hybrid version of the 3008th is easily identified by a new radiator grill with horizontal stripes, as well as a pair of chrome nameplates on the sides and a small spoiler on the fifth door. The hybrid is largely unified with the usual diesel machine, for example, the same two -liter diesel power with a capacity of 163 horsepower. And the main differences in the transmission and the rear suspension, which is independent of the hybrid. The gearboxes are also different: it is robotic on the hybrid, and a hydromechanical machine is on the diesel engine. Finally, the hybrid boasts all -wheel drive, which is implemented using an additional electric motor that drives the rear wheels, and the diesel remained exclusively front -wheel drive.
In the cabin, all the differences between the versions boil down to different selectors of the gearboxes, plus, the environmentally friendly 3008th has a puck of choosing a hybrid installation operating mode: Auto, Sport, ZEV and 4WD, and instead of a tachometer on the dashboard, a silicometer is located. It shows the return of the power plant (as a percentage of maximum), demonstrates the battery charge level and reports when the car is ready to move exclusively on electricity.
The path from the Paris Headquarters of Peugeot to the factory in Sosho (Elsas) of the final point of our trip is about 600 kilometers. Who will win? The duel on the highway lost the hybrid. True, there were mitigating circumstances: part of the route is my colleague, experiencing fate, poured all the money. That is, he drove noticeably faster than permitted 130 kilometers per hour.
The fines have not yet arrived, but significantly exceeding the speed on the freeway, he turned all the ecolological developments of Peugeot overweight. Three quarters of the tank burned before we drove half the route.
It got to the point that on the last segment of the path I had to go into strict savings mode by the computer predicted by the computer was clearly less than the remaining area.
With the air conditioning, headlights, a radio and with a cruise control, the fuel consumption was almost equal to the passport. In a fair wind, the power plant consumed about five liters significantly less than 12-15 liters, which were displayed on the on-road computer screen on a high-speed section. However, the pleasure of such economical driving, from a trip to the subway. Monotonous and hot.
But by car with a diesel engine, everything is familiar and familiar. She rides better than a hybrid, accelerates confidently and easily takes the rises. Without wiring, electric motor and batteries, which weigh 130 kilograms in total, the car feels more confident on a winding road. Moreover, with the installed suspension Dynamic Roll Control, compensating for the roll. The rear shock absorbers here are connected by a common hydraulic cylinder: in direct areas, this allows the suspension to work out irregularities, and in corners the shock absorbers are alternately clamped, which helps to reduce the rolls.
Small delay in the machine is compensated by a good diesel pickup, and the smoothness of switching fits perfectly into the measured manner of riding French drivers. As a result, fuel consumption was very small: about six liters per 100 kilometers. But the main thing is easily predicting. It turns out that Diesel won?
If we consider the torn, twitching Russian driving style, plus traffic jams, then the diesel will turn out more economically. The hybrid will be more difficult for us in Moscow to reserve the battery only for a small mash, and then the electric motor will simply turn into excess load.
Nevertheless, a hybrid car is capable of saving not only on paper. But in order to understand this, the conditions in which he can prove his worth. Around the city of Sosho, where PEUGEOT is located, a special route has been laid, along which Bosses Peugeot love to ride when they are demonstrated by new products. A hybrid 3008, it seems, was created for such villages at least all technologies really work here.
On an ideal highway laid between villages, the speed is limited to 110 kilometers per hour. On it, the hybrid behaves like an ordinary car moves due to the diesel engine, recharging the battery on the descents and braking. The car will be able to go to the electric trim after charging the battery into four divisions, but on such a road it is easy to fill it to the maximum seven.
In the villages, the speed decreases: restriction 60, and in some areas even 30 kilometers per hour. You can’t joke with signs, because the cameras here are more common than on paid highways. But through the whole village for several kilometers, the car easily passes only in the electric trim. The horsepower forces of the electric motor (and there are only 38 of them) is unlikely to be enough for impressive starts from traffic lights, but in order to defeat the French village is quite enough.
And so it happened: about a third of the 62-kilometer village route was passed on clean electricity. Of the 74 minutes spent on the trip, a little more than half an hour did not make any harmful emissions. The average speed was 50 kilometers per hour, and the consumption fell to 4.4 liters per 100 kilometers. The only problem of heat. In Alsace, the temperature rose to 35 degrees, and when driving an electric protrusion, the air conditioner does not work.
Therefore, the hand was drawn to turn on the sports regime, where both the dynamics is better and the temperature regime does not change at every stop.
It turns out that our French competition between the hybrid and diesel ended according to the rules of the Russian duel when they shoot five steps and the result is largely predictable. And the point is not only that fuel consumption still depends on the most unreliable part of any driver’s car. The main problem is price. It is for this reason that the hybrid version has not yet appeared in Russia.
And the victory of the diesel version can only be recognized with a stretch. Since the summer of 2012, version 3008 on heavy fuel is available in our market, but only with 1.6 engine and a robotic gearbox. The price of this car is large 939,000 rubles for the initial equipment without the Dynamic Roll Control magic suspension. A two -liter option, and even with an automatic machine would have treated even more expensive. In the amount with which you are hardly easily parted when buying a pseudo-in-arms without all-wheel drive, albeit with a small fuel consumption.

Per hour on a teaspoon
Fuel saving recipe from Peugeot engineers
◉ accelerate smoothly and slow down smoothly
◉ Follow the tire pressure
◉ Do not use climate control if there is no need for this
◉ Do not carry luggage on the roof

Hybrid modes:
AUTO The main mode of the hybrid. As soon as the number of divisions stocked by the battery reaches four, the car will be able to drive in an electric trim. However, at the city speeds, along with the main engine, air conditioning is also turned off. Save, so save.
Sport allows you to go very dynamically, converting a robotic box into a more active mode. The electric motor is practically not used, but the battery is actively charged during braking.
ZEV, as soon as the Ready lamp caught fire on the dashboard, the car is ready to spend all the accumulated energy in the electric car mode. The best result is 3-4 kilometers at a speed of 50-60 kilometers per hour.
4WD forcibly includes both a diesel engine and an electric motor, turning 3008 into a full -wheel drive crossover. The range is limited by the volume of the battery if it is discharged, the car again turns into a front -wheel drive.
Toyota Prius The most affordable hybrid in our market. Unfortunately, this does not mean that it is cheap rather the opposite. For the price, it is comparable to the top all -wheel drive crossovers. It is a pity that for savings you need to pay such a high price. The initial equipment for a machine with a 1.8 engine and an electric motor starts at 1,189,000 rubles.
Ford Kuga is one of the most economical crossovers available on the market. With front -wheel drive and manual gearbox on the Kuga highway shows very good results only five liters per 100 kilometers. In addition to small consumption, diesel is also the most affordable version (959,000 rubles). For an all -wheel drive version of the same car, you will have to pay 185,000, but in the end you will receive a full -fledged all -around.
Opel Meriva If you forget about the high clearance of Peugeot 3008 and its electronic off -road ambitions, then a more suitable and economical compactwane, simply cannot be found. Under the hood of this family car, a 1.7 diesel engine is installed. With a manual gearbox, the suburban consumption will be only 4.5 liters per 100 kilometers, and with automatic it will rise to 5. The prices for the car start from 777,500 rubles.

Source: Motor magazine [July 2012]

Video test drives Peugeot 3008 since 2009

Video Crash tests Peugeot 3008 since 2009

PEUGEOT 3008 Crash Test since 2009

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
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Active security system