Test drive Nissan Terrano II 5 doors 2002 - 2005 SUV

... 9500 km

Our editorial Nissan ended the period of cloudless childhood. After 500 km, he will have the first exit. Or rather, the first. In anticipation of this significant event and against the backdrop of a formidable warning from the accounting department about the need to protect the official technique, we thought on a burning topic - which costs the content of the prestigious (old standards) machine in the conditions of the ratio of the ruble -dollar (by new standards).
The main cost item for any motorist is gasoline. The declared consumption of Nissan Terrano II in the city cycle is 13.3 liters per 100 km. In theory, a full tank should be enough for 550-600 km, but practice shows that Nissan falls to the cranes every 450-500 km with daily active driving around the city. That is, the real fuel consumption is about 16 liters per 100 km.
The passport recommended fuel with an octane number of at least 91, and at the beginning of our long-term test we were refueling AI-92 gasoline. Which was advised to you, but with a reservation about the need for regular application of additives for cleaning and polishing the fuel system. This continued until one of the editorials of fisheries flooded the full tank of the 95th, arguing his misconduct by the fact that our 95th is their 92nd. We did not carry out laboratory analysis, but Terrano runs on the 95th much more freak, and we decided to feed it to them.
We will believe the algebra - we will calculate what the active exploitation of a new jeep in the city, say, in a month, pours out. On average, we refuel Nissan once every five days, without waiting for the moment when the indicator of the absence of fuel caught fire. That is, 60 liters were poured six times a month. The average price of the AI-95 for the duration of the signing of the number in print was 3.60 rubles. We will deal with arithmetic: 3.60 rubles. x 60l x 6 \u003d 1296 rubles. In order to save money, we substitute the cost of AI -92 - an average of 3.00 rubles: 3.00 rubles. x 60l x 6 \u003d 1080 rubles. If we take into account that once a month it is advisable to fill a good additive, which costs about 100 rubles, then the savings will be a little more than 100 rubles. per month.
Who said that there is no segregation in our state? Obviously, the one who never drove around Moscow in a car falling under the definition of a jeep. Here is an example: after gloriously spent the weekend we rolled into Moscow and immediately fall under the shelling of zealous guardians of order - the entry into Moscow of contaminated vehicles is prohibited! Here it is, the moment of truth. We wrap in the nearest autobana and read the price list: domestic cars - 50 rubles, foreign cars - 60 rubles, jeeps - 70 rubles. Here is freedom, equality and brotherhood. One gets the impression that most of the Moscow workers of a rag and shampoo believes that each owner of a jeep is an illegitimate son of Rockefeller. In general, put about 280 rubles a month in the rainy season on the car sink.
The driver's proverb says: the more leaks - the fresh oil. It, of course, is true if you are the owner of a Lada of an advanced age and with a mileage of more than 50 thousand kilometers. And what if a natural circulation of liquid in the lubrication system does not occur in the engine of your machine? Naturally, regularly change this very oil (together with an oil filter). Total: the cost of the Nissanovsky filter is about 120 rubles, plus a five -liter bank of good oil - about 1200 rubles. If you do not want to get dirty yourself - but you definitely don’t want to, then the oil replacement in the engine will cost you 2000 rubles. By the way, we decided to make it after 10,000 km of run, although the instruction recommends resorting to this procedure every 5-7.5 thousand kilometers in the conditions of intensive urban operation of the machine.
It is recommended to replace the coolant with foreign production machines every 50 thousand kilometers. But in a jeep, which regularly works in extreme mode, it is advisable to carry out this procedure once a year, before frosts. Volume - 7 liters. Pour native antipsychot, at a price of 7.5 rubles. per liter, we do not recommend - imported engines are not designed for it. Therefore, buy, for example, an American green antifreeze for 1200 for a jar and dilute it with water in a proportion of 3.5 liters of water per gallon (4.85 liters) of antifreeze. It will just be possible for a sufficient amount of antifreeze in order to completely season the system, and will still remain on the top.
It also seems to us that you will have to change the front brake pads. But now, before a trip to the service and, most importantly, until subsequent communication with the accounting department, it is better not to think about it
Nikolai Kachurin, Dmitry Novokreshhenov (photo)

Source: "Autopilot"

Test drives Nissan Terrano II 5 doors 2002 - 2005