Test drive Nissan Skyline compartment 2002 - 2007 sedan

A review with addiction Nissan Skyline 250gt Type P, 2006

Technical characteristics of the car Skyline 250gt Type P:
Length 4755 mm x width 1770 mm x height 1450 mm.
Wheel base: 2850 mm.
Machine weight: 1580 kg.
Drive: rear
Engine: 2.5-liter, 6-cylinder, V-shaped, DOHC gas distribution mechanism with 24 valves, developed capacity 165 KW (225 hp) at 6800 rpm, the largest torque 263 NM (26.8 kg/m) at 4800 rpm.
Transmission: a 5-speed automatic gearbox in which a manual switching mode is provided
The basic price of the car: 3 million 318 thousand yen
Precisely because the car likes ...
It should be said right away: when working on the new Skyline car, it was decided to focus mainly on the tastes and habits of drivers of men with experience whose age has already reached 50 years of age, or even more. This has its own logic. In fact, it is easiest to convince of the need to purchase a new Skyline car for those drivers for whom the current Skyline is far from the first. Or, if otherwise, who are already accustomed to give their preference to the machines of this family. Most of these drivers are just about 50 age groups, which in itself is understandable enough to remember how many years ago, figuratively speaking, the Skyline star ascended. Remember? Now figure out how many years should be fulfilled to all those young men who enthusiastically observed this sunrise and have spent all subsequent years under the sign of this star! Of course, Skyline fans are also enough among young people, for example, among those who are now from 30 to 40. However, they discovered Skyline magic when the release of car GT-R category R32 ~ R34 has already begun, and therefore their idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal car of this family is slightly different than that of drivers of more mature age. In addition, among drivers from 30 to 40, the percentage of those who are mainly oriented mainly for cars such as minivan is very high, and for which Skyline does not mean anything. To bet on the drivers of this age group, as well as trying to make a car that would struck in the heart of both of them would be a big mistake. Therefore, the aesthetics of Skyline was unconditionally taken as a basis, as 50-year-old drivers understand it. What is it? Yes, everything is the same: the machine should have decent running qualities and have a more or less decent interior decoration. The developers did the right thing or not a separate conversation. However, what happened in the end can be regarded as a classic Skyline of the highest sample.
At the same time, it is impossible not to notice that 10 ~ 20 years ago it was enough to simply announce the release of the new Skyline with excellent traction characteristics, and there would be no end to buyers. But when the window is already 2006, counting only one speed - this is clearly not enough, you will not go far on this. Taste and addictions are changing, customers need to demonstrate something new. And this, just, the developers of the new car did not manage. Well, and the buyers, apparently, were already tired of waiting for the Skyline concept, the developed god news when, finally, he will begin to transform into something more significant, so this car becomes less and less prestigious.
So, in order to make a new round not only in terms of technical improvement, but, mainly in terms of maintaining your authority, it seems to me that it is a little to show potential owners that, in addition to the speed of Skyline, no less significant advantages have appeared . What are these merits? - you ask. Honestly, I don't know. Well, here, take, at least a new engine with direct fuel injection. In terms of further improvement of the traction characteristics of the machine, this type of engine, of course, is another step forward. At the same time, everyone is now so actively discussing environmental safety issues that ecology and ecology are only heard on every corner. Here you have to equip the new Skyline not only with a new engine (when it is ready), but also a hybrid thrust system. And give all this under the motto give a balance between speed and ecology!, but only at a higher level. Given the current situation and, most importantly, modern fashion, this may well become a kind of hit of the season. Or, for example, the 4WAS steering system (the abbreviation is deciphered as 4 Wheel Active Steering), because it opens up new opportunities in terms of improving active security means, right? Well, so declare this in public: the new Skyline has become safer than before! In fact, is there really nothing to stir up drivers at an unpromising age from 30 to 40 and try to wean from driving on minivans, if not all, then at least a small part? Or, say, to impress the imagination of those owners who simply do not know due to their even younger age, what is the Skyline car? I am sure that it is possible, but for this you need to find some new, unusual means. I want to be correctly understood: I am by no means criticizing the current appearance and filling of the Skyline car. No and no again! Just, on the contrary, I am very high about the running qualities of this machine, it pulls so that it is, but they will forgive me for this involuntary pun, cannot but attract me, and that is why I would so like that the new Skyline car had everything What I was talking about.
It is fast and moves like rails
In fact, with regard to the ability of the new Skyline car, moving, then I probably don’t have enough words to convey how I felt when I was driving. However, I will still try, and start with the description of the engine. When I began to gamble, the crankshaft, however, continued to rotate surprisingly smoothly, but at the same time very energetic. Moreover, this power reserve was felt even when the tachometer arrow was a stone's throw from the border with the red zone, that is, when the revolutions approached 7500 per minute. Moreover, it seemed that even if the engine gains prohibitive turns, the machine would still be able to increase its speed. Moreover, I am only talking about an engine with a working volume of 2.5 liters. So, a car with such a motor can be called high -speed, this definition corresponds to the character of the car in the most direct way. As for his brother with a 3.5 -liter engine, I am afraid, when moving on public roads, the car is unlikely to introduce himself to the car, this is so unsafe.
When you get acquainted with the car in absentia, so to speak, studying its passport data, a 5-speed automatic gearbox may seem (it happened to me personally) not quite a successful variant transmission. And, nevertheless, when it came to business, she began to switch so accurately and in a timely manner that there was no question of any inconsistency. Incidentally, on machines more expensive configuration, a manual switch lever is provided, which is placed on the column behind the steering wheel. This lever is made of high -strength magnesium alloy and sewn into the skin - in a word, everything is as it should. But the box itself acted so confidently that I did not feel any need for manual switching in order to correct its work. So it can be completely concluded that the presence of such a lever is more for Forsa than for business.
To which, however, you immediately pay attention to this is the unusually sharp reaction of the engine to any, the most insignificant change in the position of the accelerator. In some cases, this is not bad, but exactly the first time I did not always succeed in choosing the desired depth of pressure of the gas pedal. This makes a somewhat strange impression: a car of this class, and such a inconsistency in engine control. I think that this is unlikely to be ignored.
Now about the chassis. She also makes an indelible impression. It is hardly worth saying that when you enter the road with a relatively uneven cover of the wheel and the suspension begins to intensively counteract all the blows and shocks that can deliver at least some concern sitting in the cabin. This work is felt quite well, and at the same time the body remains completely motionless. Well, maybe sometimes it swing from side to side, and nothing! But here I abruptly shift the steering wheel, which, in theory, should cause a sharp change in the direction of movement. However, it is impossible to say that this is too much reflected in the behavior of the body, and it turns out to be awkward. No, after all, the posterior steering device, which, in fact, is the main component of the 4WAS system, forces the body to maintain its horizontal position, and the machine clearly performs the turn. This resembles an ordinary railway wagon running along the rails.
So, in the case when the machine makes a sharp turn, the benefits from the system of the 4-wheel wheel drive 4was seem to be evident. Meanwhile, to say that this system pleased me greatly, I would not. Well, it’s good when it falls at a decent speed to sharply turn the steering wheel, it helps the machine change the direction of movement, and the car performs this maneuver, as if nothing had happened. But on the other hand, when I led the car, and my palms lay on the steering wheel, they did not receive information at all about how firmly the front wheels hold on to the road. At low speeds from 40 to 80 km/h, the car began to respond faster to the turn of the steering wheel, since it became possible to increase the steering gear ratio. This, of course, is wonderful, but this dignity has a flip side. It consists in the fact that sometimes the driver can not immediately compare the speed of movement, the turn of the turn and the necessary angle of rotation of the steering wheel. Because of this, it is not always possible to put the steering wheel in such a position so that the car does not fly to the side of the road, and the speed does not reduce. First you think that you need to turn more than required. Then, when you understand that you have overdid it, you start working back, and so several times, until you pick up the optimal position of the steering wheel in accordance with the intended trajectory of movement. The sports type of control - this, of course, sounds tempting, the instant reaction of the car to the turn of the steering wheel and who is against it!? However, the main thing, in my opinion, is accurately, the first time to wrap the steering wheel to where it is necessary, and not act by pumpkin. And if you evaluate the operation of the 4was full steering drive from this point of view, it turns out that for drivers who have such rich driving experience that they consciously go to the purchase of a Skyline car, such a type of steering is unlikely to seem ideal. This is the most important impression that I have left after acquaintance with how the full steering drive system operates on a new Skyline car. So if the driver is accustomed to be guided by the information that is removed from the steering wheel of his palm and enjoy the dialogue with the machine, I would recommend not to take a car equipped with a 4was system. At least for now.
Such a fate cause disputes between those who are, and who are against
I admit: personally it always seemed to me that work on a new machine, which should become part of a glorious and having a rich history of the Skyline family, an incredibly difficult occupation. The point is not even that when you have a whole era behind your shoulders, which can conditionally be called the Skyline era, any creator must experience an incredible burden of responsibility for all those new Skyline cars that will replace the old. The fact is that when this or that model of the machine becomes a kind of symbol and remains it for some time, each of the individual drivers considers himself entitled to demand that each representative of the lineup beloved to him be even better, even more amazing than even more amazing His predecessor. In a word, the more popularity, the more requirements from the consumer. And everything would be fine, but there is only one significant nuance, the essence of which can be briefly expressed: you can’t please everyone. Judge for yourself: every driver who, at this or that historical moment was under the influence of Skyline magic, is waiting for the time to transfer to a new generation car, this new Skyline will certainly become so that it can be called the present, which means that it is sore. But after all, the ideal image of this real Skyline car is his own for everyone, if only because, ultimately, it all depends on what kind of development of this car family the driver, figuratively expressing himself, inflamed his love for him. It is good when the development is evolutionary and the machine of each next generation is a logical continuation of the predecessor. However, everything is arranged in such a way that from time to time it arises to make a revolution, that is, to sharply change the image of a car beloved by a car, a car fashion, I must say, unstable! What to do then? Change? But then the owners accustomed to a certain form and content will certainly say: this Skyline is fake!. Do not change? But then stagnation, and since the Skyline brand has become a symbol of progress, there will be critics again who will broadcast that, they say, Skyline is not the same! And then what do you order the creators of this car, how to do it!?
Take the latest example from life. Many probably know that the last sharp, one might say, revolutionary leap in the development of the Skyline family occurred along with the publication of the previous generation car, which is listed in the catalog under the serial number V35. After all, no matter how paradoxical this is, but with its obvious virtues, not a single model of this family was subjected to such, I would say, obstruction from its admirers. However, it was at this stage that the developers took a very important step, they broke this very historical circle, which, apparently, could sometimes be vicious. True, here one must take into account one important circumstance, it was this model that began to be sold in the countries of North America under the new Infinity brand, becoming incredibly popular under the name Infinity G35. This foreign success turned out to be very useful, since he helped compensate for the extremely cold technique that was provided to this car in his historical homeland, that is, in Japan. As for the latest Skyline model, which, in theory, should go under the V36 code number, it was also developed without a doubt taking into account the requirements of the market where such a warm reception of her predecessor was provided. That is, we can already seriously talk about the consistent Americanization of the Skyline family, this is a fact!
The same platform was taken for the new car as in the car of the previous model, made, so to speak, according to the rear -wheel drive pattern. This platform is called FM Package, but now we are not talking about it, but about what is above, that is, about the body. It should be noted that he has much greater rigidity, and the center of gravity is slightly lower than that of his predecessor. The wheel suspension can be called a new development. The engine, which can be both 2.5 liter and 3.5-liter, just like before, enters the serial range of VQ, but in terms of its explicit characteristics this is a completely new power unit. As already mentioned, some of the cars equipped with an automatic 5-speed transmission have a special lever of manual switching on the steering column. It should be noted that, perhaps, for the first time in the world among cars with rear strokes (4WAS system) and front and rear steering drives can smoothly change their gear rates.
That updated image of the Skyline car, which was offered along with the machine of the previous generation, began to slowly acquire more mature outlines, thus forming a new style, which should probably be designated as the New Skyline style. I am also sure that anyone, having been in a new Skyline salon, will pay attention to a significant improvement in the quality of the interior decoration. And yet, despite certain attempts to diversify the list of advantages that could help return this family a little lost authority among buyers, its high-speed qualities are still the most important trump card, and nothing more. Such a commitment to tradition, such a support to one single point, no matter how strange it may seem, can be completely insufficient. But what has been done is done whether we want it or not.

Source: CarView.co.jp