Test drive Nissan Skyline compartment 2002 - 2007 sedan

Review of the modernized Nissan Skyline 250gt Type P / 350gt Type SP, 2006

Look at what motto the new Nissan Skyline: Shift Passion car came out, that is, something like give free rein to your passion. Beautiful, is not it? Preserving its appearance in the main features, the new generation inside was essentially converted. In general, this model is rightfully called the Nissan high -speed, and in high -speed qualities - the main component of the popularity of machines of this model range. Yes, indeed, his authority is extremely great. Our journalist took a short walk on the new Skyline car to make sure of this again. During his test race, he, meanwhile, noted a number of shortcomings. Read about this in his report.
New development engine
First of all, I would like to remind you that the Skyline of the previous generation was in a sense a revolutionary model, since it was in it that all traditions and conventions were completely thrown back, and the car came out completely updated. However, it is impossible to say that in Japan this updated version of the Nissan Skyline V35 series was enthusiastically accepted. This is all the more surprising, taking into account the fact that it was this model that made so much noise on the North American continent, entering the inventory of the Infinity G35.
Of course, when developing a new generation of Skyline V35, the authors of the project could not help but set themselves the tasks of maintaining positions in the America market, which were won by cars of this model range of previous generations. That's why the appearance it was decided to transfer to a new car, giving it, however, even more expression. At the same time, such components of a car as the chassis, body and engine were significantly improved due to the use of new technological developments in their manufacture.
For example, a body. Point welding in it is conducted according to a 550-point scheme, plus to this the number of places where arc welding is used is brought to 20. The total length of laser welding seams is increased from 260 to 820 centimeters. It is easy to guess that after such a significant change in production technology, the newly made body turned out to be much more durable than its predecessor. The developers did not change the suspension design, but they decided to fit it to new standards. The rear wheels continue to remain with the steering wheel drive, plus the steering transfer of this is made smoothly changed. Such a system of a 4-wheeled steering drive is indicated by an abbreviation 4was, which is deciphered as 4 Wheel Active Steering.
Or take an engine that has 6 cylinders and, in theory, was supposed to continue the VQ motor series, which deserved great recognition among American experts and buyers. But if you look closely, it turns out that the motor turned out to be essentially converted. In a word, the letter V in the name of the series remained the same, and the engine itself is a completely new development. The task of the minimum that the developers set themselves are to support the image of their new Skyline car as a high -speed one, but in fact it turned out that they not only completed, but also exceeded the plan, moving to a new, higher stage of motor development.
Driving with a breeze that stunes
At first I was driving a Skyline 250GT car, and the first thing that struck me in it was the engine. It seemed so powerful to me that it was even right to doubt whether only 2 and a half liters of working volume really in it. As soon as I barely opened the throttle, the car moved vigorously and began to gain speed. This frisky start was made impeccably. However, another thing is important: an increase in the torque goes from the very beginning, that is, from the lowest speed, and continues all the time until the engine set of critical revolutions (7500 rpm). Moreover, I sometimes had the feeling that this is not the limit, that only give the engine the opportunity, and he would have drove further.
A 5-speed automatic gearbox operates in pairs with the engine, and this combination provides the machine with a relatively small fuel consumption with such, outstanding traction characteristics. The box in the DS range is especially accurate. In particular, due to the fact that the transition to a reduced gear is made with a slight jerk, which is provided for by the control program, the machine continues to move without losing the pace.
The Skyline of the previous generation had such a level of comfort that it was just right to call a car with a body that retains full equanimity on the move. This characteristic feature is even more inherent in the new version of Skyline. In particular, I drew attention to if I took the eyes of the Peleng to any point in front, then it practically does not change, even when small potholes and tubercles are under the wheels. Agree that with such stability to sitting the machine is extremely comfortable. On the other hand, it seemed to me personally that the wheels would not hurt to provide more durable contact with the surface of the road so that the car seems even more solid and confident. Nevertheless, the ability of the car to smooth out all the negative, which comes from the wheels, or rather, to ignore it, worthy of the highest rating.
Meanwhile, I brought the car to the section of the highway, which is replete with steep turns. Naturally, here I had to work more actively with a steering wheel, rotating it to the left or right. When driving along this road, it constantly seemed to me that one, then other wheels slowly penetrate the road, the roll was so insignificant. And the tires from the opposite side clung to the road surface as if before that they were smeared with some adhesive composition.
The car was shod in 17-inch tires, which were clearly selected in order to provide maximum comfort. However, when I sharply increased the pace of movement, it sometimes seemed to me that they could not cope with the increased load. On the other hand, to achieve an acceptable balance between comfort and controllability - the matter is not so simple, you always have to sacrifice something. So in this case, there would be tires more adapted for passing turns at high speed - comfort would suffer, but this also did not want to. But if such a balance is found, then the ride with high speed, one might say, with the breeze begins to delay the present.
Meanwhile, the Skyline 350GT car is equipped with tires with a diameter of 18 inches, which also have even greater tenacity. It is clear that they are no longer so diligently following all the irregularities that arise from time to time in the way, the driver looks at the road from a slightly higher point, which is why he has more freedom of maneuver. So if someone focuses on speed, then 350GT will suit him more. Moreover, the engine of this car develops a power of 315 horsepower, which, in general, is not a joke. The set of revolutions passes in a fairly sharp form, while the engine makes low sounds that accompany the car all the time while you accelerate. This makes the pleasure of fast driving even more complete. It is only necessary to keep in mind that such a powerful torque makes the car very sensitive to any gas pedal, so it should act, especially on corners, should be accurately and verified, otherwise, it is not known where you find yourself.
Huge potential!
It should also be said that a considerable impression on me was made by the steering system, which I have already mentioned and which a new generation Skyline car is equipped. This refers to the steering mechanism that allows you to control all 4 wheels (4was). At low speeds, the car began to respond faster to the movement of the steering wheel, in a word, significantly added to maneuverability. The question is what to sacrifice for this, if only the word victim is suitable. Imagine for a moment that you are driving a high -speed car, and you have to go through a winding section of the track. What does the driver focus on in this case, how does he choose the most optimal trajectory of movement? Of course, how the front wheels behave on the bend, and what is the rest of the stability. He receives this information through the steering wheel. So, in order to choose the right angle of rotation of the steering wheel, a normal dialogue between it and the front wheels is required. And when, as a result, it is possible to draw a car along the very edge, behind which the loss of controllability is already, this gives so much joy, is it? So, when exactly the same turn has to be overcome at the wheel of a car equipped with a 4was system, this pleasure is somewhat blurry. Plus, a situation occurs quite often when the steering wheel is not possible the steering wheel from the first time: you’ll shift it too much, then, on the contrary, it turns out that it is not enough and what is needed, as they say, to take it. In general, I can say only one thing - if the driver is used to experiencing a feeling of deep and close unity with the machine and enjoy it, then I would recommend him, at least, for now, a car without a 4was system.
Such, at first glance, of incomprehensible comments on the Skyline machine, I had a lot of new sample, but they are all due to the fact that the car really has a high speed potential. And it seems, it remains only to rejoice for its creators, if not for one but. The fact is that those drivers whose relatively young age does not allow them to know how it was previously, they are unlikely to believe in legends about the glorious car family of Skyline. They are more important for realities than stories about the affairs of past days. And what in this regard can they offer them a 2006 Skyline car, what can he take for a soul? What can ride quickly? So after all, this argument was good 10 years ago! And what now, except for speed!?
Perhaps this can be something fashionable now hybridization, or, perhaps, a direct fuel injection system, or some kind of cunning fuel saving system-I honestly do not know. I know only one new generation Skyline, figuratively expressing themselves, they will not go far at only speed. Another significant argument is required, you can’t do without it. Well, since this argument does not exist at the moment, it can turn into a real problem.
But what to do, these are the inevitable difficulties of any machine whose existence is a whole era. With each new generation, fans of such a machine are waiting for more and more achievements, a miracle. There is no evidence of the miracle yet, although in fact there is potential. And precisely because of this potential, I really want the Skyline lineup never end!

Source: Webcg.net