Nissan Murano 2003 test drives - 2007 SUV

Black obelisk
The Japanese built this car for the United States. And they called Murano's Venetian Island: the glass of the glasses were famous for bright, intricate creations before the discovery of America. The hint is clear. However, the stunning auto -worship from Nissan seems to be worked out from even more ancient glass of volcanic black obsidian. Like a knife Aztke or a mysterious primitive artifact. It seemed that they were weaned to be surprised ...
An ordinary motorist can’t get rid of an old prejudice in any way: they say, since I bought a car for ten thousand, then for ten - and ideally for all eleven - I have to sell it. Most automakers indulge this prejudice in every possible way. Moreover, they themselves cannot get rid of illusory ambitions ...
Mix, but do not shake
Officially, this car in Russia seems to be not. But on the streets he meets us as if every day. It’s so noticeable - Nissan Murano. Choosing a name for the novelty, the American branch of Nissan made a somewhat strange move at first glance: Murano - an island near Venice - has been famous for several centuries ...
Review of the new generation Nissan Murano. What the doctor prescribed
Nissan Murano 2009 of the model year proves that Nissan previously calculated the upcoming popularity of crossovers. The situation when the popularity of the car and the level of its sales are only growing over time, very unusual, but this is how Nissan Murano happened. After all, the car was launched on the US market as a 2004 model, its sales from those ...
Comparison Toyota Harrier and Nissan Murano
Toyota Harrier: Not an SUV, but a high -class expensive car for individualists when meeting modern models of cars for outdoor activities (or, if you take English abbreviation, SUV category machines), in particular with those made in bodies of size L, always catch yourself on Thoughts that outwardly they surprisingly resemble SUVs. ...
Nissan Murano car review
A stylish SUV is already in Japan! As you must know, the Nissan Murano car, which is included in the middle group of cars for outdoor activities (SUV) was originally developed exclusively for the North American automobile market. And, it should be noted, he received a very high appreciation in this market. Suffice it to say that since its appearance in December 2002, the quantity ...
Nissan Murano car review
A wonderful design (a car of the North American configuration. The estimated time of appearance in the Japanese market autumn 2004.) Nissan Murano debuted in the North American market in December 2002 and was very well met by customers. In particular, in Canada, he even became a car of the year. Do you know where such a strange word murano comes from? A business…

Video Crash tests Nissan Murano 2003 - 2007