Test drive Nissan Murano 2003 - 2007 SUV

Nissan Murano car review

A stylish SUV is already in Japan!
As you must know, the Nissan Murano car included in the middle group of cars for outdoor activities (SUV) was originally developed exclusively for the North American automobile market. And, it should be noted, he received a very high appreciation in this market. It is enough to say that since its appearance in December 2002, the number of cars sold has already reached 80 thousand pieces. But the high popularity of this machine is not limited only by North America. You will just remember what, one might say, the splash made his appearance on last year's car show in Tokyo! Applications for a car from Japanese buyers began to be accepted in July this year, and in September the first swallows have already appeared on the roads of Japan. The lineup of the machine, landing on the Japanese shore, along with a standard equipment equipped with a 3.5-liter engine, includes a 2.5-liter modification created mainly for the home consumer.
It is generally accepted that the main factor that influenced the growth of the popularity of the SUV category is their full -wheel drive. However, since 1996, the sales of such cars has been steadily reduced. And at the same time, there is an increase in demand for cars of the same category included in the subgroup crossovers, or mixed. (Cross over). In this case, the word crossover means such a variety of a car that combines the advantages of an ordinary city machine (on road) and an SUV (Off Road). And it turns out that outwardly such a car gravitates to the road worker, which, it would seem, determines its popularity among buyers. But in fact, it is bought mainly by those who want to purchase a car with the characteristics of an SUV. And then it is true, if we are talking about a car for outdoor activities, then, in theory, it should be, as they say, for all occasions. Judge for yourself: it is quite cramped sedan, right? A more spacious car like a minivan does not have the necessary running qualities, and simply does not correspond to the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a person with an active life position should ride on. For such and such activists, Murano is just a find.
The smoky chrome parts of the body decoration clearly outline its dimensions with their brilliance. In appearance, everything seems to be in the spirit of American traditions. But at the same time you feel that no, this is a truly modern creation of automobile designers! Look at the top of the body. After all, this is almost a real sports car! And take it a little lower - no, this is still a car of the category for outdoor activities. And what is characteristic - all this looks as part of a single whole. But still, at what angle do not look at her and from what do not start, but the essence of the car does not change: this is a real winner of road roadstatic!
Powerful + high -quality + convenient
The driver’s landing in the SUV category has always gravitated to elation, which is a very attractive feature. But at the same time, such a height turns into inconvenience when you need to get into the car or, conversely, get out of it. This is especially true for female drivers. But the Murano body is made in such a way that, with an open door, the distance between the floor and the door seal is minimized, which makes the landing and landing very simple. It turns out that on the one hand, dirt and water are not packed under the door, and on the other hand, you can get into the car and do not stain the skirt or something else. A powerful -looking machine turns into such seemingly insignificant, but thought out to the smallest detail. A very pleasant discovery, I must say!
And in this, I would say, raised a state of mind you get behind the wheel. Immediately striking the genuine leather of the upholstery of the seats in common with how you imagine the salon of an SUV, always ready to fight dirt and always dirty! The entire front panel, including the dashboard, the middle console, and the steering wheel, is made under aluminum, as is customary in sports machines. And it seems that all this was already somewhere, of course, the Fairlady Z salon looks approximately the same way!
The rear seats are much more spacious than even in a high -class sedan. Seats are soft, with leaning backs. And if you remove the seats of the third row for unnecessary (probably such buyers), you will just get a railway compartment, more spacious than in Minivan. As they say, the joy of both the driver and his fellow travelers!
Yes, a first -class salon, you can’t say anything. And in this salon there are cute little things that make the ride even more pleasant things. For example, in the lower part of the door mirror of the lateral review there is another mirror for the overview of the dead area. And there is also a video camera that shows everything that happens on the left to the front on the display. It is clear that the rear review monitor is provided, and it is clear that it is included in the standard set of equipment. With such devices, the car, despite the impressive dimensions, will quickly get along any winding street on the shoulder.
Who needs a speed of speed and lightness, that needs a 3.5-liter murano
As already noted, specifically for the domestic Japanese market, a car with a 2.5-liter engine, also having a front-wheel drive, was prepared. I can’t say that the machine suffers from a lack of power for intensive acceleration, if we assume that the main part of its owner’s life will proceed in city quarters. On the move, there is a very tangible longitudinal pitching. But this is in the order of things, even too much, given the initially the pro -American orientation of the car. I mean that with a raised center of gravity and a large angle of rotation around the longitudinal axis, the machine does not give rise to a feeling of instability. Moreover, if the turn is to work as a steering wheel, it becomes even pleasant. The car is large, and as if he wants it to be allowed more than the speed limit that the driver imposes on it. And she very actively reports her mood to the attention of her rider.
But what about a 3.5-liter, original version? It exists in two trim levels: 350xv Four (all -wheel drive) or 350xv (front -wheel drive). I tested the option of an all -wheel drive car. He will be shod in rubber, which is already in size than that of his North American counterpart, and his suspension has how adjusted geometry. As a result, the pleasure of driving has become even more. I mean the fact that the suspension began to gently play the irregularities of the road surface. You probably know how it happens: on a flat road, the car lulls, skillfully hides its weight, but if it only gets to the uneven area, and it becomes like a horse with a hole. So, behind the car in question, I did not notice this. The longitudinal roll, by the way, is not so noticeable here. The suspension is not so tightened as it is done in sports machines, but there are no unnecessary movements - almost like in the sedan somewhere at the level of the representative class.
The engine power also does not cause complaints, and in combination with the unavailable variator of the CVT-M6 Ex-Tronic, the feeling of driving in direct gear, and this power is felt not time from time to time, but constantly, whatever situation.
So, we take the comfort of the sedan, add the power and American style unusual for the SUV category. All this, multiplied by Japanese quality, is Murano.


A source: CarView.co.jp

Video Crash tests Nissan Murano 2003 - 2007