Test Drives Nissan Maxima 2004 Sedan

Available classic genre
The first Nissan Maxima QX debut in the distant 1994. In 2000, a second-generation model was presented at the Geneva Motor Show, and in 2005 she passed facelifting to extend their lives. And now the updated version of Maxinm QX has rumped up to Russia. The form of a falseradiator lattice has changed, new wheels appeared, decreased to ...
Served two comrades
Toyota Camryper Camry (she also, Pronard and Windows) saw the light in October 1996. The modern model is produced since 2001. Engines: gasoline 2.4 and 3.0 l (152 and 186 hp). Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical (for 2.4 liters) or 4-speed automatic. Setting: four options from R1 to R4. Price: $ 29 80039 800.nissan MaximaAutomobile appeared on ...
Credit credibility
Sales forecasts in the secondary market is always a lottery, and Nissan-Maxim confirmation. In fact, unpopular in Europe (primarily due to the strong competition of BMW and Mercedes) and not too popular in the homeland (Nissan makes the main bid on universal compatibility), this car in Russia went to the people. The greatest ...
Maxima 3.0i 24V QX
What is not saying, and much depends on the choice of coordinate system. Here is the Nissan Maxima of a new generation, which was definitely developed with a loaf of tastes adores large cars of the American buyer (USA the main market for the sales of a Japanese model), becoming longer on good 150 mm, still remained on the overall table of ranks with a medium-sized car. ...
Nissan Maxima 2009.
Nissan returns its flagship to his original sports mission. But can he keep this course? According to Nissan officials, after the merger of the company with Renault, the total cost of sales of the car Maxima has reached a high level and almost equalized with Altima indicators, and, apparently, it is time for a cardinal redesign machine especially ...
Year - wealth?
Note the results of the five-year plan by impact restyling! Give new wheels and grille of the radiator! Steering wheel multifunctionality, audio system CD changer for six disks, passenger Cup! All seats settings for good memory of two drivers! Hurray, comrades! Imagine the program Maxima of the new model year! The update that descended the European flagship (and ...
Enough Maxima
Essential Maxima // Nissan Maxima This business-class model from Nissan remains one of the most sought-after market demand for Nissan Maxima steadily grows over the past three years. And about 30% of buyers corporate clients. Management to appreciate it for solidity, reliability and availability when buying and subsequent maintenance. It seems that time ...
Maximum economic effect
The largest passenger Nissan can definitely boast the main values \u200b\u200bof the business class with the highest comfort, the pustility and the prestige of the brand. But if you think that for a used car, reliability and durability is more important, Maxim becomes one of the best offers in the classroom. In Europe, none of the Japanese business class models have not received a warm welcome. Mitsubishi Sigma ...