Test drive Nissan Maxima 2004 sedan

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Predictions of sales in the secondary market are always a lottery, and Nissan-Maxim is confirmation of this.
In fact, unpopular in Europe (primarily because of the strong competition of BMW and Mercedes) and not very popular in his homeland (there Nissan makes the main bet on universals of increased capacity), this car in Russia went to the people. Maxims of the last two generations are in greatest demand (see the history of the model). The representative sedan turned out to be relatively affordable (eight -year -old specimens cost about 10 thousand dollars), so they are often bought not only for departure, but also for a break.
Maxim does not imply cheap finish and an empty salon obliges the position. In both generations, the basic equipment included airbags, ABS, GUR, climate control. Do not forget the CD chamber in the trunk, coupled with good Clarion music. For the surcharge, xenon headlights, seats, cruise control and alloy wheels of increased dimension (R16 for the 32nd model and R17 for the 33rd) were offered.
Overseas relatives
Although only European maxims were officially sold in Russia, both Japanese and American are found in the market for used cars. In the United States, in addition to Maxim itself, the New Altima created on her platform (the old one was a relative), as well as the top -end Infiniti i35 and i35. These models are distinguished by the richest equipment and forced engines. In Japan, the right -handed analogue of Maxima bears the name Cephiro and, unlike the European version, is also produced with the wagon body.
Japanese and American cars have established themselves well in Russia, there were no complaints on a 2.5-liter engine with direct fuel injection on Japanese women (it can be distinguished by the Neodi inscription on the lid). The main problems are in wait for the owners of these machines during body or aggregate repair. Official dealers do not have information on overseas maximum, not to mention spare parts: you will have to order yourself and patiently wait for delivery.

Six across
The second and third generations of Maxima remained true to the V-shaped six only such engines and are found on these machines. Even a two -liter motor about six cylinders. Europeans have a lot of choice: in addition to the weakest two -liter, there is only a gluttonous three -liter unit of no 2.5 di. Part of the second generation of Maxim was equipped with an intake manifold with variable geometry, in the third generation all motors received it. By modern standards, Europeans are not too forced about 70 liters. with. from a liter of working volume. Therefore, the enviable resource of the cylinder piston group is not surprised on average more than 350 thousand km.
The headache of many owners of the timing belt is absent here as such. The drive of the camshafts of a chain, but unusual scheme: one chain transfers the moment to two intake camshafts (they are located in the center), and final shafts are given from them with two short chains. Three chain tensioners are hydraulic, so the oil must be poured over the season and changed at each (once every 15 thousand km). Plunger wear can be determined by the noise of the chain (especially when starting a cold engine). To replace the tensioners, it is not necessary to disassemble the entire drive with a special hatch. If the tensioners are working, chains go more than 300 thousand km. The gaps in the timing are regulated by washers, but usually this is required only when the engine is reduced to 200 thousand km. They hardly go.
Maxima engines are very sensitive to the quality of antifreeze. Using any fluid except the original L250 (it is changed every 60 thousand km) ceases to the warranty. The pump (it is also given by a chain here) sometimes begins to leak, a drainage hole is provided for the removal of antifreeze. A small flow of intervention does not require and is not even considered a defect, but on occasion, be sure to replace such a pump.
The control system is generally reliable. The motor will not only start with a malfunction of the position of the crankshaft and distribution shafts, but their failures are rare. More often than others, the sensor of mass air flow sensor fails, while fuel consumption increases significantly. The refusal of the idle regulator leads to the unstable operation of the engine with a gas pedal released. Both nodes sometimes manage to restore flushing, but more often you have to change. You can diagnose the control system yourself: it is enough to close the appropriate contacts in the diagnostic connector and turn on the ignition of the Check Engine light bulb blows the fault code.
Candles on Maxim with individual ignition coils. Original platinum, in Russia their service life is officially half as much as in Europe: 45 thousand km versus 90. They can’t stand it anymore. You can use ordinary candles, but you will have to change them one and a half times more often.

The main gearbox for the representative class is of course a machine gun. In Maxim, it is electro -hydraulic, four -speed. Unfortunately, hem -tried. The need for repair is caused by different reasons: wear of the folds of frictions, the refusal of the hydrotransformer blocking system in the highest gear, and the deformation of the valve mechanism of the hydrus. Of course, much depends on operating conditions. So, despite the steel pallet, the automatic transmission is very sensitive to contacts with obstacles: even a small dent is capable of causing oil starvation, squeezing a filter located almost close to the pallet. The instruction does not provide for the oil change, but in difficult conditions (and they can be safely attributed to operation in Russia) once every 60 thousand km to pour fresh dexron brand IIE or III only to the benefit (there is no need to change the filter). Fortunately, the main automatic automatic transmission malfunctions are diagnosed when a trial, so when buying a car, be sure to check the machine in all modes.
The mechanics have their own weak place. Oddly enough, these are bearings: Pitting on rolling paths leads to a noticeable noise in motion. However, this happens closer to 200250 thousand km, and the bulkhead of the box allows you to forget about the problem for a long time. There are no other complaints. GL-4 transmission oil (optimal viscosity for Russia 75W90) is flooded for the entire service life. Clutch with a hydraulic drive and auto -tire. It properly serves 100150 thousand km.
Both boxes have an option with a viscous one (their index ends with the letter V, in contrast to A for ordinary KP). You can determine the type of box by twisting by the front wheel. If the second is spinning in the opposite direction of the box, if in the same way with Wylskyoft. The oils are the same for them as for ordinary boxes.
Circules are almost eternal, provided that the covers are integral, and those of a durable elastomer, more solid and elastic than ordinary rubber. The bearings, both front and rear, go more than 120 thousand km.
The brake mechanisms of all wheels are disk, two -piston. In cars with a machine gun and a three -liter motor, the pads have to be changed quite often about each, to the next one along with the disks. With mechanics, the consumption is about half as lower. The working fluid needs to be changed every 30 thousand km, but the replacement of the hoses is not provided. Of course, this does not eliminate the need to inspect them when servicing.

Simple solutions
Designing the front suspension, the designers opted for McEzerson, a more familiar class in cars below. Be that as it may, such a scheme is reliable and easy to repair. The suspension of two generations is almost identical (except for the rear silent block) and is quite durable. Most often (6070 thousand km) you have to change the stabilizer racks. The ball supports are almost eternal, sometimes even the silent blocks of the lever are worried (the original is sold only in the collection). Shock absorbers withstand more than 100 thousand km, if you regularly monitor their covers. Torn elastic band Guarantee of quick wear of the coating on the rod. The support of the rack usually experiences the shock absorber.
A ride with the wheels turned out to the stop cools the plastic limiters of the rotation angle. If in the extreme positions there is a knock time to change the details, they are a penny. The suspension knock is sometimes hidden and in a completely different place, for example, in an unresolved hood castle.
The rear suspension is also simple: the beam on longitudinal levers with the Scottarassel mechanism (a Panar traction option, in which transverse movements are eliminated). It is very reliable in operation, but very sensitive to blows, especially from behind (while longitudinal levers that are not designed for compression are added up). It is necessary to monitor the condition of shock absorber covers here. Check and mobility of the racks of the sensors of the headlight corrector jammed, they knock. A good portion of lubrication (Ches, SRB) will allow them to return them to life.

Under the drum fraction
Even in meticulous Japanese, a rare car leaves the conveyor without congenital diseases. No exception is Maxim. A fragrant spoon of tar in this barrel of honey was a steering rack. The most offensive thing is that the knock that appears in some by 80 thousand km, while in others only by 180, it is difficult to call a malfunction: the backlash in the mechanism is practically absent. Yes, and the defect does not progress in the future, but try to convince the buyer of an expensive car that the drum fraction on the course of his life is from now on! In the warranty period, the expensive rail is changed for free, then at the expense of the client. Is it worth it, decide for yourself: the handling does not suffer, the liquid does not go away. Adjusting the gap in the hook and repair of the mechanism by the manufacturer are not provided. In addition, in any case, the rail has to be dismantled.
And the rest, a wonderful marquise, everything is fine. Tips serve more than 100 thousand km. With the pumping pump, there are also no problems, only on very old machines there is a leak on the clamp of the hose, it is enough to tighten it.

The Nebeta Maxima under the age of eight years old on the back of the age is useless to look for the enamel chips on the hood. But to look into the eyes of that is, in the fog lights, it is worth it. Their glasses are relatively resistant to temperature differences (although, sometimes, they crack from snow), but they keep stones badly.
An electrician is generally reliable, but sometimes he tossed puzzles even to experienced specialists. So, for example, if earlier in the air conditioning system there was a sensor that monitors only an unacceptable decline in the refrigerant’s pressure, now the piezoresistor is monitoring its excess. There was a case when he allowed to turn on the empty system and forbade the operation of the seasoned. The system failure is associated with a malfunction of the temperature sensor of the salon. But the express diagnosis of a climate installation is possible without devices from the control panel on the central console.
In general, the repair and maintenance of Maxima (except for engine and KP) do not require complex equipment and special skills. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for its popularity in the secondary market. We also note a convenient system for searching for spare parts: to order you only need to know VIN (you will find at the top on the motor shield). The engine number is more difficult to see: it is knocked out on the site near the back row of the cylinders from the gearbox side. Two identical keys with a built -in chip for immobilizer and remote control of locks are attached to the car. In the previous generation, the castles were controlled from individual key fob, but the key was then with electronic firmware.

Anatoly Sukhov

A source: The magazine "Driving"