Mazda Mazda 2 test drive since 2007 hatchback

"The youngest", a test drive Mazda2 in Italy
The behavior of Italian motorists largely coincides with the customs of domestic drivers. Failure to comply with the speed limit, dissatisfied blinking with high light with a demand to free the left strip, frequent use of the horn. Perhaps the similarity ends on this. On the Italian highway, it is not considered shameful to drive Porsche Cayenne from the left strip with some kind of fiatic. The vast majority of Italians go to diesel ...
Sports and rest
Among the thoroughbred supermini Cors in Russia is an unconditional favorite. Who will violate the hegemony of the German hatchback? Perhaps Mazda-2 has a chance. In spite of traditions, which was reduced in size and losing weight compared to its predecessor, the kenoshka just the other day the competition was won the best car of the world. Who, as the owner of such a loud title, challenge the German ...
One hundred grams on the road
The new Mazda2 did not open anything new in the construction of the car. With its help, Mazda simply reminded us of how effective simple solutions can be. Just for this you need to disconnect a little from some habits. With this model, they did about the same thing that models in the human world do with them: diet and ...
Micro cosmos
Honda Jazzzen from 497 000 rub. Max. Power 83 hp Max. Speed \u200b\u200b160 km/chopping 0100 km/h 14.1 with Peugeot 207 price from 590,500 rubles. Max. Power 120 hp Max. Speed \u200b\u200b195 km/chopping 0100 km/h 12.7 with Mazda2 price from 549,000 rubles. Power 103 hp Max. ...
Unisex in the big city
Once they were bought reluctantly, considering it inferior. Now they are torn off with your hands! The city cars were first appreciated by the girls, and for some time and representatives of the stronger sex. Arguments for and against were looking for Mikhail Gzovsky. Photo: Konstantin Yakubov. What clothes to choose for the city? Comfortable, sports cut? They will not understand at work. Business suit? Not too comfortable ...
Mazda 2 test drive: Daring animal on a big road
What I knew about Mazda 2 to a test drive: outwardly attractive, stands out against the background of the general gray mass. With the declared technical characteristics (103 hp with a mass of 960 kg), it promises to be easy to rise. The effective exterior of the exterior was evaluated by many prestigious bonuses and awards. But, to my biased taste, the double does not look advantageous ...
May the sun always be
Trampers in this test, although small class, but still more than means of transportation. For success, they must have the spark that makes the buyer's eyes glow, like a child in front of a shopping shop. So, the rivals of the successful Mazda-2 in the Russian market will be newcomers to the seatic and fodder. Who will litter brighter? Compares ...
My half ...
Japanese with their high technologies, distinctive national cuisine, futuristic cities and high -quality cars not only praise, but often scolding the particular, Japanese manufacturers are often condemned by the fact that they do not replenish the world's automotive industry, take ready -made solutions and bring them to them before glittering in Japanese products. Hatters, of course ...
Duel test. Teenage years
She is slim and graceful. A little flirty and at the same time modest. Glamorna? There is a little, but without vulgarity, without excess gloss. And yet, in comparison with the parent, heaven and earth. Old values \u200b\u200bin the new shell! Apparently, for that is loved. He is a harsh guy. Steel and, it seems, a fighter. Born not ...
Battle of Sports Small Cars: Mazda Demio Sport vs Honda Fit RS
New cars of the compact class: Models of sports categories are connected to the results of Japanese compact sales results in 2007 convincingly indicate that two Honda Fit and Mazda Demio cars are still holding leadership in this area. But here's what it is curious to note: if before both cars tried to outline each other ...