Mazda Mazda 2 test drive since 2007 hatchback

One hundred grams on the road

The new Mazda2 did not open anything new in the construction of the car. With its help, Mazda simply reminded us of how effective simple solutions can be. Just for this you need to disconnect a little from some habits. With this model, they did about the same thing that models in the human world are doing with them: diet and fitness. Although for the Russian version, one relief has been made, it has an automatic transmission. Well, you have to pamper yourself sometimes, right?
A small car can become the pride of the company. Just because they are usually inexpensive and therefore sold well. Mazda2 from this point of view will not turn the market turn over and will not make the Japanese brand mass. Because Mazda2 is not a cheap car at all. At least now. For Russia, versions are offered exclusively with the most powerful of the available engines and even with automatic transmission. Therefore, this modest Class hatchback is comparable at a price with a larger and very popular car with Mazda3. And then what is the meaning of this most compact Mazda?
There are two joys of the owner of a small car: it is easier for the driver to find a parking place and then fit into it, and the owner at the gas station is brought to experience some joy either from the modesty of the amount spent or from the small frequency of visits to the gas station. However, having bought a compact car, you will deliver some happiness to your neighbors. The space on the road willingly occupy others. And the saving of fuel is absolutely socially useful because, burning less gasoline/diesel fuel, we throw less than any stuff into the air. At the same time, selfish owners of large cars often relate to drivers of compact models, as it were more delicate, without any pet. They do not believe that someone like this, out of love for humanity, made their own comfort, and it is thanks to this that Moscow streets contain a few more cars than they could.
However, we are often sure that people buy a small car, because they do not have money for a large one, or they are simply afraid to manage it. And we still have a stable stereotype that a small car is necessarily weak and slow. Despite all the efforts of BMW with her mini or, for example, Honda with her Civic Type-R.
The modesty of size is really often associated with the modesty of the engine and dynamic characteristics. Just because protect it like that, and if you save on sizes, then why not save on power. But here is a paradox: the size and mass of compact cars grow from generation to generation. Everything is completely as large. The consumer (that is, we) is waiting for more security, more comfort and, so that there is necessarily an additional entrance to the audio system (because without IPOD how? In any way without an iPod, it does not go away now). And all these electric drives of the one, the automation of this and the protection of this kilogram per kilogram. As a result, in order to maintain acceptable dynamic characteristics, we need a slightly more powerful engine, and only the incredible efforts of the engines to reduce the consumption and toxicity of the exhaust allow new models to fit into all toughened standards.
However, the problem can be solved much easier. What Mazda did. Instead of increasing dimensions, like all decent competitors, Mazda, on the contrary, reduced the car in all directions. Especially diligently worked with weight. The shortening of 40 mm in itself helped save four kilograms. Further, intensive measures were used. The use of high -strength steels in different parts of the body helped reduce the amount of steel as such, so to speak, the transition of the number to quality. 23 kg saved on this. They did not forget about the little things: a new castle and thinner loops helped save 690 grams. It seemed, what kind of trifle of the dynamics of the audio system? However, Mazda managed to win several hundred grams with a revision of their design. The reduced thickness of the ceiling upholstery so we save the space in the cabin and the weight of this very upholstery. As a result, the weight of the car is reduced by about 100 kilograms, and it weighs less than a ton. Just like some of her grandmother of the beginning of the 80s, even without a hint of ABS, pillows and even more so luxury as air conditioning.
Savings, however, did not particularly reduce comfort. Judging by the press releases, it would be logical to expect from Mazda2 delightful simplicity like rags stretched onto the frame with lining as seats and holes under the windshield instead of the ventilation system when the issues with weight and the price in Citroen 2cv were solved ... Yes, in fact, in a similar way, this topic was disclosed in many hits of the world auto industry. But now is the wrong time. And even confessing the holiness of simplicity and lightness, you can still find opportunities not quite to destroy passengers. So in Mazda2 they will form a pocket for magazines in the glove compartment cover, then they will make a niche in the console next to the parking brake lever. Finally, I wanted to buy Mazda2 when I saw that Schishkin Forest, a square bottle of water of water, would definitely fit into this niche. For some reason, cars where such a bottle can be conveniently placed is surprisingly enough.
But this car is not intended for me. The quota for 2008 is small, and the target audience in Mazda2 is narrowed this ladies. After all, a real man, for the reasons mentioned above, must choose something more. Thus, everything turns out just fine: you can sell a small Mazda2 almost at the price of a larger Mazda3. And profitable, and no problems with queues, and in general, such a segment of medium -sized premium is obtained.
The specifics of the segment also determined the specifics of the design: of all European countries, only our Mazda2 is with a machine gun. Part of the route passed along the streets of Krasnodar, and there we appreciated the advantages of the machine gun. The traffic jams have long been the realities of the capitals of not only the Federation and the empire, but also the regional ones. The machine eliminates the need to switch to travel the next five meters, which is very pleasant. The city was already somewhat more boring. This four -band aggregate solves only one problem: eliminates the need to switch transmission. For pleasures and dynamics, you need to turn to mechanics. It is lighter, and therefore more economical and faster. The very philosophy that Mazda applied to all this model.
Abstracts after
1. All designers fight for reducing the mass, but rarely this idea becomes the basis of the concept of the car as a whole, as on Mazda2.
2. Weight savings did not save on quality: Double door seals reduce the noise level in the cabin, and various buttons and pockets simplify life.
3. You can not choose the motor, but the appearance can be changed thanks to the Sport Appearante package with anti -wing and skirt.
4. The machine greatly spoils the dynamics, so this option is suitable only for the city.
The engine is gasoline
Working volume (cubic meter) 1498
Power (L.S. at rpm) 103/6000
Moment (nm at rpm) 137/4000
Front drive
Mechanical gearbox 5-st. Automatic 4-st.
Length/width/height (mm) 3885/1695/1475
Equipped mass (kg) 1035 1035
Maximum speed (km/h) 188 168
Acceleration to 100 km/h (c) 10.4 12.1
Fuel consumption (city/highway, l/100 km) 7.6/4.9 9.1/5.5
Price in Moscow (rub.) From 424,000 from 455,000

Text: Valery Chusov
Photo: Mazda

Source: "Autopilot"

Mazda Mazda 2 Crash Test since 2007

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