Test Drive Mazda CX-7 since 2009 SUV

SUV selection problem to $ 65,000

Alexander Loudsov, 33 years old, works by the head of the Department of External Communications. Rides on Toyota Avensis. It wants a spacious all-wheel drive crossover with handling and comfort of a passenger car. Budget $ 65,000.

I have no special reason for changing the car. Just a desire to have a new, more spacious and roomy car, in terms of comfort, at least not inferior to my current Toyota Avensis. And since in the yard is not a month May, wanted to enlist and support the full drive.

For the last three years I actively exploit 2.0 liter Toyota Avensis. In principle, there is no complaints about the car. He is controlled great, it looks modern, the investments do not require much. But 36 months is a decent period that the real feeling has grown into habit. So, frankly, trite wanted something new. At first, I thought about a full-fledged SUV, however, what really likes is worth it.

And then a friend bought a crossover of one famous brand, and I happened all day at the wheel of the ride. I did not feel such a buzz since then, for the first time I was at the driver's seat. First of all, the car is quite large, spacious, for a family with two children fit perfectly. Secondly, SUV is comfortable and easy to manage, I did not feel the principled difference compared to the car. However, the most pleasant feeling of confidence that is infected with a four-wheel drive on slippery or wet road. So, after analyzing your feelings and counting the assets, I came to the conclusion that it would be time to chain something like that. What do you want to get from the car? Uniquely automatic box, spacious trunk and pleasant appearance. Proposals in this segment are quite enough, however, my capacity requirements are the number of horses should be transferred for two hundred so that acceleration and acceleration do not cause complaints, significantly narrowed the circle of suspects.

My requirements for the car:

Modern, not deprived of the elegance of SUV, powerful and safe.

More interesting aggressive appearance, but this factor is not fundamental.

Ideally, I would like to feel the usual handling and dynamics of a passenger car. And the suspension should not be too sporty.

Not so relevant. I am aware that a powerful all-wheel drive crossover with a machine gun will be distinguished by an excellent appetite. And I'm ready for this

Comfortable and spacious salon with high-quality finishing materials, a spacious trunk.

Equipment in standard
Automatic gearbox, climate control, skin-skinned seats.

Mitsubishi Outlander XL.
Selected because: a fairly new model, a powerful motor, a suitable price.

The young model, which heard a lot and read, but there was no time to go to the salon somehow there was no time. Likewise, on the Internet pages Outlander looks more interesting than live. As it seems to me, from the point of view of modern design, the exterior of the car is quite simple. Such a bloated wagon that once again underlines the small diameter of the wheels. You really liked only LED rear lights that live a little car.

Yes, and in the cabin overcome such sensations. The interior is too simple. Even despite the solo-complete finishing and clearly checked configuration with climate control, MP3 player and leather seats. Hard plastic panels in the near future will explicitly begin to scrip it. The front chairs are equipped with good lateral support and sufficient adjustments, but they are pretty narrow: I feel frankly clamped. Because of this, the feeling of the spaciousness of the cabin is instantly lost. However, if you sit back, it will not appear at all. There is very little space in height even a middle-height person will rest on his head in the ceiling.

But the trunk is just wonderful! The stroller will fit, and the place for household bags will remain. Yes, and the folding button of the rear seats is convenient: I pressed and here is the loading site in the Polisalon.

On the road, Outlander seemed true well done. First, the car is very convenient to control: the ergonomics do not have, and the visibility is at the height. The crossover perfectly keeps the road and sharply accelerates to go on overtaking and carry out the rebuilding is a pleasure. At the same time, in itself a rather soft steering wheel remains informative in any mode of movement. The work of the automaton is deserved: carefully and at the same time clearly the box alternates the transfer. But the submissive petals cause bewilderment: who and why did they only come up with?! We are not in a formula bar!

The appearance of this car does not cause special emotions. Moreover, the design seems to me outdated.

For the dynamics and handling, the car can safely put perfectly. Impressed.

Gently and kindly, all panels are fitted, but the budget plastic does not configure a positive way. Also the seats seemed too narrow.

Judging by the data of the on-board computer, the gasoline consumption is hesitated at 20 liters. Multimito, but not deadly!

Equipment in standard
From the wishes, except that to remove the submissive petals to which I could not adapt. Otherwise, the equipment has completely arranged.

Brand and model Mitsubishi Outlander XL 3.0 4WD AT
Dimensions 4640/1800/1720 mm
Gasoline engine, 2998 cm3, 220 hp / 6250 min-1
Transmission automatic, 6-speed
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b200 km / h
Acceleration 9.7 s to 100 km / h

Like: work suspension, steering, and dynamics, as well as a spacious trunk.

Dislike: Design exterior and interior.

Selected because: the car has long liked, it is possible to choose the type of engine.

When I was asked about my attitude to diesel cars, I thought: what the hell is not joking? The company is not afraid of such cars to sell in Russia! And I decided to try the Bavarian Diesel taste. Especially since BMW X3 I like it with my wife for a long time. According to appearance, the model is very pleasant. Yes, young there was a non-node, but cars with propellers on the hood are perceived as a certain classic that does not require constant updates.

As expected, besides some halo of a specific smell of diesel fuel, I did not notice any difference with gasoline opponents. However, not quite so. X3 with a 3.0-liter diesel engine turned out to be much more dynamic and obedient in management than rivals. Accelerates and dials the speed of this SUV is simply great. BMW remains true to its principle to deliver true driving pleasure. I once had an old BMW, and he gave the heat.

The suspension is comfortable, no excessive stiffness. This is truly sensations as if you sit behind the wheel of a passenger car. The only thing that overshadowed a trip is too hard at the steering speed (convenient, truth, section and diameter). Shining informativeness is definitely great! But it is unlikely that it is so true for a slow urban ride.

The interior as a whole looks rich. That's just the selection of materials, I would give another designer. All solid, expensive and efficiently, and here, the BAC, the inclusion of budget plastic on the central console. Without this, it was impossible to do without it?

But on the convenience of control X3, an explicit leader. All keys are located where you expect to see them, and it is not necessary to deal with what, for a long time. Moderately, a rigid driver's seat was perfectly integrated and equipped with all the necessary settings. It is a pity only, free space in the cabin is not so much, especially from behind. High passenger knees rest in the backrest of the front seats. Yes, and the trunk is characterized by modest sizes. If you put the same stroller, the place will not remain.

The fact that the car has long been lied on the roads, in no way affects my sympathy. The classic does not age.

The fact that mini ix can come out on the road can be described only in one word: super!

Ergonomically and attractive. But it is only interesting, why did the upper part of the central console decide to cover with so cheap plastic?

Sitting behind the wheel of a car, I don't want to be interested in the appetite. Although diesel engines are found, differ in efficiency.

Equipment in standard
Do you know people who may assume that the configuration of modern BMW will be scarce? Show

Brand and model BMW X3 3.0D AT
Dimensions 4569/1853/1674 mm
Diesel engine, 2993 cm3, 218 hp / 4000 min-1
Transmission automatic, 6-speed
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b210 km / h
Acceleration 7.4 s to 100 km / h

Like: handling and dynamic qualities, appearance and interior design.

Do not like: tight steering wheel, modest in size trunk.

Mazda CX-7
Selected because: modern design, enviable livestock under the hood.

What to say, Mazda I liked. It looks CX-7 just great, the design of this car causes much more emotions. It feels a fresh look at crossovers, without regard to competitors. Yes, and the interior attracted the most. Inside SUV seems more than outside. The driver's seat is contour and at the same time wide, I feel comfortable in it. The materials of the finish are high-quality, even budget plastic looks here organic. A large number of gloves is not as an example of today's rivals. Subjectively do not please the round holes of the air ducts, speaking some kind of primitivism. By the way, at one time it was one of the reasons why Mazda 6 I preferred Toyota Avensis.

The steering wheel is small in size, with the joystically-like control keys of the radio tape recorder and cruise control, which is pleasant to operate. Baranka does not reach informativeness a little, however, the car holds the car confidently. And since I will use the car mainly in the city, this nuance does not suffer from me. Much unpleasant stiff suspension: Each bodie swears the body significantly. Somehow happened to ride on the American version there are silent softer. With a 238-strong motor, CX-7 is accelerated, but with an intensive speed set, the automatic box switches gears with a small delay.

The most modern of today's Trinity. The appearance of the crossover most of all matches my ideas about the future car.

The suspension is configured so that every small junction in the asphalt is felt in the cabin. But with a dynamic ride it, rather, plus!

Materials, of course, are not superhedride, but in general the impressions are good. Salon spacious, with an derived ergonomics. Maybe the shape of the air ducts will ever change

Again 20 liters of gasoline per hundred? Somewhere I have already watched this figure today

Equipment in standard
Complements are only two, and both charged. So in terms of the equipment, it is simply not for what.

Brand and model Mazda CX-7 2,3 Turbo AT
Dimensions 4675/1870/1645 mm
Gasoline engine, 2261 cm3, 238 hp / 5000 min-1
Transmission automatic, 6-speed
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b181 km / h
Acceleration 8.3 s to 100 km / h

Like: Aggressive design, high-quality interior, spacious salon.

Do not like: a non-historical machine, a rigid suspension.

My choice

No wonder they say that the burden of choosing a heavy burden. Each of the three cars have its absolute advantages for me. Comfort, handling and dynamics of a representative of the German auto industry cause delight, but its cost will enrades in despondency. And no matter how I liked X3, I do not want to overpay for the brand. For the move qualities and comfortability of the Japanese a little more complaints, but I like the pricing policy of the Mazda and Mitsubishi. And if you choose from the last two, then I will give your preference to CX-7, which for a totality of quality suits my family much more.

Editor's Choice

Alexander's opinion about the design of Mitsubishi Outlander XL dispelled with the opinion of the editorial office. Not least due to interesting appearance, the model is in demand in our market: from January to October of this year, 8761 cars sold in Russia. Good result! The same can be said about Mazda CX-7 in two months since the start of sales in August 2007 was implemented 1,249 cars. Both crossovers seem to be attractive to purchase. But we vote for Bavar. BMW X3 is inherent in all the qualities of the real city dweller: attractiveness, comfort, dynamics, efficiency and safety.

Dmitry Tyatyuchenko
Photo: Sergey Crostes

A source: Journal 5 Wheel [December 2007]

Video crash tests Mazda CX-7 since 2009

Test drives Mazda CX-7 since 2009

Crash Test Mazda CX-7 since 2009

Crash Test: Details
Driver and passengers
Active security system