Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) test drive since 2007 SUV

New Jeep Cherokee
The new Jeep Cherokee meets exemplary geometric cross -country ability, excellent thrust on the bottom and properly modified suspension. What I really like is SUVs with good geometry. The angle of entry of the new Jeep Cherokee is 38 degrees. The angle of the congress is 30 degrees. The world automotive industry has not released new all -wheel drive civilian models for a long time ...
Cuba magic
Jeep Cherokee. Price: 1249250 rub. On sale: since September 2008, with the advent of the 4th generation of Jeep Cherokee in our 4th generation market, he will again have a lot of fans who turned away from the model with the end of the Cherokee Classic production. The novelty was returned to what the previous series did not have, masculinity. But the Indian without courageous ...
Time to scatter stones
Red sands, gray cliffs, an unfamiliar starry sky are not Mars, but simply very far from us the earth. In two updated jeeps, Mikhail Gzovsky traveled in other people's expanses. Photo by the author. From the house I went out 23 hours ago I spent them on three flights. The final landing was made in the dark, so the landscape is not ...
Jeep Cherokee test drive: Fidelity to traditions
When creating a new generation of SUV, Chrysler took into account the former errors as a result of the Jeep Cherokee 2008 returned to the design sources. The novelty received an angular body, the round anterior optics got stuck out, the toy rounds of the rear lights were replaced by traditional rectangles. Geep Cherokee, having heard this phrase, any, even an ignorant person, will unmistakably say: this ... this is ...
The little Iroquois for great pleasure. Jeep Cherokee
The Jeep Cherokee generation of the 2001 model hardly pleased the eye. Where is the brutality, where are the angular forms of the classic SUV, where is the KICH jeep so necessary for the jeep? It is no coincidence that this lupo -eyed miracle remained a curiosity in Russian expanses and thank God, probably. Quadratura in a circle with regard to the model of the last generation, then, as they would say before, ...
Jeep Cherokee 2.8 Diesel vs 3.7 Petrol
Choosing between gasoline and diesel, you are dealing with completely different cars ... I don’t understand why the gasoline Cherokee is needed when there is diesel. It should not be bought at all! Why did they bring him to Russia?! One of the owners of Cherokee on black fuel sat in the editorial office and was indignant. He was just jealous. His jeep 2.8 l ...

Video test drives Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) since 2007