Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) test drive since 2007 SUV

Jeep Cherokee 2.8 Diesel vs 3.7 Petrol

Choosing between gasoline and diesel, you are dealing with completely different cars ... I don’t understand why the gasoline Cherokee is needed when there is diesel. It should not be bought at all! Why did they bring him to Russia?! One of the owners of Cherokee on black fuel sat in the editorial office and was indignant.
He was just jealous. Its Jeep 2.8 L accelerates to hundreds faster, and he has more thrust, and eats less but some people still buy a gasoline 3.7 liter. Who are they? Why do you ignore diesel? What are they finding good in the old large American motor? No matter how much ask, and the answer will come only when you get behind the wheel and try it in business.

Three bottles of beer
When I first sat in the new Cherokee, and that was a year ago on Seliger, I experienced a noticeable inconvenience. But I dawned on me only now I just sat wrong. In an American car you have to relax. Not gradually, while driving, but immediately when landing. I was taught at Audi and Mitsubishi schools how to get a job correctly, but these sports canons in Jeep cannot be used. What a miracle when you can afford to lean back, let all the strain in the body and in thoughts. And the gasoline Cherokee to match my mood, too, turned out to be quite relaxed. He swayed up and down, and at speed during the passage of asphalt hollows and completely flew up, leaving me in zero gravity. If I was in relaxation, then Cherokee 3.7 L behaved like after three bottles of beer. The equipment with a 2.8 liter engine is much more sober. And, it would seem, the car is the same, only the engine is different ...
The diesel protrudes with a five -speed automatic gearbox, which has an honest manual mode
The gasoline Cherokee is equipped with only a four -speed automatic transmission and without manual mode
Rambo and balloon
Bone gasoline Cherokee to the brain of bones. He has a four -speed assault rifle with transfers longer than the last days before the salary. Big calm V6 with an appetite of 15 liters per 100 km on the highway. Where does an adequate suspension come from here? That would be not true. At the end of the militant with corpses, the bloodied Rambo does not bury a balloon.
Diesel Cherokee European. He has a more modern five -speed automatic transmission. He is faster in acceleration to hundreds by 0.2 seconds and eats no more than 9 liters of black fuel on the highway. He had less vulgar chassis settings to the suspension was corrected due to a heavier front (the engine on diesel fuel is more massive than a gasoline unit). What is the yield of version 2.8 is in noisiness a gasoline six quieter.
There are many differences between two versions and off -road. The anti -boom systems of jeeps work unequally. On the intoxicated Cherokee 3.7 liters, the wheels are slowed down without unnecessary effort and sometimes too late for good patency, especially in the sand.
Strictly speaking, plus a gasoline V6 only one with him Cherokee is quieter
Cherokee 3.7 L sways strongly, and its anti -boom system works softer
The electronic assistant in the diesel engine is much more understandable and clear. He grabs the pads instantly, because he needs to control a much greater traction. The moment is 460 nm diesel, and gasoline is 314.
Smell the pine trees
We checked patency in the sand and on steep slopes. In fact, both jeeps go the same way, but it is more pleasant to go 2.8 liters. Strong buildup of gasoline configuration, mixing me on the highway, began to bother me very much in my career. Only a soft roof installed on 3.7 liters help me not to lose the remnants of pleasure from a suburban walk. Made of thick synthetic material, it opens almost the entire space above the head. For off-road routes, the option is exceptional. You can look at the pines and inhale the aroma of the forest, and in the parking lot to lie in the cabin, since it spreads into a sleeping place, and look at the clouds or stars. One problem with this convertible: on the go, passengers strive to stick out, and certainly to the waist, and they do not want to sit back for any rugs.
The diesel version of Cherokee wins with gasoline 0.2 s in acceleration to 100 km/h
The rear suspension moves are significantly smaller than you could expect from a brutal jeep
So, does it make sense to prefer a gasoline version of 3.7 liters with not the best characteristics of the road, gluttonous, thoughtful and with a service interval every 6 thousand kilometers (at the Mineralka recommended by the Chrysler), when you can take a more modern, nimble and painful, and even with the interval interval of maintenance 10 thousand kilometers?
Probably 3.7 liters are also necessary. For example, the unfortunate who are exhausted by European sports and need serious relaxation, and those who did not have enough $ 2400 more than so much more expensive.

Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photo of Alexander Ortnova-Baranov

Source: Magazine 4x4 [January /2010]

Video test drives Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) since 2007