Test Drives Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) 2001 - 2005 SUV

How many indians are neither feed ...
And he still looks in the forest. Call of ancestors, you understand. More precisely, the call of the famous predecessor, who more worshiped the will of wildlife, rather than the charms of civilization with its highways. In fact, it is even great, because at first glance it may seem like a new Cherokee relaxedly relaxed, I suppose, and, scoring on ...
"Kay Jay" - a big snake
The designers of the new jeep took the task impartial at first glance - create a comfortable spacious parckarter with a real off-road character. Circus on Idle Weels of Morozov fastened all the water bodies in a thick layer of ice near Moscow. And nevertheless, when almost a two-ton jeep slowly rolled out to the frozen snow-covered surface, the prodigious pond in ...
Cherokeys for Amazon
Jeep Cherokee, called the people of Brick, has already become a classic of Off-Road. He is loved for a low look, strict appearance, non-free off-road qualities and unhappiness are emphasized. But years take their own - the time has come to give way to the heir. In January 2001, the premiere of the new generation model was held at the Detroit Motor Show. In the US, it is called Liberty, ...
Jeep Cherokee Renegade: Apostate
Launcing in the production of the successor to the legendary and very popular worldwide Cherokee model, the American company Jeep decided not to go on marketers. And did not turn his Indian into a fashionable, but completely helpless on the road parcoatnik - SUV, as experts are called. It was decided to create a new model such which ...
Free Indian
About the jeep, and even about the one that is wide, we probably know everything since teenagers and ending with pensioners. The legendary American Jeep brand SUVs in the era of the development of capitalism, or, as it is now called, the era of the initial accumulation of capital, were the most striking example of how to live and what you need to ride. ...
Pulls on nature
The new diesel Jeep Cherokee 2.8L CRD Power Tech has the best traction characteristics and in its class torque. Increasingly, lovers of SUVs pay attention to cars with a diesel engine. High torque, moderate fuel consumption and, as a result, a large stock of the course cannot but impress those who are ...
French inheritance
About the French are glory as people are quite nimble. But the most nimble people make gifts, and sometimes these gifts are held in history. For example, France gave America a statue of freedom, traveler Rena Robert Revenue de la Sala, who gave the name Louisiana and New Orleans, and that for us is much more important, Antoine de la ...
Good Indian All-wheel Driving Indian
Choosing a candidate for a used car test, we plunged into the bunch of discussions. Well, that it will be an SUV, no doubt remained; Such is the ideological line of the wheel number that you hold in your hands. But which one? On the one hand, it would be necessary to take something cute practical hearts of secured compatriots and among them the same popular. ...
Saga about the present Indian
What is he, new cunes? Jeep Cherokee (for North America Jeep Liberty) debuted at the Detroit Motor Show 2001. His predecessor with minimal changes lasted on the conveyor 18 (!) Years. New Cherokee is offered only with a five-door body. Options for engines for the European market Three: gasoline 2.4 and 3.7 liters and turbodiesel 2.5 l, and ...
Hunting combat machines
There are fewer cars on the market every year, but this does not mean that you have nothing to choose from. What do you liberate? The great charm of the car in its diversity. And it does not matter what exactly the coupe, sedan, or, say, southety. The choice is huge. Ride in the city, but you want to look courageously and ...

Video Crash Tests Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) 2001 - 2005