Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) 2001 - 2005 SUV

The front form
Jeep brand cars are known primarily as strong rides. In other words, these are old soldiers who do not know the words of love. When looking at the updated Cherokee, such reasoning may seem incorrect or at least obsolete. Automobile car with the original, perhaps a somewhat frivolous appearance makes the impression of a SUV, which is good on the asphalt, but it can ...
We will drive the Yankees for praying!
The comparative races of cars that became familiar to us this time passed almost in extreme conditions: either rain, then sharp frosts, then dense snowfall, then thaw. The ideal time to drive a couple of crooks into the street and compare their attitude to our bad weather and SUV. More recently, the glorified, the most jeep brand Jeep gave a surprise: ...
Jeep Cherokee (2001 release)
Three years ago, in 2001, the third Jeep Cherokee in the history of Jeep Cherokee stood in operation. America recognized him under the name Liberty. Three years ago there were two basic packages - Sport and Limited. The SPORT version is easily recognized in appearance: the car has unpainted bumper and wheel pads, as well as the brilliant rating of the Cherokee Sport on ...
Indian and pale -faced
In the history of the North American states, the war with the Indians is not the most glorious page. However, today the descendants of the pale -faced reap the glory of those with whom they fought desperately - Cherokee. The name Cherokee in Russia is associated not only with the books of Fenimor Cooper, but also with the turbulent times of the early 90s, when the country traded vouchers, created holdings and ...
Battle of SUVs: Large races in a career near Minsk
The idea to collect several SUVs in a career belonged to our colleagues from the automobile television program of the autopanorama that was on the STV channel. Recently, our tests have become joint, and you could notice this through parallel cars flashing on the pages of AH and in the autopanorama. When they began to look for dealers, who has something, ...

Video crash tests Jeep Cherokee (Liberty) 2001 - 2005