Test Drives Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005 - 2007 Sedan

Business option
Ford Mondeo TDCI helps minimize costs only once over a summer month, during which Mondeo was at my disposal, I changed him with a representative class. Then, frankly, it took to put dust into the eyes, with a chic arriving in a country club for a soul dinner. In all other cases, Ford with ...
Ford Mondeo TDCI is ideally adapted for living in a megalopolis four days behind the wheel of Mondeo with a 2.2-liter turbodiesel under the hood convinced me in two main advantages. The first is obviously the car is very economical, and burn in traffic jams more profitable than gasoline. The second is that it guarantees confident movement, providing ...
Round Excellent
To Ford Mondeo is difficult to find face. But you can ... School in which I once studied, it was impossible to name the average. At the same time, this was the best educational institution of one of the northern regions of Moscow, where the kids with young nails were deepened in particular English speech and British culture. Those who did not want, contrary to the commander ...
Old new friend
Ford Mondeo appeared with other eyes a few months ago, your correspondent has encountered a very interesting pattern. Updated Ford Explorer, who has appeared in the editorial office during the next test, it turned out to be at all not new all major changes in the SUV touched the options for his configuration, Difficult. ...
Ford Mondeo Sight Test
We entered the hell. You can even say Merzko. We turned out to be full of reptiles We were asked to test the Ford Mondeo of a person who is fanatically devoted to the model called Opel Vectra. Opoleved named Dmitry almost all his conscious life (and he is almost thirty) went to Opel Vectra and terribly frustrated when some kind of ghoul ...
While young
Ford Mondeo was born in 1993, he became a successor to a rapidly popular Sierra popularity. The car changed the Spanish name to the decent Italian (Mondo - the world, the universe). Mondeo reliability is not inferior to closest competitors - VW Passat and Opel Vectra. This is evidenced by the statistics of the German Technical Calibration Service for TUV transport for 2005. Among the cars ...
Travels tractor
Which is diesel? A silver mondeo responded to the key fob button. Sorry, I got there? GIA emblems on the rear racks, combined skin in the cabin, wooden rabble, hatch, climate control ... Yes No, the signboard on the trunk lid claims that in front of me the Mondeo TDCI, the most that there is a diesel. And this is not at all ...
Four Four
The question of the photographer, as always, puts in a dead end: what color are they? Better, so that there is now blue, gray and two blacks now. The color range of four middle-class sedans gathered on the close editorial parking lot. The newest Volkswagen Passat and his rivals recently transformed Ford Mondeo and Mazda 6. ...
Compare: Ford Mondeo VS. Opel Vectra.
Today's heroes are among the middle class cars in the alphabet classification class D. We can say that it is from them that this segment begins, they are most affordable in it, and the prices for them in low-cost equipment are quite comparable even with representatives of the golf class. Both models have already survived updates, and the restyling vectra appeared ...
feel the difference
One of them is one and a half times more powerful than the other, but three times more. And the one that costs less, and much more comfortable. But the expensive turns are turning faster. Do you feel the difference? Machines not just different sometimes appears the feeling that they represent the different branches of the automotive evolution. So we tried to understand what differences the difference expresses ...

Video crash tests Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005 - 2007