Test drive Ford mondeo sedan 2005 - 2007 sedan

Round excellent student

Ford mondeo is difficult to find fault. But you can ...

The school in which I once studied could not be called average. At that time, it was the best educational institution of one of the northern regions of Moscow, where children from young nails deepened in particular English speech and British culture. Those who did not want to, contrary to the common saying, were not forced, but instantly transferred to the neighboring completely secondary school. There were among us those who comprehended complex sciences faster and received only five. I will not say that we did not love them, but they were too right and therefore some fresh ones. About such is Ford Mondeo in the new version with a three -liter V6.

On Java, I see how Ford engineers created a second -generation Mondeo several years ago and taught it good manners. The car really went out in all respects, which today is not at all a rule. In the three days that I spent the wheel of this car, I had only one claim to it on the merits. But more on that later, but for now we recall that at first Ford released a charged version of ST220 on the market, then updated its appearance, and now presented a powerful modification with a three -liter V6. He graduated from all his universities with honors. It would seem, what else can you wish from Mondeo? From the point of view of an ordinary buyer, perhaps nothing. Unless a global decline in prices, as on Focus, but this is a completely different story.

I remember once I was lucky for an hour to blame for an hour about everything in the world with the chief designer of BMW Chris Bangle. And then he expressed an amazingly true thought: the work of any designer can be considered successful if it causes emotions. Anyway, which are positive or negative, but not neutral. I completely share this point of view and therefore dare to say that Mondeo is akin to this excellent student from school. That is, it is ideal from the point of view of theoretical training, but in practice is fresh as Matsu. That (I recognize this, like my subjectivity) for many it is an undoubted plus. Yes, what is there if you throw out journalistic spoiling from the scales of the scales, then I would have acquired this Ford myself. To say that the car is bad to wander. Mondeo is extremely convenient, there is not a single claim according to the ergonomics of the driver's workplace and the passenger part of the cabin. The front leather chairs with a bunch of adjustments, a grip steering wheel, a laconic panel of devices, a handbag and gearbox are good. Electricity instantly heats up, lowers, lifts, opens, closes, turns on and off everything that is supposed to, the steering wheel levers and rotary regulators move with the right efforts and are made of the material pleasant to the touch.

Yes, and outwardly, Mondeo looks rather respectable and takes exactly as much space on the road as it is supposed to be a family of family class D. Neither a yota is less than necessary in order to feel no worse on the back sofa than in a business class sedan. And in the version that I got to the test, in addition to the standard musical system Sony (Ford has long been cooperating with this Japanese company), an entertainment complex based on the DVD player and two monitors mounted in the head restraints of the front seats was added. I found them, by the way, quite by accident, adjusting the case of leather -altitude from the headrest. At first I was even surprised how it was, the chairs were sheathed with natural material, but there was not enough skin on the upper part? But then he noticed a corrugated hose rising from the bowels of the back and, finally, discovered the monitor, then the second, then a block with connectors for connecting a game console or video machine on the central tunnel, then the remote control in the glove compartment, and then problems began.

The first search for finger batteries for the remote control, which, apparently, are not included in the standard equipment of the machine; The second search for the DVD player itself, which, as it turned out, is hidden under the front right chair; The third search for headphones. For an incomprehensible reason for me, the sound channel from the player is not brought to the standard radio, as is usually done. And in order to watch a movie or play on the prefix with the appropriate sound accompaniment, you need to separately purchase headphones. Moreover, with a long wire, standard ear phones through which my nephew listens on the way to the CD school will make you sit too close to the screen. There is another ant in the pants gleam in the daylight, and the curtains in this configuration of Mondeo are not provided. In general, the five in theory for the richest package and a trie for the practical embodiment of the entertainment system on board.

It will be a bit too much!

However, I took for the Ford Mondeo test not only to evaluate the quality of the interior decoration or the sound of the audio system (medium sound). Most of all I was interested in the new V6 engine with a volume of 3.0 liters for the model in the Russian market, developing 204 hp. To the question of why such a modification is needed, since the mondeo gamut is already V6, only 2.5-liter, with a capacity of 170 forces, in the Russian representative office Ford answered me that it turns out that many customers are not enough for such a herd, and to buy Almost a sports ST 220 (226 hp) they lack either courage or money. Well, let it be so, although, in my deep conviction, for the model there are enough two liters of working volume with the 145th forces. Since some love hotter, we will check what they will be driving them. It is in the story of the running qualities of the model that the only remark that I had in the course of the test in the graph emails.

Imagine a weekday in Moscow. On the roads the so -called labor movement, when the stream seems to go with a good speed, and it is completely impossible to overtake it. I say this to the fact that I did not ask the car of some extreme tasks and, moving from the third ring, slightly slowed down and turned the steering wheel. Instead of following the trajectory I planned, the three-liter Mondeo for some reason suddenly said we will go our own way and began to slide the turn with front wheels. Moreover, he did it very unexpectedly and quite sharply. I slightly release the gas pedal so that the front tires are loading even more and restore the clutch with the road, and instead the demolition of the stern begins. The car is about to stand sideways to the road! Well, no, we didn’t agree so I add gas and straighten the steering wheel slightly. In general, the car managed to catch, but it was worth the effort. It seems to me that this problem, which arose literally out of the blue, was the result of the excessive overload of the front of the front, which shifted the center of the mass a little forward. From this, of course, he won acceleration, since the leading front wheels are pressed stronger to the ground and slip less, but at the speed of speed in steep turns should be very careful. Yes, and tires play far from the last role. The test mondeo was shod in the most modern Finnish tires with a special shape of the spikes. They excellently behave on ice and snow, but on wet asphalt, richly flavored anti -headed reagent, lose many competitors. Because of them, by the way, the lamp of the operation of the anti-wings system of the wheel was in wasted asphalt even in 4 gear. This indirectly confirms that the 3-liter V6 on Mondeo has an enviable thrust that not all kinds of tires can transform into motion. As for the behavior of Mondeo in relatively direct areas, there are no complaints about it. It is quite easy, for example, the first to fall off the traffic lights or with a slightly smaller overload to shoot at 160 km/h the motor, as it seemed to me, I really like it. Only now the fuel consumption in this mode of movement approaches 20 l/100 km. To reduce this figure by 70-80, you can accelerate to 60 km/h and immediately turn on the sixth gear (6-speed mechanics is included in the standard package of the model). The engine is quite enough for such an exercise.

Finally, about prices. The flagship mondeo in the luxurious configuration of the GHIA X with a three -liter V6 will cost $ 35,772. It is funny, but about the same amount of mid -level manager receives a successful manager, into which almost every excellent student turns to break out above, he lacks only one charisma

Source: Newspaper "Automobile Izvestia" [No. 3 (71), 2005]

Video crash tests Ford mondeo sedan 2005 - 2007

Test drives Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005 - 2007