specifications Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005 - 2007 Sedan

Specifications Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005, 2006, 2007: Power, fuel consumption 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), reversal radius, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine volume, cm3 Power, kW (hp) / about Cylinders Torque, nm / (rpm) Type of fuel system Type of fuel
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) 1998 85(115)/3950 L4 (inline location) 280/1900 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) 1998 96(130)/3800 L4 (inline location) 330/1800 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
2.0 TDDI 1998 66(90)/4000 L4 (inline location) 245/1900 Direct injection Diesel
2.2 TDCI 2198 114(155)/3500 L4 (inline location) 360/1800 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
1.8 (110 hp) 1798 81(110)/5500 L4 (inline location) 165/3950 Multipoint injection Petrol
1.8 (125 hp) 1798 92(125)/6000 L4 (inline location) 170/4500 Multipoint injection Petrol
2 1999 107(145)/6000 L4 (inline location) 190/4500 Multipoint injection Petrol
2.5 2498 125(170)/6000 V6. 220/4250 Multipoint injection Petrol
3 2967 150(204)/6000 V6. 280/4900 Multipoint injection Petrol

Drive and Transmission

Modifications type of drive Transmission type (basic) Transmission type (optional)
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP 5-automatic transmission, 6-MCPP,
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-MCP 5-automatic
2.0 TDDI Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
2.2 TDCI Front-wheel drive 6-MCP
1.8 (110 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.8 (125 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
2 Front-wheel drive 5-MCP 4-automatic
2.5 Front-wheel drive 6-MCP 5-automatic
3 Front-wheel drive 6-MCP

Brake system and power steering

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) Ventilated discs Disk there is
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) Ventilated discs Disk there is
2.0 TDDI Ventilated discs Disk there is
2.2 TDCI Ventilated discs Disk there is
1.8 (110 hp) Ventilated discs Disk there is
1.8 (125 hp) Ventilated discs Disk there is
2 Ventilated discs Disk there is
2.5 Ventilated discs Disk there is
3 Ventilated discs Disk there is

Tire size

Modifications The size
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) 205/55R16.
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) 205/55R16.
2.0 TDDI 205/55R16.
2.2 TDCI 205/50R17
1.8 (110 hp) 205/55R16.
1.8 (125 hp) 205/55R16.
2 205/55R16.
2.5 205/50R17
3 225/40 R18.


Modifications Length, mm. Width, mm. Height, mm. Front track / rear, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm The volume of the trunk, l
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
2.0 TDDI 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
2.2 TDCI 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
1.8 (110 hp) 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
1.8 (125 hp) 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
2 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
2.5 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498
3 4729 1811 1430 1519/1539 2751 - 498

Car weight

Modifications Curb weight, kg Maximum mass, kg Load capacity, kg.
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) 1416 1975 559
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) 1417 2000 583
2.0 TDDI 1410 1975 565
2.2 TDCI 1467 2005 538
1.8 (110 hp) 1299 1865 566
1.8 (125 hp) 1302 1865 563
2 1305 1865 560
2.5 1399 1940 541
3 1403 1985 582


Modifications Maximum speed, km / h Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) 197 10.8 0.3
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) 200 9.9 0.3
2.0 TDDI 180 12.8 0.3
2.2 TDCI 220 8.7 0.3
1.8 (110 hp) 193 11.6 0.3
1.8 (125 hp) 205 10.8 0.3
2 215 9.8 0.3
2.5 225 8.7 0.3
3 240 7.9 0.3

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l / 100 km On the highway, l / 100 km Average consumption, l / 100 km CO2 release, g / km Type of fuel
2.0 TDCI (115 hp) 7.9 4.5 5.7 152 Diesel
2.0 TDCI (130 hp) 8 4.6 5.8 154 Diesel
2.0 TDDI 8.2 4.6 5.9 156 Diesel
2.2 TDCI 8.2 4.9 6.1 161 Diesel
1.8 (110 hp) 11 5.6 7.6 182 Petrol
1.8 (125 hp) 11.2 5.8 7.8 187 Petrol
2 11.5 6 8 192 Petrol
2.5 14.3 7.3 9.9 238 Petrol
3 15.1 7.5 10.3 247 Petrol

Prices Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005 - 2007 in Russia (Updated April 22, 2016)

Modifications in G.V. Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
99 466 120 474 303 30 463 198 80
1.8 L. 46 451 252 - 6 451 252 46
2.0 L. 21 460 889 465 244 9 456 647 9
2.5 L. 8 485 429 468 115 7 520 063 7
3.0 L. 6 577 241 - 6 577 241 6
82 559 156 553 140 22 561 179 65
1.8 L. 21 466 900 - 6 465 736 20
2.0 L. 20 577 943 603 263 7 568 112 10
2.5 L. 10 597 307 479 749 7 639 634 8

Video crash tests Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005 - 2007

Installation Ford Mondeo Sedan 2005 - 2007

Test drive

Four of the prestigious and powerful-sized sedan is the most adequate format for our conditions. And the business meeting is not ashamed to come, and the family will fit without problems. Again, comfort ... On a large field of the proposed models, we chose four machines with a volume of more than two liters and in the configuration above average. That is what Hyundai ...
feel the difference
One of them is one and a half times more powerful than the other, but three times more. And the one that costs less, and much more comfortable. But the expensive turns are turning faster. Do you feel the difference? Machines not just different sometimes appears the feeling that they represent the different branches of the automotive evolution. So we tried to understand what differences the difference expresses ...
Compare: Ford Mondeo VS. Opel Vectra.
Today's heroes are among the middle class cars in the alphabet classification class D. We can say that it is from them that this segment begins, they are most affordable in it, and the prices for them in low-cost equipment are quite comparable even with representatives of the golf class. Both models have already survived updates, and the restyling vectra appeared ...