Test drives Ford Kuga since 2010 SUV

Diesel Test Ford Kuga in the capital of Finnish Rally
Kolesa.ru went to test the next modification of Ford Kuga, and eventually found themselves at the Finnish stage of the World Rally WRC. Not that Kuga has become so fast, but - a dozen kuga with Moscow numbers fulfilled their program: without losses they got from Pulkovo to the hearts of the rally Finland, and refund ...
Ford Kuga. Finishing touch
Ford Kuga. Price: from 1 163 000 rub. On sale: from August 2010, it is difficult to please farewell. This was convinced of the creators of Ford Kuga, offering two years ago a version with diesel engine handmade KP. In response, sounded: good, but little. Then there was an option with a gasoline engine and an ACP. But the capriculus did not lose: ...

Video crash tests Ford Kuga since 2010