Test drives Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV Sedan

11 to 12.
The collection was announced on the Khodynsky field. When all eleven were already on the spot, drunk black Tahoe. The driver came out, looked like a car. And said: So guys. I'm won, for my wife. Who will give money? If a citizen buys any product in general and the car in particular, he has the right to count on at least, that ...
Very light Makeup
By simple cosmetic techniques, Uz-Daewoo has slightly rejuvenated its Bestseller Nexia. The car has changed little. New decorative elements do not play a special role in her appearance - Nexia remained Nexia. Esley the lattice of the radiator A la Saab there was a model to face, the plastic tide on the trunk looks aleapod. Sophisticated and wide moldings with chrome-plated ...
Buying an inexpensive foreign car. This is always a compromise caused by a hot desire to be dedicated from the rational of the problems of domestic cars and at the same time get the opportunity to ride a new one, only your car. Constantly growing sales of budget foreign cars indicate that people who are ready to go on such a compromise. Daewoo Nexia already that year ...
Nexia is immortal ...
Nexia is immortal ... // Daewoo Nexia Supply Edition Bestseller with Motor Doch ... But with the name there was no hope. At first, the company Uzzvtoauto appropriated the name Minor, obviously not paying attention to the subtleties of Russian semantics. But quickly spun, leaving as a prefix to the traditional Nexia name only the DOCH abbreviation indicating the presence of under the hood ...
Made in USSR
More recently, we used to shake cars on domestic and foreign, the first for the lowest price of the quality of quality and picky the lack of flaws in the second. Times are changing, and today the most expensive Russian cars come close to the most affordable foreign cars at the turn of $ 9,000. It is to this amount that approach, and often exceed it ...
Pedigree from Adam
Ten years ago, Nexia (in the last life of the brainchild of the company Adam Opel, by the name of the Cadet), I walked quite a prestigious foreign car. Now it is a utilitarian and inexpensive. But despite the modest appearance and solid model age, the Uzbek car willingly buy. After all, she has pretty strong trumps: low price, inexpensive service and good ...
Conflict generations
Interesting things are worked in the Russian market. Where else for a new model ask as much as for the car, developed more than two years ago? The newly minted Kalina (according to the WAZ-11183 passport), the brainchild of the Volga Automobile Plan, competes with the Opel Cadet, who has already moved a cosmetic surgery in the early 1990s, and now comes to us from Uzbekistan under ...
The sum of technology
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis test suggested a real purchase. Many car dealerships have now become multi-brands, you will beat by cars of different brands. More than once it was necessary to observe how a person comes at one machine, but acquires another. So my friend walked to buy Vaz 21103, as a result I went to Daewoo Nexia. The difference in price between the Uzbek foreign car and ...
Put accents
Impribrant statistics approve: Owners of domestic models are gradually transplanted to imported cars. A typical example of the host of front-wheelwater vases, looking for a car of the same class, but more expensive. Frequently, the first foreign car is chosen from such a couple: Daewoo Nexia or Hyunda emphasis how old, how many winters? Both brands Korean, but Nexia is now collecting in Uzbekistan, focus in Taganrog. ...
Subsidious anniversary
Both cars are still on battle editorial duty. Unfortunately, the mileage rivalry was disturbed, and in the past since the last publication, the Time Nexia ran ahead. Now she has an anniversary - 100 thousand traveled kilometers. Klio, despite almost daily ride, has reached only 80 thousand - first of all, the various accommodation of housing is affected ...