Test Drive Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV Sedan

Subsidious anniversary

Both cars are still on battle editorial duty. Unfortunately, the mileage rivalry was disturbed, and in the past since the last publication, the Time Nexia ran ahead. Now she has an anniversary - 100 thousand traveled kilometers. Klio, despite almost daily ride, has reached only 80 thousand - first of all, the various accuracy of the housing of drivers from the place of work is affected. Nevertheless, the anniversary of one car - the reason to paint about the nuances of the operation of both, especially since there were memorable events in the lives of cars.
Daewoo Nexia
Self Carhead Something Slice Club Fans Runs. Some cars run through the coward along the streets of the megapolis, occasionally on the weekend is chosen in the suburbs. Such die rather from old age than from intensive wear of nodes and parts. Others lead a more active lifestyle. Third, like styers, and winter, and in the summer, kilometers are gaining persistently, periodically participating in polygon tests or planned runs. Sprinter jets on the dynamometric road of the autopolynone with the invitation of competitors are. The goal is to evaluate the real conquerness of applicants for the Russian market. Of course, cars are not powerful to choose their fate and completely subordinate to the rhythm of the life and needs of the owners. That is why Renault Clio has passed from DEU Nexia by almost 20 thousand km, and the comparison began to acquire a virtual character. However, it is not important in this competition, which of the cars will get faster to the finish line, but what price. The winner will be determined in five nominations: the nature of the course (reliability); The amount of health care costs (operating costs); Riding properties; General condition of nodes, aggregates and body; residual value.
Recall, the first, 50-thousand stage (SM, 2002, No. 7) ended with some Renault advantage: its maintenance costs were lower.
So, the Festometer of the Daewoo, called in the Department of Marvel, counted 100 thousand km. The second period was held in the usual intense pace, confirming, perhaps, the main impression of communication with the car is its reliability. Nexia has never failed and did not give up the way. This characteristic is very important in our fussy life. Damage from the desemination, torn business meetings and just nervousness about unexpectedly deceased on the road of the car is not always a numerical assessment, but in any case it is better to avoid it. The second plus of such behavior of the car is the opportunity to go on the road carefree, having to go into good and clean clothes, not littering the trunk by a speakerplay, a drawer with a tool and various smallers.
The key to success is regular (once every 10 thousand km) service and planned-preventive repairs to eliminate the few defects. The latter belongs to the traditional nonxicate sounds of the sound signal, oxidizing the contacts of the fuel level indicator, cracking the glass of fog lights. Local and denied electric drive telescopic antenna. Such a design is unlikely to survive with abundant processing in winter and in the off-season a cocktail from dirt and antifungal reagents. Basically, for the same reasons, the drive of wipers had to be changed.
Replacing the lamp in the spotlight, two lamps of the rear dimensions and one door termination complete a brief list of electrical problems.
As for the engine, his work does not cause complaints, and the start remains confident at temperatures to -34c. The only symptom of wear is the noise of the valve drive hydrothels in the first two to three seconds after starting in the frost.
The arms on the 87th thousand mileage of the knock in the front suspension eliminated the replacement of the struts of the transverse stability stabilizer. In the same period, vibrations were progressing at the Trokhan - a sign of clutch wear. Apparently, measurements of dynamic parameters and periodic work towed was not in vain. The autopsy confirmed the diagnosis, and additionally, as a warning repair, new gear shift features were installed.
Replacing the front brakes assembled (calipers, discs and regular pads) on the 100th thousand - a good indicator of information. But the resource of the rear drums and the pads could be more than 50 thousand km if the shape of the core of the brake shield and the drum was like domestic machines (the groove on the end of the drum and the boil around the perimeter of the shield).
The rest of the second 50-thousand stage was overcome without any problems. Damage to the outer mirror, the left rear wing and the doors applied to the loaf of the day were damaged by the only unexpected chagrin. Fortunately, the truck was prudently insured by the owner. Therefore, the conflict was exhausted, though not quickly, but in a civilized way, and Nexia re-acquired a commodity appearance.
Since the body states, we note an important defect. Miracles do not happen - in the place of deep, to metal, scratches on the wing and doors from contact with fuel trucks appeared traces of corrosion. And this for some time and a half winter months. Otherwise, on the body of a two-year-old Daew, there is not a hint of rust even in places of small paint chips. There is a good quality coloring and anti-corrosion processing. Judge for yourself: on the editorial nine who served in the same intensive mode, by the end of the first winter, the joints bloomed the opening of the windshield opening and the details of the engine compartment not treated with the textile. After the second winter, the brown stars appeared on other external panels.
A pair of facts about winter specifics of the operation of DEU. Thin edges of the lattice air intake of ventilation and heating of the salon (in a niche under the windshield) of the fragile and are very vulnerable when cleaning from accumulating ice and hardened snow. However, it is necessary to clean, otherwise the heater works inefficiently. Tip: In order to avoid breakdown, the procedure must be performed very carefully, and it is better to pre-treat plastic Ice solvent Sonaks type. Another evidence of the birth of a car in the country with a warm climate is the insufficient efficiency of the heater. The engine warms quickly, however, long-term movement on the highway at temperatures
-20c and below is possible only when the heater regulator is on the glass - to the detriment of the heating of the legs. Otherwise, the normal review will not achieve.
Many Daewow owners probably came across the freezing of the drive of the front door castle. The fact is that the moisture that falls into the cavity of the door through the slot of the outer handle or through the glasses of the glass sealer is condensed on the locking mechanism. If methods return the mobility of the larvae are well known, the performance of the mechanism itself can be maintained by protecting it with a thick layer of grease or adapting the rubber apron from the old car chamber. Of course, for this you will have to remove the upholstery of the door.
A few words about fuel. When running 71,490 km, Nexia installed the equipment of the company Lovato to work on propane-butane (liquefied petroleum gas). The 90-liter gas cylinder successfully fit into the luggage compartment, staring about a third of the useful volume, but increasing the reserve of the course (about 700 km). In this modification of the gas system, the gas is supplied with a conventional mixer in the intake manifold, but the composition of the fuel mixture is controlled by an electronic control unit with a signal from the standard lambda probe. The result is the stable operation of the engine at idle and regulation of gas consumption depending on the air filter clog. The only thing annulled during the operation of the gas-balloon system is moisture in the control unit of the control unit when a motor compartment washing.
In winter, Nexia consumed 8.9 liters of gasoline on a hundred on the studded tires of Bridgestone 16 / 70R13. On tires with spikes M-257 175 / 65R14 - 8.8 l / 100 km. The propane-butane consumption on the same M-257 tires was 10.1 l / 100 km.
Renault Clio Symbol
It is gratifying that these cars are more and more on the streets - it means that the consumer believed in the reliability and unpretentiousness of the model. Indeed, after two years, lived together, the driver does not have reasons to complain about the ailments of the car. He is still awesome and cheerful, willingly start in any weather (tested before -30c), it will not leave the surprises of domestic roads and absolutely does not give a reason to be sad about an inexorable imminent old age. I think it makes no sense to tire readers with excellent degrees. Let's see the better what pitfalls can expect the owner of an inexpensive car when repairing and maintaining it.
We have experienced a very sensitive financial shock at 6,000 km: almost 760 y. e.! And the point here is not only in wear (finally!) The front brake pads that cracked the rubber cover of the hinge semi-axes and the right-hand amortized rack. It just approached the planned replacement of the belt of the gas distribution mechanism, which in relation to the symbol turned out to be both laborious and expensive. The budget all this, of course, stood (the front shock absorber changed to us under the guarantee - the truth is, for some reason one), but the small and seemingly practical car VMIG raised the operating cost bar for a very solid height. Imbroved remembered the advertising shield with prophetic words: all calculations in your favor.
To honor marketers and economists from autoframos, we note - now they seriously finalized the scheme of scheduled maintenance of an updated symbol, sending changes mainly to reduce costs. I think in the final material we will get to know them closer.
In the meantime, another underwater stone is an accident. She could not be avoided this winter. As usual, someone there in front brake dramatically, and Renault caught up almost stopped VAZ 2111. The contact was very tangible, but imagine mutual surprise when when a fluent inspection it turned out that the symbol was separated by scratching on the front bumper, cracked brackets of fastening both headlights and a little The increased slit between the hood and the falseradiator grille. The eleventh suffered more seriously: the bumper split down, the rear crossing of the body and, respectively, the niche of the spare track, broken off the fasteners of the exhaust system. It turned out, Renault - also a strong car!
Having consisted, decided to repair it on the company station. What is not a reason to assess the quality, and most importantly - the cost of work performed. The sentence of servicemen was not so optimistic as our forecasts. The replacement of headlights and the color of the bumper was added by the replacement of the right wing. It turned out that the native (by the way, plastic) gave the crack and, according to experts, was not repaired. So with all the details, paint, primer, solvents and other renovation of the baby cost another 780 y. e. And although after him the symbol shone with pristine beauty, we unanimously decided that it would be enough to experiment - next time we will paint in a less authorized service. In general, no matter how cool, and the body repair of foreign cars, even inexpensive, remains the most significant items of the owner's expenses.
Against the backdrop of tin, the last lasts were calm and peacefully, and most importantly, quite predicted - 97 and 196 y. e. respectively.
We hope, in the future, it is still able to avoid unforeseen surprises and the symbol will still please the trouble-free job and, alas, to upset with periodically waking up financial increments.

Daewoo Nexia
Manufacturer: Uzdăauautto
Year of release: 2000
In operation driving: Since March 2001
Mileage at the time of the report: 100 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal:
2001, № 6, 9;
2002, № 3, 7

Renault Clio Symbol
Manufacturer: Renault (Turkey)
Year of release: 2000
In operation driving: Since March 2001
Mileage at the time of the report: 80 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal:
2001, № 6, 9;
2002, № 3, 7

What did not like in Daewoo Nexia

The unsuccessful arrangement of the sound signal and its electrical wiring leads to failures. Salt and reagents cause fast corrosion of the audio signal and wiring.

In cold weather it is difficult to open the doors due to the face of the limiters.

Drives of shut-off mechanisms of front doors locks freeze: moisture is settled on them, penetrating the slit under the outer handles.

Heated lamps of the fog light headlamps are cracking when water gets.

Brake mechanisms rear wheels are poorly protected from dirt.

The electric drive of the telescopic antenna is not distinguished by reliability in winter conditions and offseason.

What did not like in the Renault Clio Symbol

Clamped salon, mediocre ergonomics of the driver's workplace (for RT version).

The lowest function of the front and rear shock absorbers (in relation to the symbols until 2002 in.).

The high cost of individual species of that and body repair.

Insufficient heating and ventilation efficiency.
Sergey Voskresensky, Anatoly Karpenkov

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Test Drives Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV

Daewoo Nexia malfunctions (Kletn) 1995 - NV

Daewoo Nexia malfunctions: details
Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion