Test Drive Audi Q7 since 2009 SUV

Audi Q7 against Cadillac Escalade

Monkey turns into a person. Man becomes owner of a car. The owner of the Audi does not become the owner of Cadillac ... We began to compare the eight-cylinder gasoline Caddy Escalade and Audi Q7, but it is obvious that, as in any other pair test, Audi will win ...

This happens for several years. The Germans created a brand, practically not losing a single magazine duel.

In this case, there is not a single person who dreams about Audi. People are cut about Jeep or Land Rover, sometimes about Mercedes or BMW. And if a person sees in a dream Audi, it means that he has a toothpaste in his head and his mud. While the torment did not dare, some have time to buy Q7 and turn into a disgruntled bourgeois medus with an arrogant facial expression. The lips begin to fly indulgent intonations. My beloved verb becomes tired, and the only pronoun me. But what is interesting: if the Audi is to withdraw, all the apparent quickly disappears, the man again puts on shabby pants and walks in the evening around the city. Only one can not return: the former owner of the Audi under no circumstances will be repaid in Cadillac. This is the face of reality.

Convinced the electronics Audi in the seriousness of his intentions and everything will turn out

Cadillac wins the hill race. Here it is excessive power by the way

Two orgasms
The future owner of Escalade, like the owner of the Audi, is determined immediately after birth. Cadillac driver is easy to learn when a careful examination of hands hands. The left palm should be a narrow and long, and the wrist is gentle: with a different structure, the hand is impossible to turn on the frontal washer. The owner of the Audi is born with a diary, it is already written to whom it will work, the color of the trousers in which it will be buried, as well as how much and what kind of orgasms it will experience. Typically write two.

The driver of Cadillac is unpredictable. So he brazenly cuts the Zhiguli, and then suddenly intelligently thanked the Skoda accident. Behind the wheel Father five children producer porn movies. Tandem Audi and his driver describe much easier. Behind the wheel of Q7, there is just no one. German cars, like automatic capsules, transport indifference bodies on the same route at the same time from year to year. And, of course, all of them are one color gray. It seems that the AUDI engine does not make up sounds. In any case, when Cadillac works nearby, the German is not heard. Q7 has no dynamics, because when you chew on the pedal, it just starts to go faster, and Escalade is rushed to all the body forward. With the design of the same story. Audi does not have an attractive appearance, because the surrounding stals only on Cadillac.

Escalade in the field as at home. Frame design absorbs all

At rough terrain, gentle Audi shakes much more noticeable

Forcing the owner Q7 to transfer to Escalade, you can easily lose it. Fear, horror, grief and laughter. Isn't it scary to be on too soft leather the seat that is trying to absorb you? Where to go from horror when the car does not turn after the wheel? Is it not regrettable to go in a terrible cold, desperate to understand the climate management? Well, isn't it ridiculous to see yourself from the side of Panicianly-sasonned inside the American Premium?

Polar Tests
The dough day was surprisingly frosty. The temperature collapsed to minus twelve. Caddy was kept in this arctic chateeller. He only froze the nozzle on the janitor and the automatically advanced threshold of adhesive to the body. Then, when I arrived at the refueling, it turned out that there is also a rustle of the gas tank. But it is the little things compared to what he threw Q7. From such a wild cold, he refused the castle of the rear left door, and she dangled like a trip on draft. The photographer caught me at a shame: I tied a dirty cable of the rear door handle from the inside.

Classroom riddles
While the cars were taped, we doubted to what class of SUVs to attribute them. Despite the fact that both car crossovers for asphalt were originally conceived and were mainly used on it, there were several controversial moments. The design of the machines is different as the image. Cadillac body sits on the frame. Rear suspension dependent. These are SUV signs. But there is no reduced transmission in the dispensing box, and the geometric parameters (entry / exit angles) are very modest. This is already the features of the crossover.

Q7 reduced transmission is also deprived, plus the body carrying and independent pendants in front and rear. Pure Water Parcatenter. However, a pneumatic suspension is available as an option, increasing the road clearance up to 280 mm, and this is, if neither twist, obvious utilitarian advantage. Only our test Q7 was naked. But what is surprising, it helped him. I often said that pneumatics are a magic option. But now, when we first gave q7 on ordinary springs, I had to doubt this. Yes, it looks fantastic when a five-meter crocodile is lifted on pneumatic paws and calmly turns through the high hill.

Is it important for Q7 a geometric advantage? We are angry with the head of the miracle advertisers from Audi. Well, who seriously uses all 280 mm clearance on this car? It is much more important than good damping on rough terrain and the effective work of anti-test electronics. And in these disciplines wins Q7 on ordinary springs. Pneumatics, raising the body to extremely position, does not leave the suspension of the heads of the outstand from here any softness, plus due to the destroyed moves of the wheel suspension constantly hang, provoking ESP continuously beat on the pads. On the springs, the car does not twitch, it goes smoothly, the wheels are hanging less frequently and electronics does not interfere with complex maneuvers.

Caddy King Mountain
Cadillac off-road in any case goes softer and more confident. His frame and cube fastening pillows damp the biggest bugs, the moves of the suspension are impressive. American wins in the traction passivity. Its six-liter motor produces 540 Newton meters, and the four-liter engine of the German is only 440. The difference is felt. At the moment, ride is always more pleasant.

Electronic assistants from Escalade is less strict than Q7. Give to bounce insert. And the ride in the sand on the Audi is a thrift dialogue with ESP. Go? No, wait ... Now go? Now, now ... come on! On the!!!

Bulk soil lifts Cadillac and Q7 are equally easily overcome due to powerful motors. But if you complicate the task and stop in the middle of the hill, the differences come out. Escalade roughly scatters dirt and flies upstairs on that face when the wheels are almost completely buried, and the body lies on the belly. Audi, immediately recognizing an abnormal situation, includes intelligence and waiting if you will refuse from a dangerous maneuver. But with a strong perseverance, the driver is surrendered, gradually increasing turnover, and at this moment you have to use your own brains. As a result, the game in King Mountains with a large margin wins Cadillac. Hurray, he is the best!

However, no. In general, the German is excellent, and the American is terrible, so I will choose Audi, as any normal person will do. Just do not force me to ride it.


Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photos of Alexander Insurance Baranova

A source: 4x4 magazine [March / 2010]

Video Crash Tests Audi Q7 since 2009