Test Drive Audi Q7 since 2009 SUV

Diesel Audi Q7 V12 is mysterious

It is pointless to insult the driver Audi Q7 V12 words like: you have five seconds to get out of here! He will only come true: say !!! ... probably it was a monday monday. Audi employees, suffering, waited for the occurrence of the evening.
They walked over gray corridors, sat, dropping the heads on the tables, and dreamed of dumping home under any pretext, as suddenly he ran into the rooms a cheerful chef ran into the rooms and shouted: guys, cheer up. There is an idea: for tomorrow I will give out something enchanting. Surprise me, or everyone is fired. This appeared twelve-cylinder Audi Q7 with a speedometer marked up to 310 km / h, and operating on diesel fuel. Honestly, other explanations of how the sevenblast Baul crossed with a nuclear reactor, I do not have.
Then, I suppose this project was transferred to the marketing department to find out who would buy this model. The frightened marketers decided not to risk and offered the traditional concept of a family crossover traditional for the old world, only with unusual characteristics. Immediately dismiss them, the furious chef shouted with empty chairs: idiots! Family crossover with motor compartment stuffed turbochargers ??? With overclocking up to hundreds for 5.5 seconds, like at the highest league sports cars ??? On the second row, grandmother with a cake, on the third children with cookies, water pistols and manual roaf ???
The last of the marketers, at the very beginning of the storm who scored under the table, desperately blurted out about another audience: business and civil servants. Executive functions Audi do not occupy. Cartin! Do you want, after starting from the traffic light, a laptop some general director-minister broke through the rear window? Even my secretary thinks better than you, finished his chef and after half an hour he signed a fresh marketing strategy. The concept consisted of two proposals: Sell to Russia, they will buy. They all buy!
Sweating when I think and not when I'm going
Everyone is interested in: Well, how is he going? What to ask here. Of course, I myself am sweating from excitement when I think that in it 1000 Nm of torque and 500 liters. s., But during the dough in the city, the average speed was 20 km / h (and consumption, by the way, 20 liters per hundred). I wrote the first day all the way to the sky: Give at least one straightformer without cars, traffic lights, traffic police and pedestrians. No. On the second day, reconciled and drove into one tenth pedal, with this moment it is no longer necessary to put pressure. The invigorating 140 km / h is dialing while you still click on the ignition button. Do not have time to run away, as 240 km / h, the electronic stopper works. There is no way to feel the dynamics, but there is always the opportunity to enjoy elasticity. The moment shelf begins with 1750 revolutions. Such a motor does not need a promotion. A little prodopil wishes were fulfilled, the tasks are made.
This Audi Q7 V12 costs about 150 thousand dollars. For the same money you can buy ML63 AMG with overclocking up to hundreds on half awend faster. So, acquiring Q7, you pay not for speed, but, as I said, for the torque, for diesel and (perhaps it will seem ridiculous) for a small consumption, because it is similar on the dynamics of a gasoline engine eating no less than thirty liters per hundred. And since the conversation about money went, I will never pay in Audi for the plastic salon, a low ceiling, a small trunk (in which a subwoofer instead of a spray) and not a mercedious smoothness of the stroke. Even the ESP Offroad mode and a pneumatic suspension, which increases the ground clearance to 240 mm will not accept this.
PS If you see an idiot that bulges with the speed of light from the traffic light to the traffic light, flying over pedestrians, or blinks you with distant light when you climb on the left line of the track far in 170, do not be angry, I'm still trying to feel the real capabilities of Q7, To write a more detailed technical report.
Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photos of Alexander Insurance Baranova


A source: 4x4 magazine [October / 2009]

Video Crash Tests Audi Q7 since 2009