Test Drive Audi Q7 since 2009 SUV

Audi Q7. Frequency ku

Audi Q7. Price: from 2 745 800 rub. On sale: since 2007

We read an article in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia. Fever ku acute disease. Meets all over the globe. General weakness, insomnia, disruption of appetite. Female outcomes are rare. According to the description, it is very similar to what is happening with a person who first saw Audi Q7: peace and sleep are lost, the state is close to feverish. Treat or succumb to fever KU we solved during a test drive Audi Q7

Test pilot
Alexander Azanova, car journalist, driving experience 4 years, personal car - Skoda Fabia

Jokes jokes, but judging by the number of Audi Q7 on our roads, many fever picked up. And they can be understood. Car on the sight. The first thing that rushes into the eyes is a massive chrome grille of the radiator. Having envy in the rearview mirror, the drivers of other cars are thrown by the swarmingly verified. The second famous xenon headlights and LED farkers. Especially spectacular and organically look at the background of the night metropolis. On the deserted track look defiantly, but it provides excellent lighting. Q7 and ass, with the permission to say, is also chic. The rear lights of the LED, the trunk of an unusual pattern in the form of an inverted letter T. Freud would see the somewhat different image, but the more nicer, overtaking the car, demonstrate to him this frequent silhouette of the trunk and show the most who on the daddy's road. By the way, the trunk itself was just a giant. The modest bag in a 775-liter space looked in shallow fish in the mouth of Cachelot, choking can be fixed with special rods on the guides. In general, the impression was that the designers were in love with each part of Q7 and almost all entered into a touching frame: the windows, knobs, radiator grille, rails are shiny.

Behind all this glamorous facade was required to find an SUV. The search operation was held on the route Moscow Yuryev-Polish Suzdal Moscow. It is nearly 460 km. Q7 for this case was chosen with a Diesel engine V8. Motor initially leads to confusion. It works so smoothly and quietly that it seems as if he is gasoline. In addition, the fuel was a premium class under to become a car: BP Ultimate Diesel. You get used to this comfort quickly, and the surprise flashes only when you look at the fuel consumption sensor. Q7 for its dimensions turned out to be unlimited: on average, it eats a little more than 9 liters per 100 km of mileage.

Moscow streets for Audi Q7 usual element. The 340-strong motor is enough not only for rapid overclocking, noi for more. He was equipped with a huge number of driver's helpers. For example, Audi Parking System will help to park: the system and obstacle will warn as an ordinary parking sensor, and herself will cheer in the right direction.

In general, all these helpers will often embed into your conversation with passengers. The Audi Side Assist system flies when unwanted guests will appear from the car's sides. In the long road, it bothers terribly, so we traveled most of the way with the disconnected sensors. Audi Line Assist Walks with a steering wheel when the machine without turning on the turn signal will cross the separation strip. The roads on our route did not always have a clear markup, and they did not even have, so the system was completely useless for the Moscow Ring Road.

But the adaptive cruise control was pleased: it reduces the speed, if the slower is ahead, and again gives gas when it is clean on the way. But on this capabilities of Q7 do not end. If you need not just to slow down, but also click on the brake pedal, the electronics will give the driver about it, and if it does not help, then even give pink you can feel a tangible push.

But you almost do not feel anything when you go to the Audi Q7 on sterbat roads. All potholes and holes in the asphalt SUV eats that it is nice not only to the driver, but also passengers. The adaptive air suspension switch A in Q7, it has 4 modes mainly in the Comfort position. It was worth moving to Dynamic, as noise appeared from the rear seats. These passengers began to complain about shaking. There were failed to understand other differences between these two modes.

By the way, it is also impossible to relax. The fact is that Q7 magically grows speed. Feels, you go 100 km / h, and in terms of speedometer already 140. By the way, the native sensor has quite accurate sensor. The difference with GPS minus 23 km / h.

You'd like to set gas, of course: and the engine is powerful, and the machine can accelerate if you believe what is written in the specifications, up to 242 km / h. But even more pulled to get out of the boring landscapes, which stretched out the window with a colorless turn. In Central Russia in mid-March, another real winter: with gray snowdrifts, blacks of trees and drier dirt roads.

A little bright colors on the journey added Yuriev-Polsky. The city, famous for his Mikhailo Arkhangelsky monastery and the fact that in the spring of 1968 they shot the first series of the golden calf. In the frames where Zinovy \u200b\u200bGerdt in the image of Panikovsky runs with Gusen the armpit can see the same monastery. But a cafe with a white balustrade, where Bender and Balagans for a mug of beer develop their surgery, find, unfortunately, failed. Perhaps it did not survive to this day, and maybe this episode was shot elsewhere. As long as Yuriev-Polsky was circled, the quotes from this film were climbing, and of course the most famous: the car is not a luxury, but a vehicle. In order to check whether our luxury with four rings on the hood can serve us with a means of movement on off-road, headed for Suzdal.

In this city, there is something to see: the Kremlin, dozens of ancient monasteries, churches and wooden rams. And here it is worth come here in July to celebrate the holiday of cucumber, in January to go along the snow-covered streets on the top of the horses, and at any time to taste a Suzdal Medvoda: it is served in all local restaurants, cafes and taverns.

By courageously passing by all the listed institutions and leaving the city behind, our Audi Q7 was finally found off-road. It is time to test the two remaining pneumatic suspension regimes. The OFF-Road button raises a 25 mm car (the ground clearance increases to 205 mm), the LIFT button is another 35 (clearance, respectively, 240 mm). However, if there is able to warm up to 30 km / h on the elevator, the suspension will return to the off-road mode. Q7 managed to go through shallow dirt and drifts. True, helped him what is called the whole world: both the driver with jewelry work of gas pedal, and electronics by an ESP off-road regime. The car drove out of side to the side, but she did not bother never. At such moments, thanks, I wanted to tell the developers of seats with lateral support. They tightly hold the driver's fifth point in one place even with strong rolls. Such love for the driver and passengers, wherever they find themselves: on an even asphalt or off-road, undoubtedly bribes. But for everything you have to pay. The price of the simplest diesel Audi Q7 starts from 2,745,800 rubles.

BP Ultimate Diesel
While traveling to Audi Q7 could not rejoice at the engine. It works smoothly, silently, and when you accelerate, let the muted, but very tasty sound. True, the newest fuel of the premium-class BP Ultimate Diesel fucked. It has already begun to sell on all Mazk BP in the Moscow region. The developers of this fuel claim that, due to the higher cetane number and the presence in the fuel of the detergent components, it burns better than ordinary fuel, so the machine works less noisy. At the same time, power and acceleration may increase to 8.2%. In addition, all the time that the motor, washing additives contained in the BP Ultimate Diesel fuel, provide neat and efficient engine cleaning. And they do it 4 times better than ordinary diesel fuel. The fuel formula also protects the metal parts of the engine and the fuel system from corrosion and wear due to the smaller sulfur content and the presence of anti-corrosion components. All this saves fuel and reduces the amount of harmful emissions. So, by observing developers, the car can pass longer on one tank to 33 km. This year is about superfluous 560 km. Pleasant trifle: When buying a BP Ultimate Diesel at the BP dressing you will give you a jar of honey.

Love not love
Side support seats reliably hold the driver in place. Reliable
Adaptive xenon headlights provide the best overview of the devices. Bright

Advantages and disadvantages
+ Good noise insulation, excellent handling, low fuel consumption.
- The adaptive suspension independently moves from one mode to another, the help system is more often distracted than they help.

Dimensions - 5089x1983x1737 mm
Engine - diesel, V8, 4134 cm3, 340 l.c. / 4000 min-1, 800 nm / 17502750 min-1
Transmission - automatic, 8-speed
Dynamics - 242 km / h, 6.4 s to 100 km / h
Fuel consumption - 9.2 l / 100 km in mix. Cycle
Competitors - BMW X5, Mercedes GL, Porsche Cayenne S, Range Rover Sport

Our opinion
The popularity of Audi Q7 has gained its design, comfort and, of course, a brand. In the city he is really good. But the real SUV name it is too early. Deep dirt is an insight virgin Q7 is not on the shoulder. And do you need all this luxury to drown in the swamps? Let it be better pleased with its xenon-LED-chrome-plated type of city inhabitants.

Posted by: Alexander Azanova


A source: Magazine 5 Wheel [May 2011]

Video Crash Tests Audi Q7 since 2009