Audi Q7 test drive since 2009 SUV

Audi Q7 4.2 TDI: Comfortable Grand Turismo ... for economical was taken by the restyled Audi Q7 from the Russian capital to the Black Sea, simultaneously relaxing in comfortable seats, rejoicing in the dynamics of diesel V8 and surprised at the economy of the premium SUV.

During the time, while I was preparing to go on a trip around Russia, namely to the Black Sea coast, I was not left by the thoughts in what condition M4 route, how much time this year I will spend in traffic jams and what will it be controlled by one of the most prestigious crossovers of the world Audi Q7. Until the start of the start, the first two aspects of the trip were more worried, but in the end it turned out: there was no reason for excitement. Seeing him, colleagues were only able to say wow, and I nervously smoked aside. From the updated Q7, (and even performed by S-Line with a 4.2 TDI nameplate), even in inexperienced by the premium took a breath. Ku-seven seems huge, but balanced, with detailed lines, smoothly crossing, somewhere down under the bottom. Here is almost one whole. Yes, and not so big at all, this Q7! There was no longer left to look at the time, because there were at least 1,500 km ahead.

The number of seats is equal to the model index (coincidence?); Two of them are neatly folded in the luggage compartment, soft skin around the perimeter, a monitor in the center. There probably is navigation!? But no, (but the real owners can order additionally). I turn back and the first thing I ask my colleagues, is it convenient for you there? Yes, they answer in one voice. The back is very spacious, only the back is leaning back a short distance. But the place still remains in bulk.

You can get Q7 in two ways: insert the key-skeleton into the ignition lock or just press the button on the central console. Apparently Audi engineers were afraid to lose consumers, the so-called old hardening who do not trust to start the car to all kinds of magnesics buttons and simply offered a choice. Surprisingly, the fact that the diesel engine rumbled, I understood only on the instrument board and earned a full four-zone climate control. A huge work of engineers is felt when creating the sound insulation of the motor compartment. It is worth opening a window or door, as a diesel roller is clearly heard. Well, let him come, but we need to go

A leather chair, wooden inserts in the console, pleasant music, as if you are not sitting in a car, but in an expensive office with windows that go to the city center. The setting of seats for four took us no more than a minute, including the driver. Everything is logical and unchanged here. Roll adjustment sits on an electrician, and a small joystick controls this process. Start, light pressing on the pedal and on a speedometer of 60 km/h. Click a little more and 120 km/h. Awesome engine craving! 760 Nm already shows what they are capable of. Okay, we will tame.
The Leningrad highway, as always, turned out to be inhospitable, but the Moscow Ring Road did not disappoint. Exchangeing the first fifty kilometers of the journey, I began to forget about what the turning indicators are (why were they put here at all?), That during rebuilding you need to look into these huge side mirrors and, moreover, monitor the appetite of the car. I just steamed, and the neighbors in the strip trained telepathy, reading my thoughts correctly: you do not mind if I go further, but will you move?!

For the next 1,500 km. On the way, the crossover showed himself only from the best side. Comfortable, mainly due to the pneumatic adaptive suspension, smoothing all the irregularities of the federal highway, and even supporting the car in parallel position to asphalt. Neither Krenov, no nods, no dive. A clear response of the steering wheel, which is characteristic of any speed. Balanced, but more simply, without brakes, a six -speed automatic allowed to go out for long overtaking, without even switching the box selector to S mode. But the gas pedal had to work with surgical accuracy: it is so light that it was slightly repressed and already go to deprivation. In general, it is a pleasure to steer on the Q7 highway.

A couple of days after arrival, it became very interesting to me how the Q7 would behave in more difficult conditions, namely on mountain passes and serpentines that enveloped part of the coast from all sides. We hit the road early in the morning, at the same time deciding to visit the shore of the neighboring Azov Sea. Only 300 km is a trifle. Before the rise, we are inhibited, we take pictures, and in the meantime I master MMI (multifunctional multimedia interface), it, in fact, controls almost all the electronics in Q7). Perhaps the child will understand the management of them. Everything is logical and understandable. I enter the suspension settings and transfer from the Comfort position (we did not specifically touch it, on the whole way to the sea) to the Dynamic position. At the same time, the pneumatic vehicle slightly lowers the car. Go! One cool turn on the rise, the second I seem to sleep. Nothing has changed compared to a straight track. Yes, of course, there are rolls, but you practically do not notice them. In other ways, if you are not like local riders (you can look at the photo at the end of the material), you can safely go, drink coffee and talk on the phone (naturally through a high -profile communications on Bluetooth).

Of course, the Dynamic mode in this case is more useful than ever.

I was periodically asked by colleagues at what speed we are going. The speed in KU7 is not felt at all. It seems that we roll 80 km/h, and the speedometer assures that at least 120 km/h. In this regard, it would be logical to mention appetite. The average consumption on the highway was 11.1 liters of diesel engine per hundred. At the same time, it is worth considering that the car was loaded almost to the eyeballs: 4 people and a full trunk of bags. Yes, and the dynamics did not suffer from this, and if I suffered, then it’s even scary to think: how does Q7 go without cargo ???

The editorial office was persistently asked to find shortcomings. Of course, they are. Personally, the price leads in my list of minuses: the cost of our car exceeded 2,500,000 rubles. Yes, finding a car cheaper is not so difficult. If objectively, that is, cars are faster, more compact, more compact and more spacious, but their total price will much exceed the price of Q7. Yes, and store (refuel, insure, maintain) this fleet will be problematic

P.S. A trip along the route Moscow Azov Sea Black Sea Moscow lasted 2 weeks, for which I almost did not get out of the car. We drove a total of 4,200 kilometers, spending a little more than 7,500 rubles on fuel. I think that regarding other modes of transport, the Audi Q7 looks in an economically profitable way to travel!

Author: Denis Kamenev
Photo: Alexey Alexandronok

Source: Wheel magazine [September 2010]

Video Crash tests Audi Q7 since 2009