Audi Allroad 2000 test drive - 2006 SUV

The path to Rzhev

The first weeks of the owner of the car are interested in its speed, gasoline consumption and the capacity of the trunk, after a couple of months it begins to worry more serious issues - for example, questions of the life of this car.
We argued here with one colleague who has nothing to do with cars, since he drives mainly in the rear seat of the Audi S8, they say, why drive along the vicinity of Moscow - what's good? And then a statistical and worldview of those who drive just on soft A8 sedans, and owners of cars such as AlloDo, were designated. One walks in a suit or black jeans rags from Italian designers, and the other in everything from Barbour-velvet pants, a jacket-for-handle and even boots. One does not like to travel outside the city and if he travels, so only to his friends - young governors for cottages, which can be safely called estates and estates. The other likes to travel around the surrounding monasteries, churches and not yet destroyed estates of the former generations of the Russian aristocracy. The instructive sight.
And in general, Allroad is a machine for those who like to breathe fresh air, and not the cigarette smoke of Moscow clubs. For those who know for sure that the world of non -frighty roads begins behind Koltseve.
The ALLROD car is not the first month on a long -term test in the autopilot editorial office. At first we were interested in the technical characteristics of this car. And we in detail, like a mechanic in the garage, recorded such exciting details as the presence of emergency reconciliation on a alloy disk. Day after day, fuel consumption was recorded and sad when smart electronics did not allow the wheels to slip through their native ditches. That's how - we are used to slipping, but she does not want to. Together with Allroad, they noted an unjustified increase in gas prices and thought, and where did the money go if they were taken from the philanthropists? In general, we met closely. True, still fingers sometimes slide down on the switching button into a manual box mode, which sometimes creates inconvenience on the road. But soon the hands will get used to it.
And now we are more interested in the stylistic aspect of Allroad. Starting with the fact that a very high -quality Acoustic system of Bose is essentially an off -road machine. It is combined with good sound insulation and a quiet powerful engine of 4.2 liters on noisy streets and empty highways, in dark alleys and in a summer house to listen to any music that humanity invented, and not just the Leningrad group at full power. On this device you can hear John Cage, whose plays without notes here were playing in Moscow.
Speaking of music. We are all the time for that simple idea that individual types of machines are intended for each type of human activity. That is, for business and decent places - one, for weekends - others, for sports and active entertainment - others. And if possible, you should in no case ride an SUV the size of H2 and with large wheels to some elegant place. For example, where the last concerts of John Cage play. (Cage just came by the way.) Because everything is already aware that you don’t have to cut it off in the jeep towards the Semifreddo restaurant, as well as in the direction of restaurants simpler. Even in the cinema, if the cinema is located in the city, no. But somewhere in a super-duplicate-mega-center-please. Everything will be quite in the American spirit, although, with the filing of counter -propagandists, America is now a abusive concept. But we know you ...
So, Audi Allroad is a real real compromise between styles. Because the same car looks decent both at a business meeting (with some features of your personal style), and on forest paths. That is, alload is such a tank in a tailcoat. Your own among strangers.
In addition, my colleague, who does not know how to steer a car himself, but loves to read our magazine very much, began to make hints - they say, it is good to transport large -scale on Allroad to the mother -in -law. I had nothing to say for this, because I never drove boards and mattresses on the roof. In general, at one time I changed Saab 9000 Aero to Subaru Outback only to have a decent road clearance and the ability to ride quickly and safely. To get acquainted with Central Russia, not only from the false stories of television. And least of all, I thought that I would have to drive to my mother -in -law on this car. In addition, she lives already in Rzhev itself, about which I know only a dreary rhyme, that everyone died there.
But the colleague had already started me, and I had to go, while working out the passage of the Moscow-Riga highway in the Audi Allroad car. And although goodness advised to load the car with something useful, for example potatoes, we decided that Alload did not fit stylistically with potatoes, as well as with other agriculture. Therefore, the maximum that we came up with was the grandson’s summer things into the trunk and went on a 230-kilometer campaign.
At the same time, the M-5 track is divided into several sections that fit into the universal concept of AlloD. The first part of the Moscow-Volokolamsk highway (100 km) is an excellent multi-row road where you can accelerate almost any speed that the engine is capable of. In this case, the variable clearance can be reduced to the lowest mark, and the air resistance will become completely insignificant. Both speed and safety are higher. In this section, the car is low, smoothly and quickly. Blutled nine does not even try to butt with her, the drivers of which usually make up the most nightmare of humanity.
In Volokolamsk itself, we decided to take a cultural break and visit Yaropol - the Goncharov estate (Pushkin’s mother -in -law). Here the estate of Chernyshev is in poor condition. But you can appreciate the imagination of the then Moscow mayor of Chernyshev - like his pearl barley and new Russian design. Everything ended very badly: when the mayor died, his widow - at that time one of the richest women in Russia - decided to convert the drama theater to church. Aesthetically amazing result you will see from the window of your Allroad, just do not fall in the precipitate.
In a small expedition, know and love our edge we needed an increased road clearance, and we clicked on the treasured button to increase the clearance. By the way, the first time such systems were observed by us on Subaru cars in the 80s, were still surprised by the elegant solution to the problem of roads and Parebrics. Since then, Subaru for some reason has abandoned an alternating clearance, but Allroad has blossomed with this idea.
The section of the M-5 highway from Volokolamsk to the Shakhovskaya station (another 54 km) is marked with a sharp narrowing of the canvas, and then AlloD begins to work in a different quality.
Due to the narrowness of the road, the car for overtaking has to jump out of the row and dramatically gain speed. The 300-horsepower engine copes with this task easily. To the question of what is more expensive for you is a wallet or life. But the ability to speed maneuver is not only cheap show -off boys in leather jackets. This is a real help for survival on Russian roads.
Soon, the track near Moscow ends, the Tver province begins. -Tat you will understand that in vain they cursed on the roads of the Moscow Region, which in memory turned into the Autobans of the German region. The coating worsens sharply, the road boils down to the width of two cars, and the rut allows you to feel like a Red Arrow train driver. If the trucks are going on towards (and there are an infinite amount here), then only the maneuverability of ALLROD allows you to leave the murderous trailer, which dangles behind Tir'ami with an amplitude of half the remaining road. In winter, this is generally the road of death, and only people are prepared or completely fearless to leave here. For the rest there is AlloD.
But since we are still going to my mother -in -law on the assignment of our colleagues, we overcome the next 75 kilometers confidently. We enter the Sosnovy Bor resort area, on the dry and uneven paths of which it is easy to get to the Volga on such SUV as our test. By this moment, the tank is already starting to empty. To refuel anywhere where we do not advise you - the car is a pity. Unless try at the entrance to the city, next to the police post.
Well, hello, mom, where is the dumplings?
Text Igor Maltsev, photo Alexander Antonov

Source: "Autopilot"