Audi Allroad 2000 test drives - 2006 SUV

Audi A6 Allroad Quatro: under the "brick" and vice versa
We decided not to pay attention to a rusty sign with a barely noticeable brick. Smooth asphalt was left behind, gravel crushed under the wheels, the long nose of A6 OLRUD described the arc and aimed down. The apple orchard stuck to the slope, and a dwarf tractor appeared due to dwarf trees. So for whom is this track with narrow ...
And ours and your
Audi forced all four wheels of its emblem to rotate twenty years ago. Today, the famous rings rolled off the asphalt to the Efficiency in the series, Audi Allroad Quattro went to the series. In the class of the so -called universals of increased cross -country ability is new. On the path, or rather, on the off -road, the beaten -by -vain Subaru Legacy Outback and Subaru Forester is already rolling ...
AlloD on the go
Audi diesel will give odds to many gasoline engines usually raising boor on the road - this is an ungrateful and dangerous thing, moreover, the responsibility of the traffic police. But this small car, hung with chromium with chromium with glass taned to black (what is sitting inside, interesting?) Naturally brought out of ...
Skorokhod for all roads
The Audi Allroad Quattro all -wheel drive station wagon reached a peak in the fact that the Audi Allroad three years after the debut received another significant argument - a 300 -horsepower engine - there is nothing surprising. Many manufacturers go to a similar step, wanting to ensure the second wind of the model entering the time of sunset. Where does it come from…
Universals of sandy quarries
Do you like assertive and dynamic driving style? Do you think that fate is different, would have become a good race car driver? At the same time, do you confess an active lifestyle-tents-bears-ski tents, at worst, barbecue in nature? The courageous style is not alien to you? And choose a car - so that all together and in one bottle ... ...
Feelings and numbers
The Audi Allroad 2.5 TDI was faster than it seemed at the beginning, it was a mistake: a young colleague who helped prepare the first from the series of notes about the Audi Allroad, confused one diesel engine with another, depriving the car of 17 horses and 60 nm of torque. It is partly apologized only by the fact that both motors have the same ...
Someone is show-off, someone is a maniac
Disruption in the skid, dust clubs and drum fraction of pebbles along the bottom is a tough situation for a car, a toy for an SUV. Stress on the verge of loss of control in one case, a triumphant smile on the face in the other. Be that as it may, the direct injection of adrenaline into the blood is guaranteed. True, the presence of an SUV is not a condition ...
From princes in mud
In late autumn, the weather in the south-west of Russia is not a phenomenon for the faint of heart. In the afternoon, you calmly wander along sandy reaches in shorts and a T -shirt, driving away annoying mosquitoes and admiring the vast landscapes. And in the late afternoon, the impotant south -Russian darkness, a cold river wind suddenly collapses on nothing obedient to the end of the crumbs.
Get up!
Range Rover and Audi Allroad Quattro. It is difficult to imagine another couple of equally dissimilar, but close to each other in spirit and functional purpose of cars. On the one hand, they are shared by La-Channel, three decades of fleeting automotive life and clearly expressed different weight categories. But look how equally elegant and confidently look ...
The battle of iron chancellors
As soon as they are not called parquet, beach, walking, etc., and in the subtext of each of these definitions, neglect sounds. And in vain real all -terrain vehicles are needed only by a very limited circle of buyers. Parquet compromise for daily operation. Full -drive cars are divided into two obvious categories: with a body or, on extreme ...