Audi Allroad 2000 test drive - 2006 SUV

AlloD on the go

Audi diesel will give a head start to many gasoline engines
Usually I do not engage in raising boor on the road - this is an ungrateful and dangerous thing, and also includes the responsibility of the traffic police. But this small car, hung with chromium with chromium with glass taned to black (what is sitting inside, interestingly?) Naturally brought out of patience: for a couple of kilometers in a dense city stream, he managed to cut me twice and rebuild three times, scaring a dozen drivers three times. And in the end, it stands on the right at the traffic light, obviously intending to move across. Well
Green - I have heated the accelerator pedal only by half of it, smoothly, but quickly releasing the clutch: Alload is not something that is accelerating - it seems to jump forward. Immediately - clutch, second gear, now there is more gas - and I am ahead of the offender by half a corps. So, now the third one, and you could leave the swivel car far behind, but this is not yet included in my plans: I keep her nose exactly opposite the rear wheel. There would be that driver of thoughts, so would slow down and calmly settled behind. But - no, he puts pressure on the gas with all his might, hoping for something else. The race, however, did not last long: ahead of what I saw perfectly, the right -hand row occupied a low -proof. As a result, the shaved car slows down in the southwide and seems to stall. However, this is no longer interested in me.
Accelete on Audi Allroad Quattro with a 2.5 -liter turbodiesel is a pleasure. And let the reader not mislead passport 10.4 seconds to hundreds. Firstly, this is absolutely honest data, and secondly, transferred to the asphalt, they believe me, are quite capable of impressing-you are not managing some kind of low -iority, but a solid and large car. Acceleration to 60 km/h passes at a time, two, three. And after the set of speed continues quite briskly - so that under any circumstances, the driver cannot feel at least a moment with an outsider.
The secret of the dynamics is simple as twice two: despite the relatively modest power - 163 hp, a turbocharged engine with direct fuel injection - 2.5 TDI - gives an impressive torque - 310NM. Moreover, the maximum moment is available in a wide range of revolutions - from 1400 to 3600. This is enough with excess, for example, to feel not weakening acceleration up to 170 km/h. Further, according to subjective sensations, the car continues to gain a spore speed, but not so briskly - up to the maximum 203 km/h.
Modern turbodiesels are largely similar to a boost of gasoline engines. Not only in terms of dynamics, but also in terms of the so -called turboyam. On Audi, she is negligible, but, nevertheless, is present. If it is too early to switch to increased gear, relying on the excellent burden of the power plant, it may occur that the motor suddenly stopped pulling.
Therefore, the lever of the 6-speed mechanical gearbox has to work tirelessly, especially on city streets, somewhere crawl, then you accelerate, then slow down. At the same time, the first gear is extremely short, it is intended only in order to slide the car from a place. It is easy to start from the second gear, smoothly releasing the clutch pedal (it is slightly long -flowing, but exactly as much as it is necessary, the moment of picking is felt perfectly) and adding the gas. But personally, I rarely take this opportunity, and only when the car is on the slope - the clutch is not a sin and to protect. In addition, the checkpoint itself has excellent settings, I never happened to make a mistake with the choice of transmission.
You get used to the algorithm for operating the engine and transmission very quickly, and soon you understand that there is not the slightest need to twist the motor to the red zone on the tachometer. The car is perfectly accelerated, and under the gas pedal you always feel the power supply if the tachometer arrow is located mainly in the range from 1800 to 2500 revolutions. Therefore, in the city very often I use the fifth and even sixth gear. Which, by the way, allows you to save fuel, although the diesel is surprisingly in a surprisingly small diesel fuel (the average consumption, I recall, is 8.7 liters per 100 km). One refueling is enough for me for a week, while Allroad rarely runs out less than a hundred kilometers in a day.
Since the previous publication (AI No. 9 (55) 2004), about 2500 km has passed in the editorial office on a long test. Nothing unexpected during this time (the odometer is now a little more than 5,000) has happened. Unless once an indicator suddenly caught fire, indicating a malfunction of the air suspension. Most likely, it was a computer glitch - after restarting the engine, the indicator went out, and the car did not lose the ability to change the clearance. The official dealer, however, recommended that he stopped at the station. What will I do as soon as I get out of my free time
Oleg Osipov

Source: "Automobile Izvestia"