Test drive Audi A6 2005 - 2008 sedan

Basic element

Audi Allroad Quattro, Audi A6 sedan and 3.2 FSI motor
The first presentation of the Audi A6 Allroad Quattro AI was brilliantly missed, but now that the model appeared on the Russian market, I was able to calmly look at it, plunging ten days. And at the same time, to evaluate its advantages in comparison with A6, with which he moved to AlloD, and which was endowed with the same engine and the same branded system of all -wheel drive. Both cars, I must admit, came to their liking. According to the running qualities, according to the truly driver in it, A6 3.2 FSI liked more. But - here is a paradox - if I were offered to choose one of these two cars, I would probably have preferred AlloD.
Fly or ride
To begin with, I must notice that this 255-horsepower engine with direct fuel injection I happened to be tested almost on the entire Audi model range. Machines smaller with him simply fly, more - just confidently and quickly travel. If you leave my favorite diesel engines beloved by me, then it is difficult to imagine the most suitable option for both A6 and ALLROD. Of course, from my subjective point of view.
To the A6 model, the manufacturer offers the widest selection of power units - there are among them less and more powerful. But it is with the 3.2 FSI that the car seems to me the most balanced when the drive, pendants, the 6 -speed automatic transmission - all this shows a coordinated work that is pleasant to feel. And the car reveals all its capabilities - not limit, but also not frightening. You are always sure of the wheel of such a car. Because under the right foot - such a feeling - there is an inexhaustible power source that can be realized at any time. The beauty of the FSI system is that the motor is able to vividly respond to the accelerator pedal, generously divide the moment and forces in a fairly wide range of revolutions, but its characteristics are not smoothed out, the explosive character is very tangible. What is especially pleasant when acceleration or accelerations necessary for overtaking on the highway. And, I will tell you, dear reader, the dynamics is more than impressive. It’s even hard for me to imagine where - in real life, and not on special tracks - it could be missed.
The same engine, but now as a basic one, on Allroad gives a slightly different sensations. No, the car is also capable of moving along the highway, one might say, swiftly. It is just more and heavier, which naturally affects the dynamics. And the point is not only in the tenths of the seconds that it lags behind when accelerating to 100 km/h from A6, overweight is always felt, although the motor copes with it for conscience. It is impossible to call Audi Allroad 3.2 FSI a sluggish in any way. And if you compare its capabilities not with A6, but with many other models from different manufacturers, then this is just a bullet with a large trunk.
Features of Allroad
Since we have already talked about other A6 running qualities, focus on Allroad. This car shows two, from my point of view, key properties. On the highway, at high speeds, it pleases with smoothness, and on the winding paths is able to show the habits of a large sports car, despite the decent size, a difficult stern. The main thing is that in any situation, the machine behaves absolutely predictably. Not least thanks to the famous Quattro system. Apparently, it will be difficult to find such a clear from the driver's point of view of all -wheel drive in the near future. In the automotive industry, there is a stubborn desire to replace almost any mechanical connections in transmission by computer modeling. It is possibly cheaper in production and more promising, but so far such attempts are capable of arousal, because there is an intermediary between a person behind the wheel and the car, a certain nameless programmer, who considered that in such and such a situation the car should behave in this way. and not otherwise. In Allroad, praise to engineers from Ingolstadt, nothing of the kind is observed. And you know for sure that this turn can be included in seventy, because exactly in the middle of the turn, when the stern leads, there will be enough moment on the front wheels, and they will stretch the car out of the drift. It is only worth slightly turn the steering wheel in the right direction and not let go of the gas pedal.
Such predetermination in the behavior of the machine, of course, is especially important on slippery coating. And in order to thoroughly study the nature of Quattro, you just need to practice, and it is better - in a proprietary school. Then it is possible from time to time, for the sake of fun, to turn off the ESP stabilization system, which, by the way, acts very competently and correctly.
If the future owner of the Audi Allroad intends to ride quickly, it is better for him to choose the Dynamic mode on his own - of those five modes that the pneumatic suspension now offers. In this case, the clearance will be the minimum 125 mm, and the body will practically not roll in vihi. The on -board computer will choose this option, but only if you rush at a speed of at least 120 km/h within ten minutes. In principle, in the city it is reasonable to entrust the choice of the electronics regime, stopping at Automatic position - it copes with this, I can assure, very competently, providing a high level of comfort.
However, there are situations in the city when the body must be raised by yourself - when crossing through the borders, for example. Here I want to grumble a little. In the first generation, Alload to increase the clearance was a simple thing: I pressed the key on the front panel once or several times, and look until one or more indicators light up, although it is clear when you can overcome the obstacle. Now you can’t do without MMI, a multimedia interface - you need to go to the menu, choose a section, etc. Beautiful, of course, on a large color display, everything is very clear, but laziness! Unnecessary, you know, I would prefer that some basic functions can be controlled using individual keys. And there are such keys, but not to control the suspension. However, this can be considered a petty pickup.
To complete a brief conversation about the suspension, I will say that there are, of course, the modes for overcoming off -road, although I would not recommend this machine to be taken to deaf places. Nevertheless, the clearance can be increased to as much as 190 mm (Lift mode). But the smart machine will sit on its own if you try to exceed in this mode a speed of 35 km/h. In general, only one opportunity to change the road clearance is making AlloD for me more attractive. But there are other obvious advantages like a spacious luggage compartment.
It is impossible not to say at least a few words about the 6-speed automatic Tiptronic gearbox. Without this mechanism, the full potential of FSI could remain a thing in itself. The automatic transmission is very good - it reacts to the driver’s commands almost instantly, adapts to the individual driving style, offers a sports regime and the possibility of manual gear shifts. Moreover, you can move from one step to another with the help of steering wheel petals, which in some cases is very convenient. At the same time, the box will not allow only one thing - to twist the engine when the tachometer arrow clearly goes into the red zone - and correctly, I must say, will do it. As for the sports regime, I, I admit, used it only in exceptional cases. For example, when it was necessary to go around the crawling on the highway at about the same speed and in all rows, from the extreme right to the extreme left, Tikhooka. It is important that the motors turnover are supported in the region of 2.5 thousand revolutions, which this mode and provides - then the response time to the accelerator pedal is minimal, and the car reacts correctly not only to the supply, but also to the discharge of gas. In all other situations, I was quite satisfied with the usual operation of the automatic transmission, which completely provides active movement.
He must be in demand
I did not say anything about the appearance of Audi Allroad. If in a nutshell there is a harmonious and courageous car that can arouse respect on the road. Personally, I especially looked at the chrome grate of the radiator with vertical ribs - very expressive and very stylish. On the other hand, the reader, even from photographs, may well make his own impression. I’ll only add that silver protection below in a circle is hardly able to protect the car from some serious troubles, but it looks very good, emphasizing the purpose and functionality of the model.
Inside ALLROD is almost a copy of A6, so I will not describe the interior in detail. But I emphasize that in the cabin there is noticeably larger than in the same A6 or in the car of the previous generation. A 124 mm increase in length, and 10 mm width designers used with considerable art. Practical people should also please the luggage compartment, the volume of which varies between 565 - 1660 liters. Yes, and the electric drive of the rear door, the ability to open and close it from the key fob is useful.
In conclusion, I will share some marketing considerations. It seems to me that Audi acted very reasonably, preserving the ALLROD in the model range, although there is A6 Avant, and Q7 appeared. Allroad occupies, in fact, a unique niche, just between these models and has no direct competitors. And, therefore, it may well rely on his buyer. Prepared to pay $ 79 552 - there is so much tested car.
Text: Oleg Osipov

A source: Newspaper "Automobile Izvestia" [No. 15-16 (105), 2006]

Crash Test Audi A6 2005 - 2008

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