Test Drive Audi A6 since 2011 Sedan

On a well-deserved holiday

Smart Mountain will not follow the famous saying. It is in accordance with it there is a new alrhroad. He will turn the mountain. And make it very quickly.

Most recently, his face was burned by the sun and winds. He was young, muscular and ready to go along with you to storming mountain passes. Now Ollrouse has become completely different. No, he still has a powder in the boohlnitsa, but here the keenness in the view and rudeness was dressed. It grew noticeably in length 124 mm, 10 mm rang out into the width and looks much more detail. Muscle relief under a completely civil suit with a prestigious club emblem Audi in the form of a huge trapezoid chrome grid of the radiator is no longer so distinguishable. Every day workouts here and does not smell, more and more cup of expensive coffee and cigar in the morning. And the sports form is dust in the closet on the far shelf.

Slightly large mirrors, lining on the thresholds, plastic unpainted arches expansion and bumpers with steel protective sinks are somewhat distinguished by the descendant of the first soldier Audi from the most common front-wheel drive universal A6. But it looks like only a weak attempt to support the image of an adventure crawler. Agree, the car with a base of 2833 mm and the long-lasting swells will sit like barge stranded, on the very first serious bump or will leave his expensive bumpers there. All kind of current alrhroad as if he says that the difficulties of this kind, he has not been overcome by the deadlines. There are also young and bold, such as Q7, so they let and mise the dirt with their huge wheels. As they say, you have the road everywhere, the old people are big respect.

The immodest charm of the bourgeoisie
But I not only do not want to be drowning on the villagers, finding out the limits of the passability of the new Ollroud, I generally go somewhere and the slightest desire. So it would be sitting in his luxurious cabin, nothing, actually not different from the cabin ordinary A6, extinguishing himself from the worldly bustle of tinted glasses, and relaxed the jazz sounds, praying from the speakers of the class audio system.

Once in Germany, Audi considered the car for rural teachers. To afford the current A6-Ollroud, these teachers would have to first acquire villains on the azure coast and yachts in the bays nearby. Yes, what sometimes you pay a lot of money only for the image and for belonging to the circle of the elected ... However, in the case of Ollroud, it is not quite so.

With manic addiction, always disgruntled, I crawled out the interior along and across and did not find what to find face. It seems that the masters from Ingolstadt Corpel over every detail is as thoughtfully and patiently as Karl Marx over his capital. It turned out stylishly, qualitatively, convenient and, unlike the works of the theorist of communism, is not at all kind. Wooden inserts were not made at the plastic factory, the seats profile is excellent, exhaustive adjustment ranges. The glove box and that opens with a button. Trifle, but nice. Perhaps it is not too easy to communicate with the MMI terminal responsible for setting up most onboard car systems. But compared to the Baemwash Ay-Drive here everything is much clearer and more logical. Especially since Audi knows Russian perfectly well.

She not only owns many languages \u200b\u200band takes care of the driver, this clever remembers his family and economic responsibilities. In the rear sofa will not be closely three healthy. As - in no way, in the length of the alrhroud, it does not quite slightly reaching the representatives of the representative class. Yes, and in the trunk, there is enough space not only under the golf clubs. And earlier, the volume of the cargo compartment was rather big, and now it has increased by 110 liters. So with folded backs of the rear sofa, you can easily accommodate two bikes. For fastening of different smallers and bags, moving along the guide partitions are provided. Finally, like a cream rosette on the cake so that you are unnecessarily strained, the fifth door closes using the button. I clicked, three seconds waited, and all things. Not life, but a fairy tale.

Arranged on the knob of the wheel control buttons of the onboard computer. Practical solution

Separate climate control enters the basic equipment

You can select the desired pneumatic mode using the MMI terminal. But everything is visuality and just

The glove box is large, and for convenience has several offices
The back of the sofa can be folded in parts, but the floor turns out not quite even

The fact that there is a shutter from the sun, nice. But the fact that it needs to be lowered by hands is not very

Despite the huge disk, here is just a dance

Not enough
But the inclusion button of a number of reduced gears, which was on some versions of the first Ollroud, I, no matter how hardly, did not find it. It is not supposed to be such plebeian equipment to our aristocrat. Only a pneumatic suspension and a four-wheel drive with the inter-axis self-locking differential Torsen remained. And you still have free to change the road clearance yourself. Only if before it could be increased to 208, now up to 185 mm. In principle, not so little, but it is still terrible to park on the sidewalks: because of such a long base of that and looked at the border with a belly.

However, the owner of this car is much more likely to ride the countryside, for example, to a country house under construction or simply on nature. So, when on a bumpy road you set the maximum clearance, with fully selected strokes, the suspension will be very tough. My poor teeth with unfortunate fillings had to oh as disavenly. So if you do not want to spend time on an unplanned visit to Dentistist, it is better to shuffle from the hole on the pocket.

Carter protection on Ollrobe factory and does not require surcharge

It is quite another thing if the primer is relatively smooth. You can set the comfortable pendant mode with a road lumen of 140 mm, and then the alrhroad is impoverished, even somehow American, like a ship on an air cushion, flies on the road, not noticing any small things under the wheels.

Basic habitat
In short, on this Oll terroy, it is more handy to ride in equal roads, and best of all on asphalt. And here he will love all the time that he gave way to the Parketnik, not to mention the real jeep, on the village. Not just so with any of his motors, this Audi is going faster than 200 km / h. He is a real eater kilometers. Driving almost 500 versts in three and a half hours, I'm not tired at all. As if the television sat with beer and chips. Shelest tires is almost not heard, from the noise of the engine is also well isolated.

But 255 horses, perhaps, the optimal 3.2-cylinder engine of a 6-cylinder engine with a volume of 3.2 liters are not allowed to forget about their presence. Seventy on the speedometer or one hundred seventy, for overtaking, it is enough to press the gas pedal morestly, and one who was ahead, after a few seconds already disappears in the rearview mirrors. True, you must still oblige a machine to work in sports mode. In the usual one, he is very urged about the safety of your nagging and the transmission changes very smoothly, and the lower goes wrong. For relaxation, what it is necessary, but if you wanted a adrenaline to injected into the blood, it is definitely necessary to choose a sport or manual mode.

By the way, in Ollroud, the submissive transmissions are installed at all for beauty to attract failed Schumachers, but solely in the case. In the compulsory, the Tittronic switches from the stage at the stage instantly it is first. And secondly, you do not have to remove your hands from the steering wheel when switching in turns. Why do you need such extreme? Yes, just the handling of the car is excellent and quickly turns turns on it a real pleasure. By the way, at the speeds of 120 km / h road lumen decreases to 125 mm, which increases the already excellent term stability of the Great Audi. The predecessor could also descend, but only up to 140 cm, and he was 30% less. Do you feel the difference? The last generation car was sharpened precisely under fast, sporting ride on the highway.

As a result, the handling of olldoad is no worse than that of an exclusively high-speed station wagon A6-AVANT, while other than plastic body kit, you get a car a little more prepared for riding on asphalt at any time of the year. For what, if otherwise equal (four-wheel drive, automatic, motor 3.2 liters) will have to pay $ 4000. As if a little. So it is so. But if earlier, Ollroud could be purchased for $ 66,000, now it costs at least $ 76,019. Adding even less than a thousand green, you can buy a Q7 large, comfortable, prestigious jeep. True, this loud will be included far from every garage, he has a spring suspension and diesel engine in the base. But this, perhaps, everything he is inferior to Ollroud.
One more

There were three, it became four. We are talking about the motors of the new Ollroud. Petrol is still two. But 2.7-biteturbo gave way to a more fashionable one-time engine with direct fuel injection, a working volume of 3.2 liters and with a capacity of 255 liters. with. 50 horses became more powerful than V8 4.2 liters. True, for a 350-strong car will have to pay a lot of $ 96 706. Diesels are now also two. This is a completely new 180-strong 2.7 liter and 3-liter in 233 liters. with. Both are equipped with anti-saint filters and we will appear not before the autumn, so the prices of them are still unknown.

High level of equipment and finishing, spacious and comfortable salon, comfortable in standard suspension modes, excellent handling, traveled motors, rich list of additional equipment

Hard suspension in Offroud and elevator modes, high price, mediocre geometric permeability
Audi A6 Allroad 3.2 FSI (4.2 FSI)

general information

Body (number of places / doors)
Universal (5/5)
Curb weight, kg
1750 (1820)
Length x Width x Height, mm
Base, mm.
Pitch in front / rear, mm
The volume of the trunk, l
Acceleration time 0100 km / h, with
7.7 (6.3)
Speed, km / h
240 (250)
Fuel consumption, l / 100 km
7.4 / 15.1 (8.6 / 15.7)
Fuel tank capacity, l

Front cross
gasoline, V-shaped, 6-cylinder (8-cylinder), 4 valves per cylinder, 2 top camshafts
Working volume, SMZ
3123 (4163)
Power, hp at rpm
255/6500 (350/6500)
Torque, kgcm at rpm
33.6 / 3250 (44.8 / 3500)

Drive unit
Permanent full
Automatic 6-st.
Independent, pneumatic with telescopic shock absorbers and transverse stability stabilizers
in front
on double triangular transverse levers
Rack type with amplifier
Disk, ventilated front (all ventilated)
255/55 R17 (245/45 R18)

from 0.66 $ / km

Andrei Koltun, photo Maxim Potcharov

Source: Journal Buy Auto [14/2006]

Video crash tests Audi A6 since 2011

Test drives Audi A6 since 2011