Test Drive Audi A6 since 2011 Sedan

Business Balance

Audi A6 from the point of view of the top manager
Two months have passed since the day the Audi A6 sedan appeared in the editorial fleet. The car taken by intentionally under the chief, honestly leaving his time and full of health returned to the representative office of the company in Russia. Moreover, three people were alternately located behind the wheel, including the author of these lines, confess the most serene driving style, and the chef in addition lives outside the city. In general, a strong machine, not frightened Russian conditions. And also - representative, spacious, fast, comfortable ...
Roaling symbols
No, not in the gift of Audi won last year the title of the best corporate car. It seems to be all in models with 4 rings on the grille of the radiator as well as their competitors in a large German troika, but the cars from Ingolstadt are increasingly tested by rivals in corporate parks. Therefore, in my opinion, that Audi, like no other brand, is suitable for managers of a successful company. After all, both symbols are about the same - confidence, dynamism, positive emotions. It is not known how, but the chief designer Audi Walter da Silva managed to embody these ideas in the metal. Moreover, the emotional turned out to be all the latest models - from compact A3 to the flagship A8. In this material it will be about A6 with a three-liter V6 with a capacity of 218 hp, equipped with automatic Tiptronic transmission and a full Quattro drive.
It is such a car for two months in our chief editor and the Director-General in one person. More precisely, he himself drove himself, only occasionally using the driver's services, as a player coach, not thinking to lose the taste for experiments and to journalistic work. His word: - I am sure that A6 Quattro is an excellent version of the corporate car for top managers. Moreover, it is in a good configuration and a strochlitter engine - it should only be enough, but an excess should not be felt so as not to sharpen the idea that you paid for something that you do not use one hundred percent. AU would characterize Audi A6 three zero as an example of an ideal business balance. Not to say that the engine will shock the economy (I refilled once every three or four days per thousand rubles), but I always had a feeling - no fuel grams are spent. The car is fast enough, and a four-wheel drive gives a feeling of confidence. Well, about the comfort of the new generation of A6 we already seem to be told. But you know that I especially pleased with this winter? The fact that the machine is extremely warm, quickly warms up and creates a remarkably cozy atmosphere in the cabin. Of course, someone will prefer A8, but for me, so she is too high for everyday trips around the city. Especially if you can sit at the wheel. Yes, and the image, from my point of view, in A6 is quite enough.
Stream or ice - not interference
Indeed, the new A6 looks very respectable. But at the same time, I emphasize, very sporty. This looks like a successful athlete, unfolded for a secular reception in a fraction. Sports anger in this case manifests itself only to a glimpse, in the view. The Audi battleship is also hidden on the face - this is a massive grille with a hood hanging over it. Yes, and the rest of the body did not let down - as strong and slightly aggressive. And on the road, even in Moscow time, you do not have any problems: it treats the car with respect, especially if you include the Middle Light: Xenon Flames in a pair with the formidable forefront.
Under the appearance and temperament A6.
"I would not say that this car from the category of those in which simply translate the selector of the machine to the Drive and do not touch anything else, except for pedals and steering wheel," says Oleg Osipov. - Yes, in a pair with a motor thrust engagement, there is enough for powerful overclocking and from the place, and from 140 km / h. But in the city I often used the sport mode: Tiptronic allows you to activate it almost instantly, on the go, how to return to Drive mode. The box is quickly reconfigured on a completely different algorithm of work, no delays in the actions of the accelerator pedal, the motor can be promoted at least to maximum revolutions. At the same time, there is a special contact with the car, which understands you, as they say, from a half-clow. When you hurry, they are sharply rebuilt or a difficult situation arises on the road - this feature is simply indispensable.
Our main did not mention one more function of the automatic manual gear mode. To do this, it is necessary to push the ACP selector in the DRIVE position, and then sort out the ranges. Either the selector itself, pushing it back and forth, or with the help of stealing petals.
- I used this feature, and I do not consider it too much. Several times - the sake of fun, passing the turning of turns and not wanting that the ACP suddenly lescriminate on increased gear. But more often - if necessary, or for funny security, if you please, when the wheels were a terrible ice. After all, the manual mode allows you to effectively slow down on slippery coating, without pressing once again, or too much, on the brake pedal - it is so easier to avoid possible drift.
Cabinet on wheels
As for the cabin, it can be considered an office in miniature. For the services of the driver and passengers - comfortable front chairs with a mass of adjustments, passengers behind the roomy sofa with a long pillow and armrest. But again I will give the word chief editor AI:
"Although at the rear sofa A6 I happened to ride only once, after a long flight, I can say that there is really convenient. First, a comfortable sofa, from which you do not roll even with intensive braking. Secondly, it became a revelation for me, there is almost no shaking, so it does not work on a laptop. In the ceiling there is an assault light of directional light: it does not interfere with the driver and at the same time brightly illuminates the book or documents to be viewed. In general, on occasion, I will not refuse to recalculate once again as a passenger. The only thing I added (already as a driver) to the salon is a removable hardware for speakerphone by phone.
In addition to the above-mentioned amenities, there are some more important options in the A6 salon. These are curtains in the rear compartment, which can be burned from the fussy reality. The one on the rear window is raised by electric motors. Those on the side windows - manually. And in this office there is a very good audio system with a CD changer on 6 discs in the glove compartment and with the screen, on which, by the way, you can receive television programs (though, it is worth moving from the place, the image disappears, only the sound remains for the sake The same security).
Fleet perspectives
And what will be the fleet manager, who is responsible for the car and is absorbed for all costs of its content? It seems easy. Considering that the costs of A6 by business class standards (the car belongs to the segment E) is not so much. The first and main spect - on the model itself. In the salons of A6 dealers in a very good configuration, it is offered for $ 66,613. The price includes all the options described above, plus cruise control, a complete set of airbags and electronic systems that help keep the car under constant control. Naturally, discounts are offered to corporate clients, the size of which is negotiated in each individual case. Next - spending on service. The frequency for A6 is 15,000 km, that is, in a year with a lot of mileage of 40-45 thousand kilometers in the technical center will have to visit three times. In total, this will cost $ 850. True, it is excluding discounts to corporate clients, and they constitute 15% of work and 10% on parts. For a car head of a company or senior manager - quite moderate spending.
Brief specifications Audi A6 3.0 Quattro
Engine volume, cube. See: 2976.
Number of valves on the cylinder: 4
Power, l. With. For rpm: 218/6300
Max. Torque, nm / at about about. Min.: 290/3200
Acceleration up to 100 km / h, p .: 8.5
Maximum speed, km / h: 241
Middle fuel consumption l. / 100 km.: 11.3
Volume of fuel tank, l .: 70
Mass of the car, kg.: 1735
Dimensions, mm: 4916x1855x1459
Sergey Ilyinsky

A source: Newspaper "Car Izvestia" [№1-2 (70), 2005]

Video crash tests Audi A6 since 2011

Test drives Audi A6 since 2011