specifications Ford Mondeo Hatchback 1996 - 2000 hatchback

Specifications Ford Mondeo Hatchback 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000: power, fuel consumption 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), radius of reversal, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine volume, cm3 Power, kW (hp) / about Cylinders Torque, nm / (rpm) Type of fuel system Type of fuel
1.8 TD. 1753 66(90)/4500 L4 (inline location) 177/2250 Indirect injection Diesel
1.6i (90 LS) 1598 66(90)5250 L4 (inline location) 138/3500 Multipoint injection Petrol
1.6i (95 hp) 1598 70(95)/5250 L4 (inline location) 142/3500 Multipoint injection Petrol
1.8i 1796 85(116)/5750 L4 (inline location) 158/3750 Multipoint injection Petrol
2.0i 1988 96(131)/5700 L4 (inline location) 176/3700 Multipoint injection Petrol
2.5i (170 hp) 2544 125(170)/6250 V6. 220/4250 Multipoint injection Petrol
2.5i (205 hp) 2495 151(205)/6500 V6. 235/5500 Multipoint injection Petrol

Drive and Transmission

Modifications type of drive Transmission type (basic) Transmission type (optional)
1.8 TD. Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.6i (90 LS) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.6i (95 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.8i Front-wheel drive 5-MCP 4-automatic
2.0i Front-wheel drive 5-MCP 4-automatic
2.5i (170 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP 4-automatic
2.5i (205 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP

Brake system and power steering

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
1.8 TD. Ventilated discs Disk there is
1.6i (90 LS) Ventilated discs Disk there is
1.6i (95 hp) Ventilated discs Disk there is
1.8i Ventilated discs Drum there is
2.0i Ventilated discs Drum there is
2.5i (170 hp) Ventilated discs Disk there is
2.5i (205 hp) Ventilated discs Disk there is

Tire size

Modifications The size
1.8 TD. 185/65R14
1.6i (90 LS) 185/65R14
1.6i (95 hp) 195/60R15
1.8i 185/65R14
2.0i 185/65R14
2.5i (170 hp) 195/60R15
2.5i (205 hp) 215 / 45ZR17


Modifications Length, mm. Width, mm. Height, mm. Front track / rear, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm The volume of the trunk, l
1.8 TD. 4562 1750 1369 1501/1491 2700 119 459
1.6i (90 LS) 4562 1750 1369 1501/1491 2700 119 459
1.6i (95 hp) 4562 1750 1369 1501/1491 2700 119 459
1.8i 4562 1750 1369 1501/1491 2700 119 459
2.0i 4562 1750 1369 1501/1491 2700 119 459
2.5i (170 hp) 4562 1750 1369 1501/1491 2700 119 459
2.5i (205 hp) 4562 1750 1369 1501/1491 2700 119 459

Car weight

Modifications Curb weight, kg Maximum mass, kg Load capacity, kg.
1.8 TD. 1298 1860 562
1.6i (90 LS) 1228 1790 562
1.6i (95 hp) 1204 1790 586
1.8i 1244 1790 546
2.0i 1260 1820 560
2.5i (170 hp) 1350 1870 520
2.5i (205 hp) 1337 1870 533


Modifications Maximum speed, km / h Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
1.8 TD. 180 13.2 0.31
1.6i (90 LS) 180 13.5 0.31
1.6i (95 hp) 180 13.5 0.31
1.8i 195 11 0.31
2.0i 206 9.9 0.31
2.5i (170 hp) 224 8.3 0.31
2.5i (205 hp) 228 7.9 0.31

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l / 100 km On the highway, l / 100 km Average consumption, l / 100 km CO2 release, g / km Type of fuel
1.8 TD. 8.9 4.8 6.3 172 Diesel
1.6i (90 LS) 10.9 6 7.8 191 Petrol
1.6i (95 hp) 10.9 6 7.8 191 Petrol
1.8i 11.4 5.9 8 196 Petrol
2.0i 11.5 6.1 8.1 200 Petrol
2.5i (170 hp) 13.6 7.1 9.5 228 Petrol

Prices Ford Mondeo Hatchback 1996 - 2000 in Russia (Updated April 22, 2016)

Modifications in G.V. Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
10 172 043 182 788 6 170 611 9
1.6 L. 7 153 931 - 6 153 931 7
2 L. 6 190 876 173 174 6 195 293 6
9 184 429 173 174 6 184 368 8
1.8 L. 8 173 937 109 032 6 177 368 8
2.0 L. 6 165 468 - 6 165 468 6
8 219 234 230 884 6 213 078 7
1.6 L. 6 166 762 - 6 166 762 6
2 L. 6 268 948 269 379 6 255 270 6
2.5 L. 6 192 405 192 405 6 - 6
9 236 741 218 060 6 237 491 8
1.8 L. 7 241 707 - 6 241 707 7
2.0 L. 6 210 053 205 242 6 211 654 6

Video crash tests Ford Mondeo Hatchback 1996 - 2000

Installation Ford Mondeo Hatchback 1996 - 2000

Crash Test Ford Mondeo Hatchback 1996 - 2000

Driver and passengers

Test drive

Ford Mondeo.
Autopilot rates cars in five main criteria. The amount of advantages is indicated +, disadvantages -. The next subject scored five +. This is Ford Mondeo. EXTERIOR. The first Mondeo appeared in 1993, and the current version of the result of a 1996 generative restyling. The appearance of Mondeo is unlikely to cause a splash of positive emotions, but also ...
Car business man
In early 1993, a new Ford Mondeo came to replace the popular Fordo Sierra, who became the 1994 car. In the summer of 96, it was modernized: changed the form of exterior panels, bumpers, headlights and rear lights. The Mondeo's model range includes three types of body - sedan, hatchback, station wagon in five grades - Cl, CLX, GT, GLX and GIA. ...
There is an opinion ...
We are always happy to guests, especially what they appear not with empty hands. The other day, a young man named Mykola went to the editorial office - to share the experience of operating two completely different cars, Toyota Land Cruiser 100 and Ford Mondeo. Both cars fell into his hands, as they say, from scratch. First on today ...