Reviews Peugeot 307 SW 2002 - 2005
Reviews Peugeot 307 SW2002 - 2005 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of operation 307 SW.
Engine | ![]() |
Often fails the turbine; Symptoms of malfunction: oil in nozzle. The short-lived fuel pump and the crankshaft pulp. |
Transmission | ![]() |
The service life of the ACPP AL4 before repair is about 60 thousand km. (repair of the checkpoint will cost 5,000 rubles) |
Control system and suspension | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Brake system | ![]() |
ABS sensors often fail. |
Heated air and air conditioning | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Start and Charging System | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Electrical components and other | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Body stability to corrosion | There is no data |
* Information collected from specialists from service stations
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Minimum Repair Cost Problems |
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Medium problems |
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Serious problems with high repair cost |
your comment
They have short circuits happen. I saw as near the shopping center such in 4 minutes to the tla burned. The lady had time to jump out a little.
To answerif one saw, does not mean that everything. I saw many other brands, but it doesn't mean that they are all burning, so would not remain the car, everything would be burned ........
To answerMaybe, you know! At night, we left in Sochi, and after 330 km began problems. When I fully press the gas pedal, the car stops accelerated. It seems that someone keeps behind. After lowering the pedal - cotton in the muffler. Came back home! On the way back everything became worse. At the traffic light, could not move from the place - the turnover under load simply did not develop at all. At idle works fine. Motor stuck - ceased. Missed later immediately and the fault disappeared. The car went out great. Check did not light up. Diagnosis did not reveal anything.
To answerI had something similar. It turned out to be all the pump. With a new pump, the car definitely went more even, in particular with the included climate. Stopped practically twitching. Earlier. When you sharply click and drop the gas pedal standing still, you were heard a cotton in the muffler. They disappeared. Have a good trip!
To answernado Snimat Katalizatori.
To answerThey moved out of 307 in 308. 307 Peugeot is much more reliable than 308. And the problems under warranty do not eliminate, but just the head of the head.
To answeri have for 307 every two weeks of the candle pierces and the engine begins to told I do not know what to do.
To answerSeryo, there was the same problem, though on another model. This is because of the candles. Many very fakes. As a result, IRIDIA Candles NGK (NGK Iridium), they are designed for 100 thousand km. Ordered on
To answerthanks for the hint, but really, I have already made different candles three or four times.
To answerreplace Rubber Copper Caps
To answerIn fact, the engine 1.6 and the machine is quite normal, yes, it crashes on trifles, but no more.
To answerThe gasoline level sensor does not work? Our one hundred as a soccer ball is sent there here! Nothing bumps do not say to the service center! And I'm far away! And there was still a problem not started until the engine cooled?
To answerAigul if it does not start until you cool Babin
To answerAll hello, who knows anywhere, from where there is a current to the tramblor, I want to replace, but it's planted, eating the current disappears, it does not start, it's worth 10 minutes if you start driving and if there is no later
To answervibration for 4 and 5 transmission Peugeot307 Who knows what it is
To answerlittle oil in the box
To answeri have an audi 80 where there is a good temperature sensor
To answerOn the thermostat see
To answerguys help in 307 some knocks in the rear suspension rack changed
To answersilent blocks change the ammont boot to fasten the clamp or self-tapping screw
To answerGood day, my people have such a problem! When during a trip around the city, I stop at the traffic light or in front of a police station, the car as Boto is trying to stall and then the pedal I do not want to go only from seconds 10 starts the Right with this turning arrow downloads from 500 to 1000
To answerHello, I am a newbie on the site and I would like to know my problem somewhere, the antifreeze has begun somewhere from six months And now in the frost it does not start and the candles all wet and black, took the old cleaner. I put the battery for charging at -16 everything collected Pink started looking again No Antifreeze All right on time And I don't know what it all ended, again flooded antifreeze in the pallet everything is not clean on the engine, there is nothing clean. I would have to hear the advice from you.
To answerburned block head
To answerGood day. I was on the Peugeot307SW Dvig1.6, the check was caught fire on the dashboard, made the diagnosis showed the crankshaft sensor, bought and drove to change, on the road the check began to flash and the fourth began to work with interruptions. Tell me what is the problem?
To answerI have a Peugeot-307SW. When Ignoring the machine began to twitch and the "Catalytik Converter Fault" signal caught fire. Filed the self-diagnostic signaling. Maybe someone had it, tell me what to do?
To answerIt was such a crawled Catalytic Converter Fault / Antipollution Fault (Peugeot 307, 1.6, Mechanics). Replaced the candles (700 r.) And the ignition coil (4000r.). But first it is necessary to look at the service error through the RR2000, I had problems with ignition ignition in cylinders 2 and 3!
To answerDo not warm the car
To answerDo not warm the Peugeot 307 (2002)
To answerhe started in a small frost. It was brought by herself lit the dimensions and the melee headlights. Muck and could not start.
To answerchange the grid in the tank
To answerpress the pressure in the fuel ramp, or the pump, or the grid.
To answerSave men !!!! Yesterday I bought a Peugeot 307, when driving around the city with the owner everything was fine, but when I began to go (gave 130km / h) at first the Checker caught fire, and then began to disappear gas (the pedal did not react to the effort) and issued an error Anomalia Anticontaminacion, on the go Run the ignition began to go fine! And today I left for the diagnosis stalling at all and did not want to start long, long, and in the end when I start, then the motor is rose straightforwards (just now seems to pop up with under the hood) when the coil was removed, then inside everything in oil, and the diagnosis shows the problem in DZ (But they checked the order there) and the ignition pass ???????? What is the problem????
To answerSave men !!!! Yesterday I bought a Peugeot 307, when driving around the city with the owner everything was fine, but when I began to go (gave 130km / h) at first the Checker caught fire, and then began to disappear gas (the pedal did not react to the effort) and issued an error Anomalia Anticontaminacion, on the go Run the ignition began to go fine! And today I left for the diagnosis stalling at all and did not want to start long, long, and in the end when I start, then the motor is rose straightforwards (just now seems to pop up with under the hood) when the coil was removed, then inside everything in oil, and the diagnosis shows the problem in DZ (But they checked the order there) and the ignition pass ???????? What is the problem????
To answerI also have the same thing, did not find out the cause?
To answerheated mirrors stopped working, I can not find the cause.
To answer