Reviews about Peugeot from specialists

Typical Problems of Peugeot are collected from specialists from service stations, based on their repair and maintenance of a large amount of PEUGEOT cars.
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Peugeot malfunctions

One of the main French car manufacturers is Peugeot - has a good reputation from buyers for the quality of its products. But, whatever brand is not a famous and demanded, cars break away from everyone. PEUGEOT 307. One models have more resource, others have less. After several years, your car will still require repair.

Section Bibipedia " Peugeot faults»It will help you to figure out the possible" whims "of your car, the causes of their occurrence and probable solutions. To date, to familiarize themselves peugeot problems 206, Peugeot 307, Peugeot 406.

For ease of use, fault materials we have placed in special consolidated tables on models and generations. In the tables, the breakdowns are located in graphs corresponding to certain parts of the car: the engine (for example, in engines Peugeot. 307 SW 2002 - 2005 Of course, the turbine fails, the symptom of which is the presence of oil in the nozzle), transmission (automatic pEUGEOT box 406 1999 - 2004 - a weak point of this model, with a malfunction simultaneously appear signals of sports and winter modes), suspension (in Peugeot 206 1998 - 2002. The failure of the rear beam bearing will require replacement of beams assembly), the brake system (frequently failing ABS sensors - Frequent problem of Peugeot 406 1999 - 2004), electrician, startup system, air conditioning and body.

The descriptions of common malfunctions are made by recommendations from the service center specialists and the approximate cost of work on peugeot repair.