Test drive Volvo XC70 2004 - 2007 station wagon

Real station wagon

The Volvo XC70 belongs to the category of cars rare in our time, of high passing station wagons. In this class, Volvo competitors have quite a bit of Subaru Outback and Forester, Mitsubishi Outlander, Audi Allroad. Yes, and competitors can be called a stretch, so these cars differ from each other in their capabilities, image and price.
As you know, the new is well forgotten old. The first all-wheel drive cars appeared back in the late 1930s. Among the pioneers in the development of vehicles of this class there were Soviet designers. In the prewar years, the Gorky Automobile Plant was produced by commander all -wheel drive EMKI GAZ61. In the 195060s. Our country has become a leader in the production of cars of increased cross -country ability. On the basis of the Victory body and assemblies, GAZ69 produced the M72 car, and the AZLK plant produced all -wheel drive sedans Moskvich410 and Moskvich universals411. However, in 1961 their release was terminated. Since then, for a long time, not a single country in the world has been engaged in the production of cars with a 4x4 drive. In the late 1970s alone, the American company AMC resumed the production of excess passability models. Around the same time, the Japanese concern Fuji began to produce similar cars, whose products are known all over the world under the Subaru brand. The 4x4 cars began to be very popular among buyers after numerous victories of all-wheel drive Audi Quattro cars on international rally in the 1980s. As a result, already in the 1990s, under the brands of Subaru and Audi, several models of cars with a 4x4 drive were produced. In 1997, Volvo began the production of all -wheel drive station wagon V70 XC AWD. And in 2000, the premiere of the new Volvo V70 Cross Country model took place at the Detroit car dealership. Without significant changes, this machine is still available, only in 2004 slightly updated the appearance and equipping of the cabin, and instead of viscousyft in the drive of the rear wheels, a multi -disc booth of Haldex appeared, the same as on the XC90 SUV. The modernized all -wheel drive station wagon Volvo received a new XC70 AWD index (it was such a car that was provided for a test).
Outwardly, the XC70 is almost no different from the V70 station wagon unless the road clearance is no longer but bumpers are not painted. By the convenience of planting, they are also almost identical. Universals of the 70th series belong to the category of business class machines, to the comfort of which customers impose increased requirements. From this point of view, the XC70 is in no way inferior to classmates: four passengers can accommodate in a huge salon with the same comfort, the seats are equipped with all kinds of adjustments, so the driver will be convenient for the driver of any complexion.
Goetheborg cars are rightfully considered one of the safest in the world. Indeed, today, except for Volvo, almost no one is engaged in fundamental research in the field of car safety, and all the latest technologies are immediately introduced into production. XC70 is a vivid example of this. In addition to numerous airbags, the so -called protection system from the woven blow is used here. The level of active security in difficult road conditions is also highly helped by the system of electronic distribution of brake efforts ABS+EBD, Traction Control.
Although the main market for the XC70 cars are the United States, the Swedes were developed by this model, and, apparently, they developed it precisely for themselves, given the road conditions of Scandinavia: a long snowy winter, summer gravel and sand routes. All this is relevant for our country. Often the products of the most famous firms do not withstand domestic operating conditions. And as a rule, all troubles occur precisely because of the little things that are not provided for by the designers. Volvo cars are deprived of such shortcomings. So on the XC70 we see a number of constructive solutions that greatly facilitate the operation of the machine on winter roads. The headlights are equipped with brushing cleaners, the rear lights occupy the area from the bumper to the roof, so even after a long ride along the snowy road they remain clean, the blossom on the front and central racks are installed in the cabin, which eliminates the fogging of the side glasses.
From the very beginning of production on the XC70, only one turbocharged 5-cylinder engine (2.5 l, 210 hp) was installed. The motor has a very good description of the torque (320 nm in the range from 1500 to 4500 rpm). Thanks to confident traction on the bottom, the car may slowly move on the road. At the same time, the powerful motor provides XC70 good dynamic characteristics: 100 km/h the machine is gaining 8.1 s, and the maximum speed is limited by electronics at a level of 210 km/h. In the basic configuration on the XC70, a mechanical 5 -speed gearbox is installed. For the GEATRONIC machine with manual switching mode, $ 1550 will have to pay. In a normal situation, the XC70 is actually a front -wheel drive car, the rear wheel drive is turned on only when the front is slipping.
A car with an automatic gearbox was provided for the test. During a trip in Moscow, there was frosty sunny weather. In the capital, the asphalt was clean, in the region many roads were covered with ice. As a result, it was possible to test the XC70 in a wide variety of road conditions. On the asphalt, Volvo behaves like an ordinary road car. Confident acceleration, clear reactions to the turn of the steering wheel. Comfortable speed on our roads 120140 km/h. In this mode, the XC70 is almost silent, and its energy -intensive long -flowing suspension successfully copes with all road irregularities. On ice, the car is amazingly stable, confidently holds the trajectory in corners, accelerates well and slows down. Thanks to a large road clearance (209 mm) and the CHC70 is able to move in deep snow. The main thing is not to forget that in standard Volvo modes is a front -wheel drive car, therefore, in order to fully realize the off -road capabilities of the machine, before overcoming a serious obstacle, it is necessary to sharply press the accelerator pedal, as a result of which the front wheels will occur, and the electronics will instantly connect the rear -wheel drive.
It so happened that almost simultaneously with the XC70 I had to test several models of SUVs. The sensations were about the same when you transplant from a passenger car to a truck. Compared to the Volvo all -wheel drive, classic SUVs are controlled worse, the noise level in the cabin is much higher, especially at high speeds, as a result you get tired of the wheel faster. In this regard, the question involuntarily arises: why are SUVs needed at all if there is such a wonderful all -wheel drive station wagon as XC70? After all, in fact, almost no one drives on expensive all -wheel drive cars. As a result, it turns out that the patency of classic SUVs is redundant.
An additional argument in favor of the purchase of the XC70 is its relatively low cost. The machine in standard configuration is estimated at $ 48,900. For this amount, the buyer will receive a car equipped with everything necessary for operation in a wide variety of conditions. In addition, let's not forget that Volvo does not save on security, so already in the database the machine has a full complex of protection of drivers and passengers.
The initial equipment of the XC70 includes an on-board computer, air conditioning, a full electric packet, leather steering wheel and a checkpoint, heating the front seats, a two-section rear seat 40/60, a metal partition in the luggage compartment, fog lights, rails for fastening an additional luggage on the roof, alloy 16-inch. Wheel disks, alarm with remote control and autonomous power, immobilizer. Wanted to increase comfort? No problems. The list of branded Volvo options offered for this model occupies several pages. Moreover, they can be ordered both separately and wholesale, choosing one of three standard packages: Optima, Comfort or Premium. At the same time, even in the most luxurious version, the total cost of the car will not exceed $ 60,000, which, you see, is very little for a car with such unique capabilities.
After paying about 50,00060,000, you will receive a real station wagon. This refers not only to a car with a universal body, but a truly universal vehicle suitable for operation in any climatic and road conditions: in a normal situation, XC70 will not yield in any way of running qualities and comfort of a business class car, on bad roads will be a decent road Competition to many parquet SUVs.
XC70 is an ideal vehicle for long -distance travel. The chassis of this machine is adapted for operation on gravel roads widespread in Scandinavia. In the north of the European part of Russia in Karelia, Vologda, Pskov, Novgorod regions, roads with gravel and sandy coverage also prevail. It is not uncommon and impassable areas, especially on the boundaries of areas. As a rule, domestic cars successfully overcome difficulties, while most foreign cars have problems due to a small road clearance. XC70 will cope even with the worst Russian roads. For our operating conditions, it is also very important that the Volvo engine has a low compression degree (9.0: 1), so that the machine can operate on 92nd gasoline. In such a car, you can safely go on a long journey, fishing or, for example, to a ski resort.


A source: Magazine Cars and Prices No. 12, March 28, 2005