Wilvo XC70 test drive since 2011 station wagon

Trade-in Volvo XC70. The first guy in the village

In the West, trading second-hand from books and dresses to yachts and aircraft has long become an entire industry ...
Contrary to the well -known proverb, cheaply, we are also bought by wealthy things: those who can count and understand that the right of the first night is not always worth their money. In the West, the second-hand trade from books and dresses to yachts and aircraft has long become an entire industry, and the client is not verbal promises of market merchants, but civilized service and written guarantees.
In Russia, this approach is still in a novelty, especially in the market of used cars. But not every buyer is capable of on the move, on the scent and by eye to calculate the malfunction, especially if he is a professional in underground trade. The trip to the dealer to comprehensive diagnostics will noticeably facilitate the wallet. And if you have to repeat the procedure with another machine?
Save, but do not burn out the dream of every buyer. For those who are able to pay for guarantees, and the trad-in system is intended, in fact, a dealer commission store.
For everything is flattened
Of course, there is no need to travel to Tula in Trad, it makes sense to buy only relatively new cars, up to eight years old. And relatively expensive, thousands of $ 15, otherwise why paid guarantees? Two-three-year-olds are in greatest demand. In the first year, the car on average loses 2025% of the initial cost, for the second another 7%, and then every year the decline is 35% until it stops at a mark of about 50% with the possibility of bargaining.
We decided to find out about the nuances of civilized trade with a specific example. Buy so buy! Let it be an all -wheel drive station wagon: a spacious car for all occasions on vacation, and for purchases, and in the rain, and in the snow. And to make a bigger clearance! Of the three candidates of Audi-OLROUD, Subaru Forester and Volvo-Cross Country, we chose a peaceful Swedish tank, where everything is in moderation and nothing. The dealer policy of encouraging the secondary market played an important role: a 2030 percent discount on work is valid for all Volvo cars over six years old. The new Country Cross, a little, pockets, depending on the configuration, range from 54 to 63 thousand dollars. And what about Trad-JN?
In the demonstration hall, depersonalized cars are exhibited, cleaned on the outside and inside, completely serviceable and prepared for operation, as in an ordinary salon. But it turned out that the Country Cross is not delayed here: two to three-year-old copies for 3040 thousand dollars find new owners in a matter of days. What is the right to count on the buyer?
When the client passes the car to the trad-in, after a preliminary inspection he is called the basic price taking into account age and mileage (the independence company, where we turned, maintains contact with all Volvo dealers, so it is almost impossible to twist the mileage of the official car). Then the car undergoes a complete diagnosis (body, transmission, engine, suspension), and the amount of the estimate is adjusted taking into account the necessary work. The client pays for diagnostics only if he does not agree with the proposed amount. But then he has an official conclusion of the dealer a significant argument in negotiations with buyers.
If the client agrees with the proposed conditions, all further procedures related to the registration and preparation for sale (including the next TO), the dealer takes upon itself. The future buyer has the right to get all the information about the car, including the identified malfunctions and the work carried out.
Small body defects like scratches and chips often do not correct, but simply reduce the price of demand, this does not affect. But the complete dry cleaning of the salon is necessarily entering the pre -sale.
Puffer and forth
The one and a half year -round Country cross with a mileage of 46 thousand km, we immediately dipped in our native element: we went to mushrooms that had swollen from prolonged rains. On the second -generation machines, of which our experimental, the redistribution of torque between the bridges is controlled by electronics, coupled with the Haldex clutch, more nimble than the first -generation of Cross Country. An automatic machine with electronic control and the possibility of consistent switching on these machines is traditionally thoughtful, so you still need to get used to rubber gas.
With a small relief, the Swede dealt with two accounts. But the hill covered with mud was not on his teeth the front wheels knocked helplessly, and the rear ones stood as dug. Well, crawling along the swamp is not for cross-country crosses, obstacles must be stormed in light on the move. On the way back on the asphalt, strong vibration began. Did you really hurt something? Urgently in the service!
The reason for the shaking in the dealer technical center was immediately found on the wide inner shelves of the wheels of the wheels of the wheels are thick. It was not possible to completely wash it outside due to the intricate design of the hub. The verdict remove and clean the wheels with a check of balancing. Designing delights are expensive!
However, there was something to be comforted. Having carefully examined the car on the lift, we did not find any flaws. A decent road clearance made it possible to avoid marks on the bottom, and the corrosion time has not yet come. Nothing was and nowhere, it was not spent and did not crack. Even the bones (stabilizer racks), which have spoken a lot of blood to the owners of previous modifications, were in order.
In the city stream, the car is respected. By the way, a massive stand limits the view back at an acute angle, and you will not see everything in the mirror. But internal comfort is on top. The air conditioner works silently, music plays quietly, only the fuel consumption figures on a display of 15.6 liters per 100 km destroy idyll. But an expensive car can be fed cheap (and, most importantly, with a minimum of additives) gasoline with an octane number 92. And this is the main article of expenses of the future owner.
Evgeny Borisenkov

Source: The magazine "Driving"