Test drives Volvo XC70 2004 - 2007 station wagon

Above average
The Volvo XC70 First Machines were represented by the public in 1997 under the name V70 Cross Country. The current generation was published in 2005, changing the name to the XC70 index. In 2005, the gamut of the engines was complemented by a new diesel engine: in Russia gasoline 2.5 l (210 hp). Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 5-speed automatic recruitment: individual. Prives in Russia: $ 43 90051 600. Cadillac SRX is represented in 2002 ...
Real station wagon
The Volvo XC70 belongs to the category of cars rare in our time, of high passing station wagons. In this class, Volvo competitors have quite a bit of Subaru Outback and Forester, Mitsubishi Outlander, Audi Allroad. Yes, and competitors can be called a stretch, so these cars differ from each other in their capabilities ...
Someone is show-off, someone is a maniac
Disruption in the skid, dust clubs and drum fraction of pebbles along the bottom is a tough situation for a car, a toy for an SUV. Stress on the verge of loss of control in one case, a triumphant smile on the face in the other. Be that as it may, the direct injection of adrenaline into the blood is guaranteed. True, the presence of an SUV is not a condition ...
Trade-in Volvo XC70. The first guy in the village
In the West, the second-hand trade from books and dresses to yachts and aircraft has long become a whole industry ... Contrary to the well-known proverb, more accurately, we are also bought by wealthy people: those who know how to consider and understand that the right of the first night is not always worth it your money. In the West, trade in the second-hand from ...