Test drives Volvo V70 since 2007 Universal

Barn? Castle!
It so happened that the ratio of Russians to the universal is rather ambiguous. Most of our fellow citizens believe that the sheds are designed exclusively for the transportation of dacha scarba and are absolutely immune, or the case of sedans. However, world automakers have long and successfully produce similar cars. And the Swedish company Volvo here at the first roles ... The first large Volvo universals ...
Calmness, only calm
The new Swedish wagon is a real table of talents. And spacious, and convenient, and safe. Alas, cars for peace initiatives we do not give medals. The outbreak on the right, the outbreak of all wonderful school years in the impressions of all wonderful school years for me was the lessons of NVP. Warrod shouts: flash left! And we all class, saving your lives, ...
Vocation - Universal
How should there be a car capable of satisfying a variety of needs? Above this, running the new Volvo, reflected Sergey Kanunnikov. Pijons will not be delighted: a special interest among others does not cause a spacious universal, although the model is completely new. The point is not so much in the spikeness of Europeans by cars. Usually they are vividly interested in new products, but family wagon, like ...
Saraight of exemplary content
Ask any Russian, the car of which type is closest to the ideal, and the first will certainly be called the SUV, and the second sedan. Well, one candidacy at least logical SUVs love for capacity, power, comfort and pofigism to our roads, although something is redundant in. Avota has a sedan objective advantages ...
Diesel answer
Sedan, hatchback or wagon - here everyone can choose the need. But here is gasoline or diesel? Mikhail Vasilyev, Mikhail Vasilyev participated in the mileage on diesel. Historically developed: diesel engines - for construction equipment or expensive, whereas for comfortable cars - naturally, gasoline. And somehow do not want to combine in the Russian head ...

Video crash tests Volvo V70 since 2007