Test drives Volvo S80 1998 - 2003 sedan

I'm flying and I'm swinging
Can hot cars make hot cars in the cold north? It turns out yes. They say that smart with honor comes out of those situations in which the wise does not fall. With regard to drivers more than fair. The ability to go around all road conflicts is the highest piloting, characteristic only of truly wise. But are there many of them among us? We all believe that ...
Success for both sides of the ocean
There are classes of cars, where, it would seem, everything was installed once and for all, and any innovations only annoy consumers. The larger the car, the more conservative its owner. Our current experimental representative class, and it would seem that this thesis has the most direct relationship to them. However, both cars with their modern views together ... ...
Electronic attack from the north
Try to answer, where you created a car with a device for continuous change in the phase of gas distribution, a super-compact gearbox, a gas pedal without a mechanical connection with a throttle, eighteen on-board computers, and even with a multi-fluent method of information exchange and mobile phone integrated in dashboard. You think you are a description of the next Japanese miracle ...
Diesel expansion
The life principle of either everything, or nothing very often can be applied to the organization of tests, the results of which you read almost weekly in our newspaper. Getting a car for a test, and even more so a new model, and even quite expensive, in most cases it is incredibly difficult, and even if such a test ...
New Swedish
A new car is always interesting. But the Volvo S80 sedan causes interest not so much in itself as the fact that it is built on the new large P23 platform, which forms the basis of other models of the company. In the traditional sense, the platform is what makes up the lower part of the car, i.e. Paul, chassis ...
The character is Nordic, even
The word Volvo has recently flashed in the news. And even then to say - how is it a company capable of, as it turned out, in such a short time to completely update the model range, could have been in hibernation for so long, stubbornly releasing - yes, reliable, but differed by a lethargic and uncomplicated design? Of course, he was conducted ...
The piano in the bushes
A sedan that excludes the alteration of the station wagon. Already interesting. The transversely located in a line six -cylinder engine. Intriguing. The world's first environmental certificate received from Lloyd. Unusual. This is all about her - about Volvo S80, the comfortable speed of each machine has its own comfortable speed. One at which you can lead it for a long time without straining, holding the steering wheel alone ...