Test drives Volkswagen Touran since 2006 Minivan

Machine Darwin
Family man is such a subspecies of Homo Sapiens, which is distinguished by increased demands for the car. He needs an impressive luggage compartment, the third row of seats, an economical engine, a high level of security, as well as a set of options needed to create in the comfort machine and home coat. All this we were looking for the last generation Volkswagen Touran. Corners smoothly ...
Family or five "I"?
Five-seater should be minivan or sevenstal? Answering the question, or rather responding to demand, the manufacturers prepared different options. The class of compacts arose, a little more modest in dimensions, but more maneuverable Opel ZafiraVenencing Zafira longer than all of the participants of our test did not undergo updates. But this does not look at this compact ...
Volkswagen Touran 1.4 TSI from 822 064 rub.
Volkswagen engineers made a small revolution that can get competitors helplessly dilute with their hands. TSI small Motors continue a victorious procession on new and new VW machines. The other day the curious incident happened. My buddy asked to ride a few stops to the subway. Leaving the salon Volkswagen Touran, he, depicting the connoisseur, casually threw: excellent engines of these ...
Nomad parking
Volkswagen updated his compact-Ven, taught him to ride quickly and economically, on its own on its own. Related Turan is an amazing combination of conservatism and innovation. Conservatism, because an externally did not change the car. The designer's timing hand went on a radiator lattice, adding chromium, and with him and gloss in the literal sense of the word. Slightly corrected the form ...
Heart order
Test Drive Route Updated Volkswagen Touran changed the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Road through the picturesque Italian town of Braccano, where the celebration was closed. But this circumstance did not prevent us out of identifying the family values \u200b\u200bof one of the most popular representatives of the compact minivan detachment in Europe. According to sales growth rates with compact minivans (to ...

Video Test Drives Volkswagen Touran since 2006