Test Drives Volkswagen Touareg 2002 - 2007 SUV

Third world
At the end of the summer, we collected together representatives of three schools of off-road automotive industry, three automotive powers - Germany, Great Britain and the United States. All of them? - Luxegen SUVs equipped with V8 gasoline engines and complex full drive systems. Yes, and the price is similar. Find adventures We went to a big quarry near Moscow, well-known lovers of roads-free pokatushek. ...
Behind flags
It was long ago it was: we rode on the fenced flags of the lands of the Giper School of El Montanya in Spain, in the foothills of Pyreneev. And such a brutal excitement snatched me, so I wanted to jump over the boxes ... Remember the hunt for Vysotsky wolves? Or someone else's rut? Well, in general, came from the track. Docted in forbidden virgin. Holded his king. Ment ...
In search of a golden cross section
The perfect combination of car characteristics is a dream of any designer. That's just achieving this archative. How, for example, make a sortier at the same time passing and comfortable, reliable and rapid, solid, and affordable and affordable? Engineers Volkswagen, Nissan and Mitsubishi imagine the perfect jeep completely differently. Monster-standard solution of the sough in Russia is always an event. Here…
The most popular Volkswagen.
It's more than the former Volkswagen ... Of course, in Wolfsburg, everything still goes to her man, as, however, and at the other plants that collect folk cars. Stop! That's where I made a reservation just a people's brand in the initial understanding of the word People and did not become. With the advent of the representative Phaeton, and then the premium soldier Touareg, Folswagen made it possible to understand ...
Multifaceted talent
Representatives of Volkswagen really do not like when Tuareg is called a parkerchief. They believe that they have endowed their brainchild in many talents. Including in terms of off-road qualities. If you come to Volkswagen dealer and call the taireg, the seller will challenge the seller. He will immediately objected that the car and lowering transfer, and ...
White bone
These cars combine not only four-wheel drive, close price and dimensions. Tuareg and RX300 Southwalk of the XXI century, taking into account all the requests of the modern buyer of such cars. Imagine the EXECUTEEXUS-RX300 completely new car, despite the fact that his name has not changed. I first pass on the stage in January of this year in Detroit, for the spring ...
At the peak of glory
Above only the staruniversal half-ring word jeep (not jeep!) It was glued to such a wide layer of out and sorts, that under this definition there is almost half of the models sold by us. But the easier it is to find competitors comparable in class and price. And at least the cars presented here and belong to premium brands, the list can be ...
Those who are in fifty (th. U. E.) black carcasses are increasingly fill in our streets. Most recently, SUVs were perceived by disproportionately swelling animals compared with the familiar cars of passenger caliber. And now, when they go along the roads with slender columns, somehow no longer perceive the cars of smaller than the middle jeeps. When there is something ...
Yankee-Tank and Ober-SUV
This strange pair is capable of towing even the malicious brain of the automotive analyst. And we are not for nothing that they were launched into the pen together they although they differ greatly at prices, but are absolutely new and unconditionally progressive generation of all-wheel drive cars. Curious fact: their creators representatives of different high-rise schools, but regardless of ...
Devils in waters
Did you take it sometimes to the toothless parquets? All such a neat, smooth, you will wash the sponge for nothing to catch your footnight, nor the garland headlights, even the reserve is hidden. In general, Tuareg is often perceived as a good, but very calm, peaceful car without special off-road talents. He seemed to be the author ...

Video Crash Tests Volkswagen Touareg 2002 - 2007