Test drive Volkswagen Touareg 2002 - 2007 SUV

The third world

At the end of summer, we gathered together representatives of three schools of off -road automotive, three automobile powers - Germany, Great Britain and the USA. All of them?- luxury SUVs equipped with V8 gasoline engines and complex all-wheel drive systems. And the price is similar. We went to a big quarry near Moscow, well known to lovers of off -road pokatushki. But at first there was asphalt:


Third -generation Discovery is another among SUVs. If only because I was not born like everyone else. Today, auto manufacturers, promoting new suv luxury models, want to convince us that their product is really what is called. This is an SUV, - emphasizes Mercedes. This is, however, an SUV, ”says BMW. Believe me, this car is a true rogue, - they insist on inLkswagen and Volvo. Before you is a full -fledged suite! - claims Land Rover. Discovery could generally appear without this integrated frame and with the body convertible - anyway, no one would have any doubt that he was an SUV. Proof of this is the legendary name. For the test, we took a not very common top version of HSE with a 4.4-lit gas v8 gasoline.

Grand Cherokee, like Discovery, belongs to an old SUV. But he managed to become more famous in Russia in the Time of Troubles. Along with Mercedes G-Klasse. Recently, sales of a new, third generation of the car have begun. So recently that many dealers on the sites still hang the previous Grand? Cherokee. Our Grand was in the top configuration - Limited. And this means that under the hood he has a 5.7-liter V8 Hemi, well familiar in Chrysler? 300c. Here it was deformed from 340 to 326? Hp. The front unreasonable bridge of the previous model gave way to an independent suspension, and the worm steering mechanism - the rhealinated.

Touareg is a frequent guest on the capital's streets. Having debuted in the fall of 2002? This car became a hit in the sales in thelkswagen. Touareg can be found anywhere in the world, which is facilitated by a flexible configuration program. For example, only engines for him offers as many as six pieces. One of the most popular modifications is a model with a 4.2-liter B8. Just such a thing we took to the rivals of Jeep and Land? Rover. Well, it distinguishes it from standard relatives, the equipment of Individual, among the undeniable advantages of which is a magnificent two -color leather salon and 19 -inch wheels.

In front of the mirror

Touareg is a true German. Emphasized strict, without unnecessary pathos. Harmonious. Perhaps, from the whole three - the most finished car, its appearance will appeal to the maximum number of customers. A moderate amount of chromium, slightly arrogant look and accented bells of the release system.

The new Grand is unambiguously defined as jeep. A branded chrome radiator grille with seven slits, double -round headlights, integrated extensors of wheel arches. But the hood lengthened, the front racks fell stronger and moved back, the sides became higher, and the side windows were already. Grand was younger, pulled up, a reasonable fraction of aggression appeared in the form. And he is still black. By the way, on the site, in addition to basic colors, for the sake of Hochma, you can also try on a special - one hundred percent dirt. Very realistic. Despite the fact that almost all Chrysler are built on the Mercedes-Benz platforms, Jeep remains itself, nothing in common with G- or with a M-class.

Land Rover lures cubic outlines. The metropolitan gloss and prestige - that’s what the previous models were missing. The older brother of Range Rover helped (he doesn’t occupy) shared his properties with the whole line of new Land Rover. Thanks to the abundance of flat surfaces and perpendicular faces, Disco looks both the most stylish and the most brutal in our three. His whole character is in the expression on his face. The bumper is visually absent, vertical elements continue the false radiator grille down. A stab with a stupid heavy object is what you feel when you look at Discovery Anfas. He does not tolerate objections. Unlike the other two participants in the dough, in the appearance of Disco - not a drop of posture. There are no lateral moldings in principle, bumpers and overlays on the wheel arches are not painted in the color of the body, but are left in plastic. In the entire exterior, chrome is only on the v8 HSE nameplate on the back door. And this is the most expensive performance, the prices for our version of Disco start with $ 71? 000. Will everyone understand?

Shine and poverty

Getting into the Discovery salon, you feel a little deceived. Where is the skin? Only on the steering wheel and seats! Suppose. But where are other materials of the finish that are different from dark plastic? Let the geometric functional appearance frighten others, and in the salon, who to be afraid? The motives of cubism, along with rustic devices and a scattering of small single -playing buttons - this is clearly not the last word of ergonomics. Somewhere below, in the center of the steep console - a monochrome, ingenuous display of the stereo system. The mocking looks like a large color touch screen, which allows you to use already two menu items: navigation that requires the corresponding CD, and: screen settings. Hmm: Convenient commander landing and space in the cabin compensate for some primary disappointment. The abundance of light and air inside is the merit of a high ceiling and a huge glazing area. Hence the excellent visibility. Above the rear sofa, the roof makes a family step and becomes glass - transparent sections are above each of the three rows of seats located amphitheater. The main governing bodies of the complaints did not cause, even the pedal node, usually on the Land Rover shifted to the left, is located here as it should. Inside the Grand Cherokee, despite the grown dimensions, it was no more spacious, the increase in the base is only noticeable to the rear passengers - the legs are now more than more, but the ceiling seems to be lower. It is better to sit at the back together - the salon shares a massive tunnel in half. The front is spacious.
Electric seats adjustments, along with large ri of the steering wheel movements, will allow anyone to accommodate. But there is also an electroregulation of the pedal node in length - a useful and rare option. Ergonomics is good. Everything is in place, understandable and affordable. The interior reminds of Chrysler? 300C - inside strictly, many large clean surfaces and sharp faces. But Grand? Cherokee is rude, the materials are not so high -quality to the touch - the plastic is slippery and sonorous. And there are no pleasant details, such as chrome rings and buttons. Asceticism on the verge of cheapness. Review is limited by thick and very littered front racks, but special thanks to a lot of mirrors.

When you move from Jeep to Touareg, I want to pinch yourself, without believing your eyes. As if you were sitting in an expensive representative sedan. The seats are comfortable, two -tone decoration of the salon looks expensive and noble. In general, the Volkswagen salon is the most decorations, and if Disco for the interior deserves four according to the five -point system, and Jeep - a three with a plus, then Touareg unconditionally receives hard five. LCD display and DVD player are attached to the ceiling. The quality of plastic may not be arranged perhaps the owner of Bentley. The central console is dotted with buttons, the picture complements another display, which displays all useful information. The tunnel between the front seats is trimmed with wood, separate climate control climate. They even worked with rugs - they are two -tone, with a red edging. The fifth door is smart, just cover it - the lock will press and close it to the end on its own. And on the thresholds, a metal strip with the inscription Individual was launched.

As for the reserve of places for the rear passengers, here is the lead for Land? Rover. In general, in this machine it can be spacious and convenient for seven! Touareg here is the second, Grand is the third.
And in terms of the volume of Disco trunk in front: in the standard form - 1260? L, with folded seats - 2558 liters. Grand Cherokee -980/1910, Touareg - 555/1570. All cars provide the opportunity to fold the backs of the rear row in a proportion of 60/40 or completely, having received an even floor. There are own zest. In Disco is the third landing series. In Jeep, there is a revolving and fixed plastic platform with sides in the middle of the trunk - for dirty dishes and a separate -rising glass of the fifth door. In Touareg - a compact goodbye. It is inflated by means of a regular car pneumatic system, the fitting of which is located under the front passenger chair. The kit also includes a hose and a pressure gauge. Two other participants are equipped with full -sized reserves.


Compared to the previous Grand Cherokee, a new, thanks to an independent suspension and rack management, sharper and more stable in management. However, it is worth transferring to Touareg or Discovery, and immediately notice that Grand is very tapping in corners and pecks with the nose during braking. But the feedback on the steering wheel is clear, and this is undoubtedly progress for an American SUV. Anyway, his reactions, although unsportsmanlike, are quite predictable. In the smoothness of the stroke, the American - outside of competition, tram tracks, hatches simply do not exist for him. The brakes seem insufficient for a two-ton car with a gigantic 326-horsepower V8, thanks to which it is really fast. A little more than 7 seconds to a hundred for such a car is a serious indicator. Nevertheless, staying for Discovery and Touareg in a dense stream on Moscow streets was hard. The first was the first to stay only on free straight lines. But here is another minus - at maximum speeds, the machine loses stability. The straight steering wheel is empty, and the reactions remain quite sharp. So the threshold of comfortable speed is 150-160 km/h. Although it is worth paying tribute to the motor - the traction supply is always present everywhere up to the maximum speeds. Perhaps the picture was spoiled by an all-season rubber with a decent profile and you can correct the situation with the installation of highways on 18-19-inch wheels, as by the way, we acted with Discovery and Touareg.

In any case, the car confidently gets to 220 km/h along the speedometer and leaves the driver the right to control himself. True, at the cost of certain efforts. To control the dynamics, it is also necessary to adopt. The engine has a tank moment, 90% of which are available in the range of 2400-5100 nm. Despite the fact that there is an electronic throttle control system, it seems that everything is the same - an ordinary pedal and a steel cable, and even without free move. Grand moves with jerks, jumps. Of course, sometimes it is amused by pride, but not in traffic jams and not in the parking lot. The machine is the same as the previous model, five -speed, with manual mode. True, there was no desire to force the box - she coped well with her work herself. By the way, the algorithm of manual switching is unusual-the lever should not be swayed up and down, as in Disco and Touareg, but to the left and right. That's right, kinship with Mercedes-Benz affects. Most likely, the manual regime will be useful on off -road. And the new Jeep is perfectly isolated not only from vibrations (thanks to the suspension), but also from external noise, and the salon panels are silent.

Land Rover behaves on the asphalt noble. A large, with a convenient profile, the steering wheel, when moving at medium speeds, is loaded with a pleasant informative force. Perhaps for the city of Disco the best steering of three of us tested. But on the highway, it is worth jumping over 120? Km/h, a suspicious emptiness appears in the nearoral zone, requiring small steering. So relax at high speed driving Land? Rover will not work. I was pleased with the work of the air suspension. Being above all, even in a regular position, Disco, nevertheless, does not fall in the turns - the rolls are quite moderate. However, a large equipped mass and a high center of gravity affect. In a quick turn, where Touareg, Land Rover was confidently rolled up, frantically creaking with rubber, stubbornly climbed the face out. The tires are relatively highly profile, and this, along with the suspension settings, allows you to not pay attention to the potholes, even the borders can be stormed immediately. Brakes are also praise - they know their job.

According to Discovery, the most modest of the participants in the test. The 4.4-liter eight BMW has excellent thrust, but is inferior to opponents. Even the sports mode of the machine does not help - the engine sings pleasantly on high notes, but the square car is gradually behind the main competitor - Touareg. And Jeep is already a half -building ahead. Asphalt competitions are still not the element of the Englishman. But he will recoup where there is no asphalt.

Touareg manners are the most cars in the top three. The car prescribes high -speed arcs well and is more convenient in the city stream. Shock absorbers have three operating modes, the best is sports. The suspension installed on 19-inch wide low-profile tires was created for protracted jerks in highways. But to highways with good, high -quality asphalt. Alas, we have this far from everywhere. And where it is not, the car begins to rush along the rut or scour from side to side with intense braking. But the wheels are large and wide. Handsomely. And now about the annoying minus. The German unexpectedly turned out to be the most empty steering wheel. In the parking lot, you can twist it with one finger. It is good there. But how many people who want to grope with one finger in a high -speed turn to grope with one finger? Unfortunately, it will still have to grope for it, because the feedback is minimal. There are complaints to the gearbox - the machine can be habitually accused of thoughtfulness. Perhaps Touareg has the slowest automatic transmission. But in standard modes, she very smoothly switches the gears.


Finally, the kilometers of asphalt were left behind. Cars are driving to the quarry, Discovery 3 - ahead. On off -road, he has some advantage, as they say, in iron. He is the only one who has been preserved by the frame, at least in some form. True, the pendants have become independent. But in this company, Jeep's indecent rear bridge looks not displayed by dignity, but sticking out rudiment. But in the lower part of the car at the back there are powerful beams connecting the mounting places of the rear bumper to the body and the rear suspension. On them, as in the runners, the car can slide from the mountain without damaging the bumper and the bottom.

Of the off -road tools, all three have a lowering series of transmission and a constant all -wheel drive. Blocking differentials too. True, only the central and rear inter -cross can be closed in Touareg and Disco. And Grand Cherokee has everything! But Volkswagen and Land Rover can raise themselves like a munchhausen: the first of the clearance of the first is 160-300 mm, the second is 180-285 mm. The main trump card of the Englishman is the intelligent Terran Response system with a very friendly interface. In fact, the driver can only identify the type of terrain on which he is located and inform the computer about it using a round handle of the system: grass/gravel, sand, deep track, rocks. Further Terrain Response will independently control the transmission by the corresponding algorithm. The driver can only steer and control the traction.

Changing the moments of gear shift, degree and moment of blocking differentials - all this happens unnoticed by the driver. The difference between modes is felt only in the reaction to the operation of gas: in the sand, the pedal is sharp, responsive; In the rocks - on the contrary, dumb, dabble. Logic is understandable. I also liked the Hill Descent Control system, which helps to go down the mountain. Cracking with brakes and locks, Land? Rover slowly slides from almost steep slopes.

The Volkswagen interface is no less friendly. On the central console there are two rounds of control of the work of the box, all -wheel drive and body position. All that needs to be done is to put the car on the neutral and turn the handle in the desired position. Thus, you give the command to the electronics to block the differentials and turn on the reduced series of transmission. Further, the car will begin to solve the problems for the driver. Feeling the wheel slipping, Touareg will make the necessary locks, and will climb and climb forward until the clutch properties of the tires allow, or until it sits on the belly. It was alert that when the irregularities in the highest possible position of the body, the VW suspension tapped, choosing shock absorbers. Malfunction? As the employees of the technical center explained to us, an innate bug. They would believe it, let the worm of doubt. Did the company's engineers start the car into the series, knowing about such a shortage? Maybe just our Touareg is tired of the efforts of previous testers?

Cherokee does not have all kinds of operating modes of pneumatic suspension and transmission, button with cunning iconograms and indicators. An unpretentious spring design, with one button, the reduction row and a full -wheel drive system are activated. The second generation of the Quadra-Drive system is established here. It consists of three electronically controlled differentials - the center and two inter -cross. First of all, the system is adapted to a large torque of the new Hemi, so Grand is seriously armed. And on an off -road highway he showed himself on an equal footing with Touareg and Discovery, although the soil digged more desperate rivals - the pumped -up Hemi tried to prove himself, including by constant slipping of all the wheels. Quadra -Drive did not save on diagonal hanging (the supporting body demonstrated its rigidity in this case - the doors opened and closed without a hint of skew). The suspension with its large moves can easily cope with its duties and without pneumatics.

With such an exhaustive set of locks, the car will climb forward, even if contact with the surface has only one wheel. In general, Grand Cherokee inspires confidence in you, and thanks to not only electronics, but also a simple, oak structure. On it, you are not afraid to allow a breakdown, to tear or break something. His rivals are careful and judicious, they will stop before the obstacle, crush electronics, play a pneumatic suspension and slowly move, and the Yankees, bargaining, take it on the move, on a snap. The main thing is to get into a fight, and there we will figure it out! By the way, only Jeep allows you to turn off all the electronics and plenty, childishly, hobbing along the intersection, marking the tail.

In general, Grand Cherokee, and Touareg, and Discovery fully own the skill of conquering impassability and willingly demonstrate this. Only their approaches are different. If they have a mountain in the way, Volkswagen will say: look like neatly, on tiptoe, without touching anything, I will move it. And Jeep will say: Ha, I just run better, and I'm on the other side! Excuse me, and where did you say this mountain?- turning around, then the Land Rover will ask:

Distribution of places

In Grand Cherokee, an American is still recognized at a time. He crouches on the stern, lifts his nose during acceleration, characterically pecks with his nose during braking, he is pretty fired in the turns, and on soft and slippery seats it has to be closed into the steering wheel. This is a large, still iron car, a huge gasoline V8 with its bass-shaped smoked voice makes the entire body to shudder during encouraging, gives Grand magnificent acceleration. An American to the brain of bones, an attribute of a lifestyle. Charismatic and brutal, it is still in price. However, in a company with more advanced models from the Old World Grand? Cherokee can only claim to be third.

Discovery is able to cope with any difficulties. Smart systems, long -legged suspension, powerful motor - you just need to press the accelerator and wait. Be sure to pull out. Perhaps the off -road potential of Disco has become more modest compared to the previous generation - seasoned jeepers were deprived of a direct, mechanical connection with the transmission. But the new Discovery is already calculated not only for them. Most of his buyers are enough for what he is capable of. Enough that, without staining the boots, to feel not a real taste, but a distinct taste of off -road buzz. If the Englishman has a more refined salon and more noble asphalt manners, he would certainly have fought for the first place, and so silver.

Touareg - this is the middle ground. On weekdays, it easily fits into city conditions, a luxurious salon, high comfort. Plus, well -promised respected brand, which is also important. Well, on weekends Touareg will easily take the owner away outside the city, to nature, in really hard -to -reach places. This car is truly universal. Despite some disadvantages, it is he who owns the upper step of the pedestal following the results of our test.

Volkswagen Touareg prices and equipment

The VW Touareg is supplied with the engines R5 TDI (174 hp), 3.2 l V6 (241 hp), 4.2 l V8 (310 hp) and 5 l v10 tdi (313 hp (313 hp (313 hp .)

Standard equipment for versions V6 and TDI includes: alloy wheels R17, fabric interior, front-line airbags for the driver and front passenger, ESP, ABS, EDS and ASR, pillows for protecting the driver and passengers, side pillows on the front seats, side pillows, side pillows, side pillows, side pillows. Mirrors with electroregulation and heating, electric drives of all windows, a steering column adjustable in height and departure, an audio system with a CD player and 10 speakers, a steering wheel, a central castle with DU.

Standard equipment V8: external decorative overlays on the second and third racks, chrome elements in body decoration, interior decoration with a natural veneer, 4-spite leather multifunction steering wheel, leather salon, signaling with internal volume sensors, siren and protection against towing, two-zone climates Control, rain sensor, lighting sensor, front seats with electroregies.

V10 TDI standard equipment, unlike the above, additionally includes: light-linked wheels R18, bickeshenic headlights of near and high beam, pneumatic suspension, shock absorber hardness system (CDC), central castle with non-cloth access Keyless Access, audio system with an 8-channel amplifier with an 8-channel amplifier and 11 speakers.

The price of a VW Touareg with a 5-cylinder turbodiesel and a 6-speed manual transmission begins at $ 47,288. A 3.2-liter gasoline unit with a six-speed automatic will cost from $ 55,628. Machine prices with 4.2 l V8 start at $ 77,095. V10 TDI will cost at least $ 91,737.

Jeep Grand Cherokee prices and equipment

Jeep Grand Cherokee is supplied with three engines: a turbodiesel 3.0 l CRD (218 hp) and gasoline V8 - 4.7 l (231 hp) and 5.7 l (326 hp).
The basic configuration includes: the Acoustic system Boston Acoustics, roof rails, side pillows for front and rear passengers, on-board information center, rain sensor, R17 alloy wheels, rear spoiler, immobilizer, separate two-zone climate control, cruise, leather decoration And the control of music on the steering wheel, decoration of the cabin, front fog lights, pillows for the driver and front passenger, the TCS anti -wings system, the route mini -componel, ESP, the air pressure control system, Quadra Drive? II, parking sensors, the central castle with DU.

In addition, a P1 package includes a protective package of the SKID Plate Group, heating the front seats, a security alarm, radio AM/FM, MP3, RDS with a 6-disc CD, tires 245/65R17.
The p2 package is even richer: an additional - information and entertainment system with DVD, tinting glasses, a trunk on the roof.
The following options are provided for all the sets: an electric hatch, the Entertainment package (navigation plus DVD for the rear passengers), a package for a warm climate. Prices for the diesel version start with 43,900. The same version with a 4.7 l V8 gasoline is worth. This amount will have to be given for the initial LAREDO set. A more luxurious Limited will cost from 50,900, and a top version with a 5.7 liter engine will cost 58,300. The P2 package raises the price of the car by 1600.

Land Rover Discovery prices and equipment

Land Rover Discovery is delivered to the Russian market with 2.7 liters of diesel V6 (195 hp) and 4.4 l of gasoline V8 (295 hp). There are three options for configuration: S, SE and HSE (for Disco 4.4 liters - only SE and HSE).

Discovery SE gasoline in the standard is equipped with a 6-speed automatic machine, 19-inch cast discs, air suspension, frontal and side airbags (side-for front and rear riders), electronic stabilization system DSC (as well as EBD, ABS, ETC, HDC), Terrain Response system, climate control, parking sensors, bi-ksenon, rain sensor and audio system.

HSE equipment expands equipment due to cruise control, leather salon, Harman/Kardon audio systems (8 speakers+subwoofer), etc. For both configurations, an extensive list of surcharge options (including an electric lover, a transparent roof, navigation system, rotary headlights, wood trim) is available. Prices - from $ 66,900 for DISCO 4.4 liters of SE and $ 71,900 - for 4.4 liters of HSE. Diesel Discovery in the SE and HSE trim levels have similar but more modest levels of equipment. Diesel Disco S is also available - with 6 -speed mechanics and spring suspension. Prices for diesel machines - from $ 52,900 (S), $ 56 900 (SE) and $ 71,900 (HSE).

Text: Leonty Tyutelev

Source: Motor magazine [No. 10/2005]


Volkswagen Touareg 2002 test drives - 2007

Krash Test Volkswagen Touareg 2002 - 2007

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunctions Volkswagen Touareg 2002 - 2007

Volkswagen Touareg malfunctions: Detailed information
Touareg 2002 - 2007
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability