Toyota Prius test drive since 2009 hatchback

And a whole tank a lot

The total power of the hybrid power plant Toyota Prius is about 136 hp, which add up of 99 hp 1,8-liter gasoline engine and 79 hp Electric motor. Difficult arithmetic, is it not true?

The morning in which I was to take away from the office of the Russian representative office of Toyota a hybrid prius, issued cloudy. I stand in the parking lot, waiting for me a cherished key. Corporate ethics forces employees to put on the parking in front of the building only Toyota and Lexus cars, all the rest are hidden in the parking lot. Here and the new Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, and funny kids IQ, and premium lexus. Against the background of all the other unusual pale silhouette, a snow-white Prius is allocated.

Appearance exactly as in the films of the future of 10 years ago, in which cars with bizarre forms are as if soaring over the streets of modern megacities, where robots with advanced intelligence are managed with people with people, which by all means to grab the world and destroy humanity.

For some reason, Toyota Prius causes me that such associations. Complex front optics with two LED lenses, a humpback roof, Toyota branded badges with a blue halo, testifying about the complex hybrid filling of this road vehicle, bizarre alloy wheels, made to improve air flow resistance. Exterior of the prius can be described to infinity. However, working out this car, Japanese engineers first of all thought not about high fashion and car podiums, but about aerodynamic characteristics. After all, the philosophy of the hybrid drive is environmental protection and fuel economy. I must say that with this task, Toyotov managed well: the coefficient of aerodynamic resistance in Toyota Prius is equal to 0.25 cc.

In the cabin, the theme of the future found a continuation in the electronic combination of instruments, a plump steering wheel with an arms of the lower platform, soaring the central console and a filigree made transmission selector. Everything modestly, not readily, but quite functionally and modern. The front armchairs are distinguished by a tolerable profile, but due to a very slippery leather finish in the rotation of passengers literally throws out of the seat. In the turns, it is necessary to rest in the platform for the left leg and hold onto the chubby steering wheel.

As a real car of the future, Toyota Prius has a couple of amusements for entertainment in his arsenal. The first projection of the speed and data of the navigation system on the windshield. It seems that the usual thing, but here Toyota went on: the picture can be adjusted with special keys in height and brightness.

Also, it is also impossible not to mark the ability to auto parking. And the prius surprised again! It can be parked not only in parallel, but also perpendicularly. True, the procedure is a vigorous, and the conditions for parking should be perfect.

At the back of the Toyota Prius, the spacious and comfortable central tunnel is actually no. Updens only all the same notorious slippery skin. The volume of the trunk is 445 liters. A little? But under the floor managed to place the full size of the spare parts, and also a set of batteries that feed the electrical component of a hybrid drive.

The total power of the hybrid power plant Toyota Prius is about 136 hp, which add up of 99 hp 1,8-liter gasoline engine and 79 hp Electric motor. Difficult arithmetic, is it not true? The thing is that from the ideal 178 hp It is necessary to subtract a portion of the power that goes onto the electric motor feeder than the generator and the battery kit are engaged.

The filigree transmission selector, located on the soaring console, is only responsible for driving modes, the parking is turned on with a separate button. Nearby for three more keys responsible for operating modes. The first EV activates only the electrical machine. As a result, Prius turns into a real trolleybus. But there are no restrictions here: the gas does not press much, more than 35 km / h do not accelerate. Yes, and the battery charge in EV mode on the eyes. ECO economical mode is more suitable for rolling in traffic jams. The responses to the accelerator pedal are sluggish, but also fuel consumption. After pressing the PWR key, the Toyota hybrid is transformed. The reactions to gas become faster, and acceleration is more dynamic.

Synthetically ruling. At speed often requires unnecessary infringement, the need for which grows with a strong side wind, which remains to push the hatchback to the neighboring strip. In the turns, it is clearly annoying an unfulfilled effort on the steering wheel, with the result that the driver has to play guessing when choosing the right trajectory. But in the city of Toyotovsky hybrid in its plate. Short steering wheel, good maneuverability and ease of control perfectly combined with a urban landscape of a large metropolis.

Now about the main thing about economy. After all, no matter how cool, and the hybrid drive appeared precisely to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which is directly dependent on fuel consumption. Here Prius did not take up. According to the indications of the onboard electronics, the average fuel consumption amounted to about 5 liters per 100 km of way. Moreover, the hybrid phenomenon is that in the traffic jam, and on the track this figure, if there is deviations, then literally for a couple of tenths. After all, in traffic, the electric motor is taken by a larger, and on the highway the gasoline engine according to the laws of the genre itself is saved. Of course, if you wish, you can raise the fuel consumption to serious heights, but the car was created at all for this.

The cost of Toyota Prius from official dealers is 1,249,000 rubles. The amount is considerable. For this money, most Russians will prefer the car class above. However, gradually and in our country people begin to think about economy, more and more paying attention to modern diesel engines. Maybe sometime it comes to the hybrids. Only for this there is little expense of 5 liters per 100 km. For owners of hybrid cars, you need to introduce a preferential transport tax, make discounts on fuel. And only then dreams about the green planet with clean air and crystal rivers can become a little more real. In the meantime, the technological prius is forced to adjacent on the road with 20-year-old dilapidated trucks, in which the glass has a new inspection tumbler, and from the exhaust pipe itches smoke to the engine oil

Ruslan Galimov

