Toyota Prius test drive since 2009 hatchback

Different ways to save

Recently, the marketing services of automobile companies have become omnipotent as the Lord God. They learned to invent and sell all kinds of existing and fictional merits of cars, to emphasize them vividly. Hypnotize potential buyers with them. Marketers have become so sophisticated that even from savings and environmental friendliness made trends that immediately began to be actively sold. And not cheap.

Today's test is devoted to just such machines with a smart ideology, where it seems like a positive desire to spend less gasoline, make it cleaner exhaust, do not make our way or take in the city a half square meters less. Everything would be fine, but not without its oddities in pricing, our automobile market poses the feasibility of such cars here under the big question.

Indeed, on the heroes of the Test Test Prius, the prime and the completely new IQ hang the notorious horse price tags! Spend nearly 800,000 rubles for a box on wheels or almost 1.2 million for a front -wheel drive hybrid single crew, when for the same money. (Here the speaker’s face should be distorted in a terrifying grimace).

Indeed, at first glance, this is obvious inappropriate. You can easily build a list of dozens of names of gasoline and diesel competitors, similar in cost and even cheaper. But if someone does such cars, then someone needs it? And is everything as simple as it seems? Therefore, we decided to reduce strange guys in a relatively comparative paired test. It is clear that these are completely different cars, and it is incorrect to encounter their forehead. Accordingly, the analysis of flights will be more narrative in nature, and let each reader draw conclusions for himself.

iQ is quite a trivial A-class baby. However, so smart that it lives width in class B. Therefore, it turned out so cubic. Large 16-inch wheels, strictly in the corners, which is practical to the overhangs are almost zero. The clearance is sufficient. The front and rear optics, as well as a narrow smiling mouth of the air intake, are somewhat revive. Well, right a hero of Japanese comics. Rather, his head.

The Toyota representative office decided to make IQ even more fun and glued the car with vinyl applications. Cute, of course, but in general for an amateur. With pink stickers, the car becomes completely frivolous. Like the general first impression of this car. And the point here is most likely at the venue of the test. In Russian expanses, such a peanut seems even smaller. I do not deny the practical values \u200b\u200bof the machine, but, you see, in Europe, for example, such bees are much more appropriate and are completely in their elements there.

Against the background of Moscow vast IQ, IQ seems in some way a poser vehicle. The driver should dare to the purchase, who realized a lot for himself and decided. And I am ready to openly demonstrate the public. Perhaps even with a share of militaryness. I do not mean all kinds of views on life or love. I talk exclusively about automobile values. For the most part, innovative personalities ride in our country like Smart or IQ in our country. Buy IQ is an act.
Even the priest against the backdrop of an eccentric IQ looks landed. However, this is not surprising. Indeed, in addition to the unusual aerodynamic shape of the body, this hatch can no longer boast of anything outstanding. The third generation is the evolution of the predecessor. The body is faced, the lighting technique is more sophisticated. There are diodes in front, which is related to the car with the oldest of the Toyota hybrids LS600H. The new Prius is more interesting than the predecessor, but in the city stream it will rather be lost and will be noticed only by amateurs.

At the wheel of IQ, at first you feel as if in a normal class B car. Landing to a tall driver will seem a little high, and there is no adjustment of the chair in height (as there is no steering wheel by departure). But a good stock in the shoulders, the front panel, albeit unusual, but not curly. But you should turn back, and immediately realize that you are, in fact, in half the car. Almost on the rear axle.

This petty Toyota was for a reason called the coefficient of mental development. The car was made specifically for close cities in Europe (approximately 80% of the kids produced per year, according to the forecasts of the Japanese, will settle in the Old World), which entailed such sizes and layout. The prospects of a smart baby were appreciated even at Aston Martin, in 2011 the company plans to make its IQ version.

When you open the label third door and look into what is called trunk, you stop believing not only in the ability of the machine to accommodate three adults and primary school children. It is doubtful that a large bag will fit into this small compartment without problems. However, the experiment proves the professional suitability of the Japanese components. To my own surprise, I easily sit down behind me with a passenger. At the same time, even the bar bag does not need to be unfastened. It is curious that I could get out of the gallery without tension through the driver's door, a wonderful machine. But after myself, the driver, I did not even try to get a job. This is useless. And the child can be planted there only if someone is very low behind the wheel.

The purely urban purpose of this car is precisely determined by the size of the trunk, except a couple of laptops to put there. And put a small bag behind the driver. There is still a small niche under the second side. In general, you need to go lightly. For hockey training with friends? It is unlikely.

Creating their unique IQ, the Japanese were engaged not only in layout solutions. The car of the machine has a certain style and high quality manufacturing. At least, the interior B is confidently pulling on a solid European class B. This also applies to finishing materials. Ergonomics here are not without miracles, but does not cause special difficulties. The only thing you have to get used to (and even climb into the manual) is the cunning control of the audio system from the joystick on the steering wheel. Europeans are deprived of such a problem, since the IQ local IQ is equipped with a touch color display with navigation. For us, it is not even as an option. Apparently, the Japanese did not want to cross the mark of 800,000 rubles on the price tag. Buyers would be completely scared.
The priest in terms of landing-planting-placement did not surprise. In the car, it is convenient to settle in any of the four places. And only if five adults will participate on the trip, then in the second row will have to be squeezed. And so spaciousness and convenience in all directions. The salon here is light gray, which creates additional space. And the interior itself is made to a certain extent futuristic. This is mainly the merit of the front panel and the soaring central console: it is immediately clear that you are not going in an ordinary car.

The interior is stylish, but the finishes of the decoration look rusticly: everywhere hard plastic, and the skin is rude. The assembly quality is good, the only thing that was alerted by uneven gaps of the steering wheel pillow. The car was not new for the test, in the representative office park it has been working for six months, a mileage of about 15,000 km. Clothes and sounds were heard from the trunk area. It seems to me, this box under the floor makes itself felt.

The third-generation Prius uses fundamentally the same scheme as the very first hybrid sedan. Hybrid Synergy Drive! But improved and supplemented. The new hatch is equipped with a 1.8 liter engine with a capacity of 98 hp. (before that it was 1.5 liters and 76 hp) underwent an upgrade and an electric motor. The power of the auxiliary electric motor increased by 13 units to 80 hp. The total capacity of the tandem is 136 hp. Instead of the former 111. As before, the gasoline engine works on the Atkinson cycle. This explains the increased vibration load when starting (you start paying attention to this quickly enough) and at low speeds. But a more voluminous and powerful engine in moderate traffic modes consumes even less fuel than one and a half -liter analogue. And the assistant electric motor not only became easier, but also more willing to spin up to 14,000 revolutions per minute (it was 6,400). To reduce the internal losses for friction, in it roller bearings were replaced with ballpoints.

In general, Prius gained strength, swept, became more efficient and economical. Improvement of the filling allow us to say that driving for almost 1,400-kilogram car can now be not only extremely economical, but also dynamic. Well, we will check.

Remember the Si-Drive system on Subaru, which allows you to change the mode of operation of the motor on the move from dynamic to economical? A hybrid priest also gives the driver such freedom of choice. True, he manages not one, but two power units. Next to the joystick controling traffic modes, there are three EV, Eco Mode and Power Mode keys. The first traffic on the electric trough. The manufacturer claims that with a completely charged battery and at a speed of not more than 50 km/h, the car will drive about two kilometers (if you go faster, the ICE will immediately start). The second ecological. It is for those who are obsessed with saving. Here is the reaction to pressing the accelerator extremely dull, and in order for the car to start more or less, the pedal must be literally imprinted on the floor. But the savings are decent.

When Power Mode turns on, you immediately notice an increase in power and the moment of a hybrid power plant. And the response to pressing the accelerator becomes more acute. Despite the large mass, the car accelerates quite vigorously. 10.4 seconds up to 100 km/h is an indicator that will provide good dynamics both in the city and on the highway. For example, in the latter case, I managed to quickly gain almost passport maximum speed: Prius willingly and, without unnecessary thoughts, accelerated to 190 km/h along the speedometer. An interesting feature of the hybrid is that the driver feels a high torque of the tandem of motors that is not inherent in atmospheric ICE of such power. It is the moment to a large extent that is the key to such dynamics. By the way, on the Pruis highway there is a stable reliable handling.

The cheerful IQ box, although small, was not as much as the older brother. A 1.3 l motor with a capacity of almost 100 hp. We must constantly twist. Even in terms of passport, the baby is inferior to 1.2 seconds in acceleration to hundreds. In fact, the difference is even more noticeable. Although in the city stream this sneaker will not be lost. Enforcement is enough. And on the IQ highway is not among the latter. He has the maximum speed of 170 km/h. True, the machine willingly accelerates only to 150, then it is much harder. Apparently, the aerodynamics of brick affects. This is not a boss with the frontal resistance of 0.25 circuits!
The hybrid, despite the advantage of weight, size and capacity, puts a small unlucky competitor on both shoulder blades with regard to efficiency. Looking ahead, I’ll say that IQ fuel consumption unpleasantly surprised me. Prius is generally very predictable in terms of fuel expenses. As it came, so much burned. If you want to go slowly, decorously and spend 4.8 liters on the highway and 6.5 in the city (in winter). If you want to turn on Power Mode and predictly raise the average speed in parallel with a flow rate of up to 7-9 liters. I had a consumption of about 7.3 liters per hundred in the city during traffic jams, heating and the lack of a desire to break my driving manner. Well, this is an excellent indicator for a car of this size, spaciousness and mass.

iQ weighs a little more than a ton, the motor is small, but in the city this little one spent about 9-11 liters, depending on the aggressiveness of the driver and the density of traffic jams. On the highway, the indicator falls up to 7-8 liters, but it is very, very far from the Prius indicators.

Maybe IQ will amuse sports control? Nope. The fine refinement of the chassis of this hatchback is unlikely to be engaged in, its running qualities are more due to size and mass. The elastic suspension placed in the corners of the wheel on low -profile rubber is quite informative steering, a peppy motor. The machine is curiously turning, even screwing up inside the turn. And IQ also has a very small radius of a turn, which can be made simply scanty, using the handbrake. The stabilization system allows, although it does not completely turn off. And it is right. When stopping, the skid develops very sharply and requires lightning -fast correction.

Winter operation turns to IQ near the minuses. Firstly, the motor warms up slowly (and the interior also, but when it becomes warm, heating the rear window does not need to be turned on even in snowfall almost behind and always warm). Secondly, a light machine also easily stucks in small roadside snowdrifts (I want to go outside, take it in an armful and pull it back on the road). Thirdly, a short-term light hatch behaves nervously quite nervously on slippery coatings, especially if the speed exceeds 100 km/h, demanding clarity during rebuilding and, especially with emergency braking, when the machine is baptized.

Yes, and the variator in Drive mode works sluggishly, reacts to the pressure of gas with a delay is saving the sports regime. There is also mode B, designed to describe from the mountain. In it, the connection between the wheels and the motor becomes as rigid as possible. But what pleased IQ, is the sound insulation of the salon by the standards of class A all on the five with a minus. Minus for the annoying buzz of the exhaust system under the floor.

Prius in terms of running qualities looks logical and finished. The suspension here is configured for comfort, and even the fraction of sports in it is not found. But at the same time, the car is very understandable and pleasant to control. The steering wheel is poured with good feedback, there are rolls, but are within reasonable limits. The interchange from the noise is excellent, only the winter tires are listened a little through the arches. You can make a good standard acoustics louder, and the problem will disappear.

In the light of the last reviews of Toyota, I constantly listened to the Brake system of the Prius. The bug designated by the Japanese, which is expressed in the absence of slowdown, was not found. But sometimes the rear left caliper was bitten. For example, after parking at a traffic light in a hill. The car squatted a little on the rear wheel, a characteristic sonorous sound was heard, the caliper relaxed, and then everything was in order. That it was a mystery.

What is the result? According to the logic of Toyotovtsev, the potential owner of IQ must choose a conditionally three-seater car (albeit decently packed) without trunk only in order to successfully park in the historical center of some large city. At the same time, he ordered Dalnyak, and the practical capabilities of the machine are very limited. For Russia, such a statement of the question seems absurd. The purchase of a golf-class car for the same amount looks much more rational. After all, even no tax benefits for babies like IQ in our country are provided.

Prius car completed in its ideologists. A hybrid convenient in operation allows you to really save fuel and protect nature-mother without prejudice to everything else. This is a full -fledged and very pleasant car. However, pricing puts a cross on its market success. We don’t even have to go to competitors: Prius is more expensive for us than a packed Camry with a 2.4-liter engine, and about 100,000 rubles is cheaper than a machine with an engine of 3.5. For many, this is an argument against its purchase. Given the power of our mentality, this argument must be recognized as the most significant.

Of course, not everyone thinks with dogmas, but innovators in our country can be counted on the fingers. In Toyota they knew it. Apparently, the company will form these models in the near future. And you look, this is the age of ten years old, pretty much cheaper produces and even IQ on our roads will not be calculated by dozens, but at least hundreds.

