Test Drive Suzuki Aerio (Liana) Sedan 2001 - 2007 Sedan

"Liana" in the edge of Berez

Product Facial
The front-wheel drive Suzuki Liana recently took part in the pair test (SP, 2003, No. 11). Here is its version with a constant full-wheel drive.
Like the predecessor of Balano, Liana is one of the most affordable all-wheel drive cars. Perhaps it is noticeably allocated from a number of ordinary classmates.
Like other passenger full-wheel drives, Suzuki has no lowering row in transmission, locks and other attributes of the sough. However, in our country and a passenger full drive, there is a job: the rolled to ice of the road of the Russian depths, slippery or not purified from yesterday's snow city streets. Finally, buying such cars, many dreams of feeling their special - all-wheel drive! - Handling. And what else from Japanese (even more - European) cars will suggest sweeten your sports vaulus for $ 16,500.
Dealers offer liano with sedan and hatchback bodies, with mechanical or automatic gearboxes, but only with one engine: 1.6 l, 78 kW / 106 liters. with. There is a fitting equipment - with a low hanging spoiler in front and an anti-cycle rear, wheel arches, overlays on the thresholds. The body kit reduces the ground clearance and presses the thresholds, but the fans of the outer tuning are, as a rule, do not confuse.
Taking into account the whole price of Liano 4x4 (see Table) ranges from $ 16,500 to 18,700 (front-wheel drive machine for $ 1100-1200 cheaper).
All the lianas have light alloy wheels, velor interior, air conditioning, four airbags, ABS, full-size spare wheel, audio preparation with four speakers, immobilizer, electric mirrors and glass heated front seats. And all-wheel drivers are also equipped with heated outer mirrors. In general, the main equipment is quite rich.
Outside and inside
The car looks chubby not only in the photos, but also live. Including this, he turned out quite spacious.
Unusual front doors - with a cut corner in front of the glass. Perhaps the first small claim is associated with it: the side windows are quickly dirty, which deteriorates visibility in the mirror (see photo). True, with such a design, the left outer mirror turned out to be closer to the driver, so in good weather visibility, on the contrary, very good.
With genuine interest we took to measure the ground clearance. The lowest detail was the cross of a subframe - here I was measured 147 mm, which is normal for a foreign car. A little closer to the road are plastic mudguards covering the engine compartment from dirt. Referring to the irregularities of the road, the driver will receive a warning about more serious troubles. And in order to avoid them, if possible, it is necessary to mount steel protection of the engine compartment for $ 130.
In the cabin you will take dense chairs with wide space-supported rollers. Pillows of seats are not very long, landing by the standards of the passenger car is quite high.
Transmission switch - Cable, clutch - Hydraulic: It is more reliable and more durable with a cable, at least in Japanese execution.
Perhaps, the Suzuki salon lacks some shelf or niche for medium-sized items - caps or bastards. But there is where to attach a trifle - in the pockets of the front doors or boxes on the tunnel.
The main governing bodies on the usual places: light and wipers - on the steering wheel switches (though, the latter are turned on by an unusual movement down, like in the Zhiguli), heated seats - next to the armchairs on the tunnel, the power windows - on the doors, control of mirrors - a little left and below steering wheel. The only thing that can be subsidized is a fashionable digital speedometer today (without arrows). We still believe - its testimony is not as well digested by the driver, like traditional instruments.
The driver's seat and the steering column of the Liana are adjustable in height. Liked the shape and material of the ram. Although not the skin, the friction properties are great - the hands do not slide on the line.
As we have already noticed, inside is quite spacious. In front, if there is a limit on growth, it lies far beyond the limits of medium anthropometric data. Behind the back, we can consider, grabs in height and quite in length. Although there will be no full-fledged comfort for three passengers, they will not have to complain about inconvenience.
True, let's say one reservation. We do not know whether the growth of constructors influenced the location of the inner door handles, but these handles are shifted unusually backward, so, granting them, a man of medium height is forced to slightly remove the elbow behind the back.
The trunk is large (480 liters), and taking into account the full drive and suspension Mac Foodson from behind - unexpectedly spacious and correct in shape.
How robes
We are not in vain to have been acquainted with this machine for the winter. When the roads of the Dmitrov Auto Pollign lies well-rolled snow, you can enjoy trying how the all-wheel drive car behaves.
Already when performing safe maneuvers at low speed (and who starts with dangerous!) Liana pleased an interesting setting for the driver to set the full drive. If you frank the gas on the slippery road, the car, picking up the speed, will begin slowly, but it is right to leave the feed from the trajectory. Timely steering action will allow not only to return the car to the course, but also accelerate, moving the fan, for example, in a gentle rotation.
Similar behavior and deep driving - from it, too, can be pulled out the car with a wheel and gas. However, playing in the athlete, it is advisable not to be carried away and limit their ambitions of the second transmission. For confident performing complex exercises at speeds Over 70-80 km / h, special tires are needed, a more powerful engine, high qualification and closed track.
The steering wheel of Suzuki is moderately sensitive, from the stop until the stop is only three turns. It is convenient in cases where you have to turn the ram intensively.
On the highway, the all-wheel drive transmission smoothes the sharpness of the car, which seems not very dynamic. On slippery coatings, the situation changes: while others are just touching, you are already far ahead. But be careful: if there is twice as the other wheels on the acceleration of your car than the rest, then on braking - as much. Therefore, all-wheel drive Liane, like any car, need tires for the season.
Suzuki suspension seemed tight, but you won't call her moves. Therefore, energy intensity will be estimated only slightly above average. With the controllability on dry asphalt on the permitted speed rules, it is good, but as small rolls appear, outstanding the desire of designers to make the suspension universal. However, liana with a dumping motor capabilities of the suspension is enough.
Well, here we returned to the car dealership - to take a test car. The overall impression - Suzuki in the all-wheel drive modification is interesting to people in need of additional opportunities in winter or dreaming to try the passenger all-wheel drive. We once again remind you that, satisfying your driver's ambitions, do not lose your head. Good luck!
Alexander Budkin. Photo: Konstantin Yakubov


A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Test drives Suzuki Aerio (Liana) Sedan 2001 - 2007