Subaru Legacy test drive 2006 - 2007 sedan

All four wheels

It is unlikely that any other serial car is so unambiguously associated with sports. We say Subaru we mean the rally and, accordingly, on the contrary.
And what is the breed of the opposition motor, all-wheel drive, of course, all this is not cheap prices for serial versions from $ 25 thousand, in the price tags of exclusive models (see ZR, 2006, No. 5) it is better not to look. But here is a paradox: in the secondary market, quite decent cars can be purchased almost half a price. What is the reason for unheard of generosity?
Sport plus fashion
It seems that the whole thing is in the image of the brand. It is believed that Subaru is acquired by successful, young (or not amenable to years) people who lead an active lifestyle and are well versed in technology. It is he who spurns the owners to the frequent change of models. And now, during the period of updating the lineup, Novye paying a shortage, you have to wait two to three months. But they give the old inexpensively: after all, for successful and young Subaru, the second freshness is not Subaru. Buyers of Trad-Inino do not think so, with pleasure purchasing 2530 back cars per month.
The bulk of the 20012005 cars with an annual mileage of 2030 thousand km is consisted of cars. About 15% of former owners are legal entities. These vehicles, as a rule, are well rolled, but sold at reduced prices. Another thing is ladies' favorites neat, well -groomed toys. By the way, the share of such machines in the secondary market is quite significant up to 50% of Impires, 30% of forever and 10% of the outbacks in a past life belonged to women. And you say a weaker sex!
Unlike spontaneous markets, there are almost no cars from America in Trad-JN. The reason for this is the significant constructive differences (including those associated with other environmental norms), they create problems that are intractable to Russian dealers with diagnosis and ordering of spare parts.
This time we got a two -liter Subaru Legacy sedan 2002 of production with a mileage of 19,200 km. The main options for automatic transmission, electric package, ABS and climate control. The initial price is about $ 36 thousand, the current $ 17,500. Subaru is easy to find out without a registration certificate in the face, even if adolescents managers managed to tear off a branded star oval. Over the years, the appearance did not fade only slightly crumpled the shelter of the rear right wheel. Probably, the fuel spilled during refueling over time slightly dissolved the plastic. Worse, the driver's door to our Subaru was pretty sagged! They say that such a weakness of loops manifests itself in almost new machines and is not progressing in the future. The comfort is weak, because Legasi is still not eight either by image or price. Despite the Japanese origin of the car, the lodge hatch was on the right side to refuel from the canister from the side of the road, without risking to go to the roadway. But the safety end of the cork seemed long: hanging, it falls exactly under the wheel arch, adsorbed the dust and dirt that accumulated there.
Dowering glasses without frames look original, although in our opinion it does not have clear advantages. However, someone like: athletes, for example, are so happy to get out of an inverted car. But it is convenient to sit down and in a normal position, and it is possible to get driving without difficulty. All controls are easily available, and switching is accompanied by clear fixation. It violates the idyll only a radio with a loose key console. However, it sounds also that it also sounds. Another small flaw: the keys of the double -mode heating of the seats can only be found to the touch. In addition, they are not protected from random inclusion, forgetting, you can slightly burn. Moreover, there are no places for a fire extinguisher and a first -aid kit in the cabin.
The car, tailored according to sports recipes, came out slightly ascetic. So, the passenger pillow does not turn off, which is why the children's chair can only be mounted on the rear sofa. His back, by the way, is neither in whole, nor in parts, only a small hatch behind the folding armrest is laid out. It seems, although there are four quite full -fledged places in the car, it is intended for two pilot and navigator. Confirms the conjecture and a cut trunk, the floor of which in the middle of the length with a break goes up to the partition of the cabin. The reason was understandable otherwise not to squeeze the back of the rear suspension with the gearbox. The spare was placed under the false floor at the back wall. It is gratifying that the hatch extends only to that very fracture in which case you need to unload only half of the trunk. And in general, you can get to the jack without unnecessary bustle, it is fixed in the niche of the left sheathing of the oscillation, its own running screw. Luggage hooks on upholstery tribute to civilian consumers of the car.
Social space is the patrimony of professional mechanics. All covers of gas tanks, engine probes and automatic transmission are the only places where the owner is allowed to climb the color. The necks are located very conveniently can not be possible only intentionally. But we do not advise us to take on the maintenance and repair of the traditional Opposite engine for Subaru. Of course, the specification in the replacement of candles can simulate a cardan with rattle, only the goal in this case is unlikely to justify the efforts spent.
The motor is well adapted to ride outside the roads. The generator and pump of the steering hydraulic power steering, for example, are given by a clinic belt when crossing water barriers, such a drive will not slip, the steering wheel, respectively, will not have a bit. Yes, and the air intake stands high, at the upper edge of the hood, covered by it from direct overwhelming with a wave. Although I foolish, as you know, you can drown in a puddle.
There are few operational diseases, one of the characteristic problems bursting expansion tanks. More often this happens in the rigid conditions of large cities (on the forum complaints only from Moscow and St. Petersburg). There is also an antidote for $ 400450 in the service, you can mount an aluminum tank. Given the possible consequences of savings (the repair of the overheated motor) and the full legality of the alteration (at the official dealer), the price does not seem transcendent.
In the front suspension of Legasi, only bushings and racks of the pine stability stabilizer can be a weak link. In the posterior such places, there is practically no iron serves forever, and the silent blocks nurse 100 thousand km. Shock absorbers also serve as about the same. However, neglecting the verification and adjustment of the angles of installation of the wheels (including the rear!) Do not feel that the nature of the controllability has changed, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. The suspension seems to swallow anything, at least somewhat harsh, but tightly and soundless.
Well, the purchase is worthy. We recommend active drivers who appreciate the breed and style. Just remember that the machine is difficult and expensive in operation do not acquire dubious copies from your hands. Having saved, you can pay a serious repair. But sitting in a working car, very quickly you will understand that Legasi is not only a means of transportation.
Evgeny Borisenkov


Source: The magazine "Driving"

Video Crash tests Subaru Legacy 2006 - 2007