Subaru Legacy West drive sedan since 2009 sedan

Subaru Legacy B4 3.0r Spec review. B after low modernization

As you know, the main point of small modernization of the LEGACY series machines, which attracted the most attention, was the equipment of the car system SI-Drive. In fact, the meaning of this system is difficult to overestimate. However, it turns out that, depending on what engine it is combined with, the system can serve a good service, or can be detected. How is this possible? Read about this in the material of our correspondent.
To date, the normal regime is no longer relevant
And, this is the car with a rotating pen, right? - I accidentally dropped this phrase into the telephone phone when my interlocutor asked me to share my impressions of meeting the Subaru Legacy of a new model.
Yes, indeed, at the moment, the control system, called Si-Drive, is one of those technological innovations that, apparently, should indicate the high technical and technological potential of the company producing the Legacy machine. Outwardly, everything looks quite simply on the central console of the front panel there is a rotating switch, which allows you to choose one of the three possible schemes for the interaction of the engine throttle and gearbox. But during a conversation on the phone, I have not yet learned the new term Si-Drive, and he might have seemed incomprehensible to the interlocutor. Therefore, associative memory earned me, and I, without hesitation, blurted out a car with a rotating pen!.
It should be immediately noted that I personally had to deal with such systems repeatedly. True, this was when I used European -made machines. However, in them, as I recall, only two modes were always provided the mode is normal and the sport mode. But in the Si-Drive system the normal mode is just not, although one more modes themselves! But what is there? I list: I Intelligent mode, S Sport mode and S# Sport Sharp mode. By changing the opening of the throttle, the driver can choose the most economical mode in terms of fuel consumption, which at the same time will be the most sparing from the point of view of environmental pollution. This mode is indicated by the letter I. It turns out that the normal regime turned out to be replaced by sparing. Well, this is committed in the spirit of time!
But we will not be distracted. So, this system is placed both on a 3-liter Legacy car with a 6-cyliner atmospheric engine, and on his brother, who is equipped with a 2-liter engine with a turbocharger. Both engines with a horizontally opposite location of the cylinders, only in the first case there are 6 of them, and in the second only 4. In this case, the type of body does not matter fundamental significance. That is, I want to say that it could be Legacy Touring Wagon, B4, and Outback. I was invited to test the Legacy B4 3.0R machine B ENTERTION B with a 6-speed manual gearbox, after which I still managed to drive the Touring Wagon 2.0 GT of the same configuration that goes with a 5-speed automatic. Thus, I had the opportunity to compare, and I want to share with you the results of my comparative analysis.
The rotating switch is convenient in circulation, and is not devoid of logic
Above, I have already noted that the main new product SI-Drive can operate both in tandem with a simple engine and with a turbocharger engine. However, the advantages of this system, as it seemed to me, were best manifested precisely in a car equipped with an atmospheric engine.
Managing the Touring Wagon 2.0 GT car, whose engine is equipped with a turbine, I turned on the I mode, but this did not mean that the turbine went to work in small air pressure. No, just the engine began to respond to the gas pedal less actively. Or, if you use the technical language, the elasticity of the engine has decreased. At least it seemed to me that way. And when I did the same, sitting at the wheel of Legacy B4 3.0R, the result was somewhat different. Just a three -liter atmospheric engine of the Flat 6 type with a 3 -liter working volume was equal to the receipt with the previous type engine, which, if anyone knows, worked on a dining mixture. In particular, both power and torque began to grow smoothly, which allowed me to control the machine without fear. That is, this mode allows the car in the so -called relaxed manner.
Of course, when the driver turns on the S Sport mode, the acceptance improves dramatically, so when the engine has already gained revolutions over 4000 per minute, the power still grows smoothly, which is very convenient.
During the low modernization, an attempt was made to increase the size of the torque at low and medium engine speeds, but it was possible to avoid avoiding a characteristic loss of smoothness at high speeds. And finally, when the S# Sport Sharp mode was enabled, the acceptance has increased even more, so this regime is unlikely to be suitable for driving around the city.
When driving a Touring Wagon 2.0 GT in mode I, I experienced some dissatisfaction, and as for the machine with a 3-liter simple motor, all 3 modes are good in its own way. At least, as it seemed to me, they are suitable for all occasions.
In this regard, if the driver does not experience a special desire to move at high speed, it can simply transfer the car to mode I. Moreover, in terms of fuel consumption, this is the most advantageous option. And here's another thing: the switch itself is arranged in such a way that it is only worth it to turn it to the left, how to turn on the mode S, if to the right, then S#. In order to switch to mode I, you just need to drown the handle. The logic is simple and understandable, which is very important, given that recently the number of switches taken to the central console has a tendency to increase. So, you see, this new switch will not confuse with anything.
Improved handling, increased comfort
In addition to the SI-Drive system, the Legacy B4 3.0R car has a number of advantages that made a rather strong impression on me. And, above all, these are comfortable conditions created in the cabin. This is especially applied by the setting machines in (spec.b). Previously, such machines were characterized by increased rigidity, but the suspension of cars of the same configuration, only a new model, even when moving around the city, skillfully oppose all more or less sharp shocks and blows. As for the management, there is clear progress here, since I personally, no matter what happened, always felt how the wheels of the car try not to lose contact with the surface of the road. And, therefore, there were not even signs that the car under my control was about to lose control. This quality is especially important when the grip of wheels with the road reaches a critical level. After all, if the wheels stand on the ground firmly, the car passes to the south smoothly, without sharp and unexpected differences.
As you know, from the very beginning, the current generation of the Legacy series machines were distinguished by very good speed qualities, which was a consequence of the fact that they were produced with bodies of a lightweight design. However, this time, that is, during the low modernization, it was decided to seriously engage in increasing their comfort. For this, not only the characteristics of springs and shock absorbers were changed, but some measures were taken to strengthen the construction of the body. And although the body has become a little heavier, I believe that such changes are quite justified.
In fact, because the weight of the machine affects comfort in the most direct way. All the same, the Legacy car is not a purely sports car, such as, for example, Lotus Elise. Like it or not, the owner who acquires the Legacy car suggests that from time to time he will have to travel long distances. After all, it is not without reason that the names of the station wagons even have a direct indication in the form of a word Touring. Therefore, let this car be a little heavier, the main thing is that the driver in it does not experience discomfort with a long stay behind the wheel.
And here I cannot but express regret about the characteristics of the seats installed in the cabin. In particular, the front seats have a small shrinkage, and the side calipers of the backs are quite weak. The rear seats seem to be better and softer and rather chubby. But with the backs came out again with their backs, they are too overwhelmed, and therefore, if you try to sit comfortably, then the knees immediately begin to bulge forward. And you can sit in this position for no more than 1 hour, and then the body will surely require a stop to rest.
So, I believe, you need to spend a little more on seats to bring them into line with the relaxing regime I, provided for by the Si-Drive system, as well as so that the forced increase in the weight of the body turned into even greater comfort. After all, whatever you say, and when they say the car is convenient, this means, first of all, that which is convenient not to stand in it, not to lie, but to sit. Designers should never forget this simple truth.
Technical characteristics of the Legacy B4 3.0r Spec model. B:
Length 4635 mm x width 1730 mm x height 1435 mm.
Wheel base: 2670 mm.
Machine weight: 1510 kg.
Drive: all -wheel drive (4WD)
Engine: 3-liter, 6-cylinder with horizontal-opposite location of the cylinders, gas distribution mechanism of the DOCH type with 24 valves, the maximum developed power of 250 hp. at 6600 rpm, the largest torque 31.0 kg/m at 4200 rpm.
The basic price of the car: 3 million 192 thousand yen (~ $ 29,000)

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Video test drives Subaru Legacy sedan B4 since 2009

Subaru Legacy Subaru Drive B4 since 2009