Subaru Legacy West drive sedan since 2009 sedan

Review of the new Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon 2.0 GT Spec.b, 2006

It is generally accepted that among the whole variety of models of the Legacy car, the modification of GT Spec.b has the most sports character. This car is equipped with a 2-liter engine with a turbocharger and, in addition, has a rather stiff suspension, 18-inch wheels, and some other distinctive features. After a partial modernization of the Subaru Legacy lineup, all vied with the Sub-Drive installed on the machine. Of course, she is worth it. But it would be wrong to believe that besides this, modernization did not give the car anything new.
Ecology is not forgotten.
During the next small modernization of the Subaru Legacy car, it was decided to make a thorough tightening of its front part. After that, any Subaru connoisseur will easily determine: this is an old -style Legacy machine, but this is new. Indeed, the differences are very noticeable.
So what do we have? After 3 years after the appearance of a new generation Legacy family on the market, it was decided to update them a little. No sooner said than done! And although the engineers and designers participating in the implementation of the decision designated this event as small modernization, in fact its scale is slightly more significant. Consider a simple example. Suppose that the designers decided that they should somehow change the appearance of the machine. This is a fairly common move with partial modernization, since subsequently allows the owners to be easy to distinguish where the old car is, and where it is a new sample. In this case, you can limit yourself to a simple change in the shape of the front and rear bumper, put other front and rear lights, etc. That is, to make changes only to such external attributes that are made of plastic and for which a significant change in the production line is not required. But you can go otherwise, for example, change the hood line. In technical terms, such an idea is much more difficult to perform, since it is necessary to change and adjust not only the hood itself, but also the side parts of the front wings. In other words, the trouble will be much larger, but how they will perceive the result, this still needs to be seen!
Meanwhile, in the organizational plan, both of these measures should be designated as changes in the appearance made during small modernization. It is certainly that the second path will be chosen by the one whose ambitions are more. So, according to how small modernization of the LEGACY family machines was carried out, we can say with confidence that Subaru has more than enough ambitions.
But the fact that the list of changes made during low modernization turned out to be quite diverse, that’s not all. The main thing, it seems to me, is not how many points in it, but what their character is. Or, more precisely, that this menu is offered as the main dish. So, unexpectedly for everyone, the environmental safety of the Legacy car was the main thing. And this, as it turned out, applies not only to the Legacy series. In the near future, this trend will become dominant for all model ranks of the Subaru car park. It should be noted that before the negative impact of Subaru machines on the environment was not subject to special discussion. Not that these characteristics were completely ignored, no! But amid the constant improvement of running qualities, the topic of ecology has faded into the background. But times are changing, and now the Subaru representative proclaims in public that the priority of any modernization of any car should be the achievement of these modern levels in everything, including the ecology. Well, the new approach is indicated, and, apparently, the results of the low modernization of the LEGACY family cars should be considered as the first act within the framework of the new environmental policy of Subaru.
General information about the car:
(Features of the series)
Without a doubt, the LEGACY automobile family is a subject of special care for Subaru, since in a sense it is its very trump card. Currently, the 4th generation of machines of this family is already produced. The last complete replacement of the model range occurred on May 23, 2003. Starting from this moment, the car began to be produced with a body of the 3rd dimensional group. But what is the most interesting, despite the enlarged dimensions, the new car was almost 100 kg easier than its predecessor. In addition, a lot of noise made the appearance of a new development in the machine in combination with a 5-speed automatic gearbox, which provided the machine with a powerful torque at low and medium speed. If you delve into the details, then, for example, you can highly evaluate the brake pedal, the resistance of which is now more precisely corresponding to the magnitude of the actual inhibitory moment. This is only one example of the multifaceted work of Subaru engineers over his new brainchild, which is designed to prove the high technical potential of the company. How have the dimensions of the 4th generation car changed compared to its predecessor? So, the length was 4680 mm, the width became 1730 mm, which is 35 mm more than before. The height, on the contrary, decreased by 15 mm and is now equal to 1470 mm. This is data on the Touring Wagon 2.0 GT model. And finally, the wheelbase also increased by 20 mm and is now 2670 mm.
In the month of this year, the Legacy Touring Wagon model passed a small modernization that affected not only the appearance and interior of the cabin, but also mainly the engine and design of the body. In fact, if the measures taken should be called small modernization, then I want to add something like an extended small one.
To begin with, all changes in the appearance are concentrated around the front decorative grate of the radiator. Changes in the salon were limited only to replacing the seats. If you look into the salon of a 3-liter model, then a new double-sided air conditioner (has an independent left and right air duct), as well as a telescopic steering column with a variable position of the steering wheel, attracts attention in it.
Changes regarding the power unit, first of all, include the new SI-Drive (Subaru Intelligent Drive) control system, which is currently equipped with both 2-liter models with turbocharging and atmospheric 3-liter machines. This system allows you to select one of three driving modes: S# and I mode - using a selector switch located on the central console of the front panel of the cabin. The driving mode is, in fact, a change in the traction characteristics and throttle control schemes. In addition to this system, the car is strengthened in the machine. And yet, a 6-speed manual gearbox, which was previously used only in models with a 3-liter engine, is now also put on the SPEC.BA configuration car.
(Division into categories)
The 2.0 GT SPEC.b vehicle is equipped with the same 2-liter engine with a turbocharger, which is used in the 2.0 GT lineup, and is, in fact, the machine of the most expensive category from the Legacy Touring Wagon series. Like a 2.0 GT model, it is equipped with Bilstein shock absorbers, only his tires are slightly larger - 215 /45r /18. The design of the wheel discs has also been changed: the Spec.b disc consists of 10 spokes.
Since this car is considered the very sports machine of the Legacy Touring Wagon series, the indicated SI-Drive system, as well as a double-sided air conditioner and a steering column with a telescopic mechanism, is included in its standard equipment.
Salon volume and the capacity of the luggage compartment (from the inside).
Interior equipment and front panel (4 points)
The materials devoted to a partially modernized machine mention the following characteristic features of the interior. Firstly, the front panel began to be perceived as better due to additional decorative details, secondly, the panel has become more functional, and thirdly, it visually emphasizes the volume of the cabin, and does not cause a feeling of discomfort in the driver. It is interesting to note that the panel has the appearance of the wings of the aircraft, which scatter in different directions from the dashboard located in the center. A massive 2-seat stand for jar drinks is noteworthy at the central console. This knot on the front panel looks in a completely new way. However, in general, I was noted either in the front panel or in the seats. Thus, sitting in a salon driving a new model, in fact, you don’t feel any novelty at all, as if I had already seen all this many times. In other words, the atmosphere that reigns in an old -style salon is reproduced in a new place almost unchanged.
However, what is really the difference, the changes are made, or everything remained as before. After all, the quality of the interior had not caused special complaints before. Or, better, the interior of Legacy from the very beginning was made at a very high level. Moreover, although this is only my personal opinion, the Legacy interior is in no way inferior in the quality of the finis of the most exquisite Toyota cars. For example, in the car, which I made a testing trip, the Mackintosh sound equipment was installed, then, however, as an option, the door mirrors of the side review with electric heating. True, it should be recognized that the HDD onboard navigator, which is put on the machine as an option of the manufacturer, cannot be called too easy to drive, and that's why. The fact is that the switch buttons on the navigator control panel have a very thin adjustment, and therefore visually, and it is difficult to determine the touch in which position they are. In addition, they have too small sizes. So acting, as they say, without looking, will not be as convenient as we would like.
Front chairs (4 points)
Every time I find myself in the Legacy salon and begin to move the chair to choose a suitable position for myself, I first worry, and then sigh in relief. In fact, the chair can always be put so that the dimensions of the body become well defined. So good that you involuntarily catch yourself thinking: the size of the body is just perfect!. In the same way, this time happened, and this idyll did not even interfere that everything turned out to be not so impeccable. The fact is that the front racks are too much forward to visually make the front of the car as short as possible. The design benefits from this, but the front review narrows.
As for the size of the seats and the elasticity of the seats, I would appreciate them like this: in Japanese cars there are many such seats that cannot be said of anything bad, and so, the sites of Legacy are even higher in quality. In other words, not at all bad!. The automatically adjustable chair is provided only from the driver's side, and on this occasion I immediately had the question: why?. Are there really among drivers who were accustomed to using Legacy machines, there were those who opposed the installation of the same seating and on the left side? It is strange, if only because a person is always used to striving for symmetry, and not vice versa. Yes, and yet: not only is the driver's seat comfortable and easily adjustable, so you can also adjust the position of the steering wheel. As you can see, everything for the convenience of sitting at the wheel! The line of adjustment of the steering wheel, by the way, is 40 mm and is provided by the telescopic steering column, which I have already mentioned.
Rear seat (3 points)
What can be noted here, which was not before? In the salon of a 3-liter model in the armrests, a stand is built-in a holder for a jar of juice. This is perhaps all the news. As for the sizes of the seat and its comfort, this is all at the level. In the middle there is a folding armrest that is quite narrow and short. At least for two it will not be enough. Even for one, and then it may turn out to be few!
As for the methods of transforming the seats in order to increase the capacity of the luggage compartment, everything remains as before: the back back in parts can be completely leaning forward, and nothing more. In the salon of the highest category, that is, in the modification salon 2.0 GT Spec. Such an operation can be performed automatically only to use the special circuit breaker of the electric drive of the backs, which is located on the wall of the luggage compartment. This automation is included in the basic package of the machine.
Luggage department (3 points)
If earlier I said that the quality of the interior decoration has become higher, then this applies equally to the luggage compartment. However, if you use the lid built into the side of the Zake, and blocked the trunk at the level of the back, it suddenly turns out that in height it is not as large as it seems outside. The lower threshold of the doorway is made at the level of the trunk floor, and this is good. But on the other hand, even with a completely littered back, it continues to rise with a slide in the front of the luggage compartment, which, of course, is a clear minus. Of course, here you can object in the sense that, they say, in Japan it is very difficult to imagine that someone bought furniture and began to push it into the trunk of the Legacy Touring Wagon car.
What is the car on the go?
Engine and transmission (3 points)
The main point of the current low modernization of the LEGACY TOURING WAGON lineup cars can be considered, as already noted, the introduction of the new SI-Drive control system in a model with turbocharged, as well as class 3 liters with a 6-cylinder atmospheric engine. This system includes an electronic throttle control unit and a microcomputer that controls the engine, and if it is a machine with an automatic transmission, then also a programmark of gearboxes. The system is controlled using a rotating selector switch, which is located on the central console of the front panel. As stated in the technical catalog, this system allows you to vary the operation of the engine and transmission so that the car has 3 behavior options.
The basic mode, which is automatically turned on simultaneously with the start of the engine, is the S (Sport) mode. If we draw an analogy with the Legacy of the previous type, then this mode almost fully corresponds to the Power mode. However, you just have to turn the handle of the selector switch to the right, or touch the key located on the steering wheel, as the S# (Sport Sharp) mode will work. How will this affect controllability? About the moment when the throttle opens half, pressing the gas pedal will cause more intense acceleration than with the exactly the same position of the pedal in S mode S. In addition, the transmission transition to increased gear will be performed with a certain delay in the normal scheme operating in the basic mode. That is, the engine speeds already reach such a value when the driver reasonably waits for switching, but he is still not! The turns continue to grow, and with them the emotional upsurge of the driver is growing.
But you can not rotate the handle of the selector switch, but simply drown it. Then the machine control system will be configured for I (intelligent). In this case, the turbine pressure and the throttle opening diagram will be such that the traction characteristics of the machine will decrease to the level, as if it had a 2-liter DOHC motor under its hood, but only atmospheric. This mode should be noted, designed and entered into the car primarily in order to reduce fuel consumption. The torque curve in mode I turns out to be trimmed in its upper part, which, nevertheless, did not affect the lower part of the schedule. That is, the engineers decided not to complicate their task and did not go to a thinner reconfigure, which could give an increase in torque at low and medium speeds. It's a pity!
It should also be noted that, in spite of everything, still a weak place of Legacy cars remains quite tangible jerks in the transmission when transition from one transmission to another. So I think: maybe the reason for this lies not in the power unit and not in the system of its control, but in the unsuccessful design of the automatic gearbox of Jatco?
Comfort and steering (4 points)
But what, from my point of view, the authors of the Legacy project this time succeeded is in increasing the comfort of the car, which is equipped with enlarged, 18-inch wheels. It is enough to recall how the passengers shook passengers in the back seat in the previous model when the car was on a section of the road with an uneven coating. Now, proving exactly in the same position, the car was so even that it was not even believed that it would be shod in tires of this size. This is a real improvement, in everything like that!
Of course, I would use another phrase with great satisfaction. Well, for example, the car body kept equally evenly, regardless of which road he had to follow. The fact that it would be an exaggeration is nothing. In any case, carefully monitoring the suspension and not feeling expected shocks, I finally concluded that 18-inch wheels are close to victory over potholes on the road, more than ever before. Incidentally, I was not too lazy, asked the engineers, which, in their opinion, was the reason for such a metamorphosis, to which he received an answer, that the matter was not so much in improving the suspension design, but that the front part of the body received additional rigidity, First of all, in the area of \u200b\u200bfastening of the suspension racks. I must say that this strengthening of the body turned around approximately 3-kilogram weight gain. Thus, on one side of the scales - a sense of increased comfort, and on the other - extra 3 kg of weight. I think that such an exchange can be recognized more than equivalent.
It is also impossible to bypass the fact that the steering wheel has become, as they say, more informative. That is, the guided wheels began to transmit more complete information about the condition of the road. In addition, the driver constantly feels how firmly they are in contact with the ground each of the 4 wheels. But it was inherent in Legacy cars before, here I do not open anything new. And you know what else? I used to be firmly convinced that if you take a car from this lineup, then it must only be with 17-inch wheels. Now, frankly, I would not agree with such a categorical statement.
Test results:
Year of release of the tested machine: model of a sample of 2006.
The total mileage of the car at the time of the start of the tests: 3933 km.
Tires: both in front and behind the tires of the same size 215/ 45R18 brands Bridgestone Potenza Re050a
The list of options included in the complete set of the machine.
- Tinted glass
- Clear View set
- onboard navigation system HDD
- Acoustics Mackintosh (all equipment for 498.75 thousand yen)
The purpose of the tests: obtaining a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe behavior of the machine on the go
Test trip route: City line (10%) Highway (60%) Mining (30%).
Distant: 366.3 km
Actual fuel consumption: 51.3 liters
Average fuel consumption: one liter for every 7.14 km of path
Technical characteristics of the Legacy Touring Wagon 2.0 gt spec.b:
Length 4680 mm x width 1730 mm x height 1475 mm.
Wheel base: 2670 mm.
Machine weight: 1510 kg.
Drive: all -wheel drive 4wd
Engine: 2- liter, 4-cylinder with horizontal- opposite arrangement of cylinders with turbocharges, gas distribution mechanism such as doch, maximum developed power of 260 hp. at 6600 rpm, the largest torque 35.0 kg/m at 2000 rpm.
Machine price: 3 million 297 thousand yen
The price of the machine on which the test trip was performed: 3 million 795.75 thousand yen


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