Subaru Impreza test drive since 2007 sedan

Subaru Impreza 2007 Car Review in the top set S-GT

A lot has been said, it has been written and discussed since the first copies of Subaru Impreza 2007 appeared. Reality? Fake? The then officially confirmed, the style of the new Subaru Impreza has served a good service in the advertising of the car and made people talk about it, despite the strong criticism and sharp reviews from some fans. Our point of view, expressed on the website, also does not consist of admiration alone, firstly, regarding design, and secondly, when we mention the new policy of Subaru to pay more attention to comfort and safety to the detriment of operational qualities. Signs of a new era?
In the past, cooperation with Subaru gave us the opportunity to travel on the most interesting cars. A couple of months ago, we had a special Subaru Impreza Wrx STI A-LINE Sports Impreza with the appearance of a classic sedan (without huge anti-wing). We were impressed by her style, but not capable of ... Then we had a great opportunity to test a car with the longest name in history (not confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records): Subaru Impreza WRX STI Spec C Type Ra-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R An impressive machine made for competitions with a limited number of 300 units, and giving amazing sensations! Will this new version withstand the comparison?
Still preserving the pleasant memories of RA-R, I sat in this new Subaru Impreza modification S-GT, which we all know as WRX in most of the automobile markets. I’ll start with aesthetics, where the difference with the previous version is so great that this Subaru looks like a completely new car: Impreza is now a family hatchback, for which the favorite lesson of riding in the city!
The front part of the car is most reminiscent of the 2006 model: the lines are softened, inscribed well and add to the general impression of elegance, the front grill is modified. All this shows how much Subaru wanted to work on the image of Impreza in a new generation. On the hood, as usual, there is an air intake to improve the cooling of the turbine engine and the main intercooler, it is interesting to note that this time the air intake is lower than before, and gives the driver the best review.
As most people know, the main differences are visible from the side or behind, a impreza, at least the version that we had, this is a hatchback. It takes time to get used to such a change. With a closer examination, you feel that the design of the car was entrusted with two different teams, one along the front and the other along the back of the car. As a result, the result was quite ... original, at least!
Let's see inside
There are also a lot of changes. The interior was slightly reminded to me by Subaru Tribeca, which I did not really love, especially the quality of materials (plastic). The design is neat and pleasant, with soft colors and absolutely without a S-GT logo or any other sports signs. The fact is that Subaru Impreza S-GT family car! As soon as you realize this, it becomes easier to evaluate why this interior is needed: good comfort and low combined seats with a high back without any problems are suitable for people tall above 180 centimeters. In general, I liked the machine until I decided to start the engine: the Start/Stop button looks like it was added in the last second and some wires remained in sight! Or was it because I was sitting in a car designed for the press? For such a fresh car, this part was a little shocking.
Engine start
The sign that not all traditions are forgotten is that the engine on the new Impreza was a 2-liter turbo-chalter that outstand 250 horsepower power and 333 Newton for a meter of torque. On this version of the S-GT, the engine did not impress me. The reason, perhaps, was in the strict environmental norms of Japan, as a result, the engine gives less emissions and consumes less fuel, the acceleration is smooth and civilized.
Civilized, this is the word that can describe the engine. Of course, if you press the gas pedal too much, you can easily overcome speed limits and risk spending the next couple of months, moving by metro and taxi, but the sound of the opposition engine did not cause me a smile. I told you, civilized!
On road
One of the most remarkable additions on Subaru Impreza 2007 is a double -suspension lever used on an improved version of the already excellent chassis, which is why the body roll decreased. As soon as your children find themselves at school, and your wife is at work, you finally stop the gas pedal, and in these conditions the famous Subaru all-wheel drive system will add confidence in your exact and enjoying handling. If you also take into account the VDC system (control of the engine), you can mistaken any way mistakenly for the rally stage. In this case, I hope you know your marginal capabilities!
Another good surpise driving a five-speed hand gearbox, fast and accurate, I liked it more than the one that is on STI A-Line. S-GT steering was a little lacking accuracy, strength brakes and stiff suspension. Wait, this is not STI! I think you have to wait a couple of months to the release of a real sports Subaru!
So, what can I say about this new Subaru Impreza S-GT, WRX analogue in Europe and the USA? Some, for sure, will be difficult to get used to the new style of this rally monster, but when you are driving, Subaru remains Subaru, and I was forced to admit that I liked more than the appearance. Isn't that the most important thing?! A pair of modifications and details from the Subaru Tecnica International catalog will be able to quickly turn this cute family hatchback into a racing apparatus for those who are looking for impressions ... Of course, on a private racing track!
As for other skeptics regarding the use of the diesel engine and other not very sportswear things, I will tell them that Subaru is still alive and in a couple of months I will try to collect as much information about the real Subaru Impreza STI, which will be presented in Tokyo in October 2007 Auto Show! Cross your fingers to a possible test drive!

A source: Nihon Car

Subaru Impreza crash test since 2007

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system