Hinting Subaru Impreza

Data on basic and optional Subaru Imprezes: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices on Subaru Impreza, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1993 10 197 087 176 860 7 195 423 8
1994 8 182 844 190 356 6 181 060 8
1995 10 183 756 185 720 7 183 180 9
1996 10 221 499 198 974 8 246 847 7
1997 21 240 345 218 188 10 260 625 9
1998 30 257 983 232 764 16 285 300 16
1999 30 261 806 247 707 21 294 254 9
2000 37 289 470 280 203 31 344 141 8
2001 48 314 556 302 969 35 358 312 10
2002 46 369 790 339 770 31 486 391 9
2003 46 386 026 365 804 31 448 226 9
2004 46 401 453 385 017 35 468 958 9
2005 38 465 805 435 525 31 559 657 10
2006 55 517 487 483 763 35 586 513 21
2007 115 584 945 577 481 66 591 665 63
2008 212 606 315 607 061 99 604 771 107
2009 49 630 532 630 459 31 625 494 22
2010 46 772 738 809 871 31 677 177 20
2011 16 1 073 475 938 333 10 1 587 008 7
2012 21 1 492 706 1 246 695 10 1 964 209 8
2013 8 1 288 907 1 188 164 7 1 369 708 7